Title: Mason Template 1: Title Slide
1(No Transcript)
- Ensure the Universitys file storage systems are
modern, accessible from remote locations, and
from common University workstations/servers. - Minimize the number of authentication methods.
- Improve the security of the Universitys data
systems and networks. - Position the University to provide electronic
collaboration with other institutions. - Improve desktop workstation management, and
resiliency to security issues.
- Available and Operational September 2005
- All goals fulfilled with production system.
- Pilots completed.
- Roll-out schedule developed in conjunction with
customers. - Departmental migration to production MESA begins.
- Basic core is functional.
- Pilot operational since August 2003. Flawless
since Jan 2004. - Coordinating and Steering Committees meet
regularly. - ID Committee recommended NetID.
- LDAP Data Committee formed.
- Secure Strong Password policy developed.
- Staff attended AFS conference in March 2004.
- MESA Test structure installed.
- Tested consolidated Web Authentication (CAS) that
will interface with common Portal solutions.
5THE NOVELL WORLD The user sees multiple drive
letters H is your Home directory J is for
Applications K was GroupWise email directory S
is your departments Shared directory Z is the
NetWare system utilities directory Very
Windows-centric approach
6THE MESA WORLD Your Home directory (M on
Windows) provides access to all AFS
resources M\mydata holds your personal
data M\apps is where you can find
applications M\shared is where you can find
multiple shared directories Z\ is the AFS
root, from which you can browse to other
institutions (For advanced users)
7- Desktop Management Goal
- The ability to provide services and enable
configuration management to the George Mason
desktop computers from a central management
8- Benefits of Desktop Management
- Facilitates Centralized Desktop Configuration
Management - Remote Desktop Support
- Central Software Distribution
- Central Distribution of Anti Virus Software
Patches - Data Security Data Integrity
- HW/SW Reporting - Planning and Budgeting
- Limited Troubleshooting Required
- Quickly Replace/Rebuild Desktop Environment
9- Proposed Managed Desktop Configurations
- Fully Managed
- Partially Managed
- Unmanaged
10- Fully Managed
- Windows XP/2000 Active Directory Computer
- Central Kerberos Realm Authentication
- Central Software Distribution
- Software Applications
- Operating System Patches
- Microsoft Office Patches
- Managed NAV
- Kerberos Client
- AFS Client
- HW/SW Inventory Client
- Data Is Redirected to Central Storage
- Local User Level Privileges
11- Partially Managed
- Windows XP/2000 Active Directory Computer
- Central Kerberos Realm Authentication
- Central Software Distribution
- Software Applications
- Operating System Patches
- Microsoft Office Patches
- Managed NAV
- Clients for Kerberos, AFS, and Inventory
- Custom Software Installed by End User
- Data Is Redirected to Central Storage OR defined
by user - Local Administrator Level Privileges/Others are
User Level
12- Non Managed
- Non-Windows Active Directory Computer (Mac OS X)
- Central Kerberos Realm Authentication or Local
Authentication - Software Installation by End User
- Software Applications
- Operating System Patches
- Microsoft Office Patches
- Managed NAV
- Kerberos Client
- AFS Client
- HW/SW Inventory Client None
- Data Can Be Saved to Central Storage managed by
user - Local Privileges defined at desktop by end user
13- STEERING COMMITTEE meets monthly
- Anne Agee, DoIT (Executive Project Lead)
- Randy Anderson, TSD
- Justin Brown, CAS
- Jose Coradin, School of Law
- Karen Gardner, DoIT (Project Technical Lead)
- Carrie Gillotte, TSD
- Jonathan Goldman, IT E
- Wally Grotophorst, Library
- Creston Jamison, Foundation
- Bob Nakles, ITU Project Office (Project Manager)
- Ron Secrest, TSD
- Brian Selinsky, Registrar
- Walt Sevon, TSD (Chair)
14- COORDINATING COMMITTEE meets bi weekly
- Steve Bernard, Network
- Kirsten DeLashmutt, DB Manager
- Karen Gardner, LAN/DSS (Technical Lead)
- Kathy Gillette, Support Center
- John Hanks, Network
- Tracy Holt, Email
- Cathy Hubbs, IT Security
- Curtis McNay, LAN/DSS
- Bob Nakles, ITU Project Office (Chair)
- Bob Peraino, UNIX Servers
- Matt Silverman, Classroom Technologies
- Chuck Sterling, LAN/DSS
- Asawari Vartak, DBA
- Barbara Yablonski, DBA
15- To be determined (soon)
- Quotas for Personal Home Directories
- Quotas for Departmental Shared Volumes
- Policy and Procedure on Increases to Quotas
- Account Retention
- Agreement on The Managed Desktop
- Migration Plan
- Communications Plan
- NetID
16Updates at http//itu.gmu.edu/projectoffice/mesa/i
ndex.html Or contact Bob Nakles rnakles_at_gmu.edu
- 993-2975 - MS 1A6