Title: Nerve activates contraction
1(No Transcript)
2Chapter 34 Vertebrate Evolution and
Diversity (Chordata)
333.02 A traditional view of animal diversity
based on body-plan grades
4Clock analogy for some key events in evolutionary
534.2 Hypothetical phylogeny of chordates
634.19 Skeleton of Acanthostega, a Devonian
tetrapod.Derived appendages of tetrapods
combined with primitive aquatic adaptations
734.18 A coelocanth (Latimeria), the only extant
lobe-finned genus
834.2 Hypothetical phylogeny of chordates
934.24 Amniotic egg
1034.3 Chordate characteristics.All chordates
possess the four structural derived characters at
some point during their development.
1134.2 Hypothetical phylogeny of chordates
1234.4 Subphylum Urochordata a tunicate
Paedogenesis Development of sexual maturity in
1334.5 Subphylum Cephalochordata lancelet anatomy
14Subphylum Cephalochordatathe lancelet
1534.2 Hypothetical phylogeny of chordates
1634.9 A hagfish(Myxini)
1734.10 A sea lampreyCephalaspidomorphi (used to
be pooled with hagfishes into the Agnatha)
18Lamprey on trout
1934.2 Hypothetical phylogeny of chordates
2034.13 Hypothesis for the evolution of vertebrate
2134.15 Cartilaginous fishes (class
Chondrichthyes)Great white shark (top left),
silky shark (top right), southern stingray
(bottom left), blue spotted stingray (bottom
22Whale shark
Basking shark
2334.2 Hypothetical phylogeny of chordates
24Ray-finned fishes (class Actinopterygii) yellow
2534.17. Ray-finned fishes (class Actinopterygii)
2634.16 Anatomy of a trout, a representative
ray-finned fish
27Lake trout
Great Lakes
Some of the natives
28Rainbow trout/brown trout
Great Lakes
Some Exotics
Round goby
Yellow perch
Great Lakes
Some successors
Largemouth bass
30Ottawa River UT Campus
31Some University of Toledo campus residents
32Species List
A northern pike captured in the downstream site.
The northern pike is generally associated with
the pristine waters of the north in Michigan,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, and throughout Canada. The
fish in the photograph marks the second year in a
row where a pike was found while sampling. This
ends the question whether the first fish was an
anomaly The Ottawa River is the habitat of the
northern pike! Species found downstream with
value for recreational sport fishing
Northern pike Bluegill sunfish
Pumpkinseed sunfish Largemouth bass
Yellow perch
33- Ottawa Hills, just West of Secor Rd., upstream
from UT (facing East). - Ca. 17 m across and 2.5 m above streambed
- Three openings with flap gates near bottom of
dam - Farthest down-stream obstruction
347 April 2005
3534.2 Hypothetical phylogeny of chordates
36Arrange these taxonomic terms from the most
inclusive (most general) to the least inclusive
(most specific) (1) tetrapods (2)
chordates (3) amphibians (4) gnatostomes (5)
- 5, 1, 3, 2, 4
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- 2, 5, 4, 3, 1
- 3, 4, 1, 5, 2
- 2, 5, 4, 1, 3
37Lobe-finned (coelacanth) fishes
38Lung fishes