Title: John Haile
1Creating Change
- John Haile
- Inside Out Media Partners
- Former editor, Orlando Sentinel
2Did Someone Say Convergence?
3Convergence is about how people think
- How people think will determine how they act.
Inside Out Media Partners
4That means
- you have to change the people, or you have to
change the people.
Inside Out Media Partners
- your organization must change to become a
multimedia publisher.
Inside Out Media Partners
6What has to happen
- Change the culture to think multimedia
- Increase the organizations capacity for change
Inside Out Media Partners
7Secrets for Success
- Show strong leadership.
- Protect your values. Find partners with similar
goals and values. - Give staff ownership of the plans.
- Train. Train. Train.
- Communicate. Communicate. (Share the vision)
Inside Out Media Partners
8Secrets for Success
- 6. Expect things to go wrong. Deal with it.
- Establish rules of engagement.
- Find the champions.
- Set up two-tiered management.
- Remove barriers to success.
Inside Out Media Partners
9Secrets for Success
- 11. Pre-purpose content dont re-purpose.
- 12. Be bold!
Inside Out Media Partners
10The Multimedia Desk
Inside Out Media Partners
11Why the Desk Helped
- Proximity aids communication.
- Focused the change.
- Helped staff see what was going on.
- Made a statement about the newspapers
commitment. - And we had fun with it.
Inside Out Media Partners
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13 It Also Helps To
- Hire key managers (journalists) who also...
understand video/interactivity - will keep their cool
- ...can work as part of a team
Inside Out Media Partners
14and have some fun!
Inside Out Media Partners
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