Title: Mindi Isbell
1What is an orchestra?
- Mindi Isbell
- Prepared for 4th Grade Music
- Instrument Lesson
2What is an Orchestra?
- An orchestra is a large group of musicians who
play together on various instruments, usually
including strings, woodwinds, brass and
percussion instruments, conducted by the Maestro.
3Who is the Maestro?
- (Music Director)
- An orchestra can not make great music without
the guidance of a conductor also called "the
Maestro". Using his or her hands and a baton the
conductor indicates to the musicians and to each
section how to play the music the tempo (speed),
the dynamics (nuances), the volume, the balance,
4There are 4 instrument families in an Orchestra
- Brass
- Percussion
- Woodwind
- Strings
5Brass Family
6String Family
7Percussion Family
8Woodwind Family
- The Maestro is the conductor or music director
- What are the Four Families of the Orchestra?
Instrument Families
10Possible Quiz Question
- What is the definition of an Orchestra?
- Who is the Maestro?
- What are the four music families and what types
of instruments will you find in each family?
11What you need to do
- You need a piece of paper and a pencil.
- Number your paper 1-6.
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6 .
- Or print out a copy of the Worksheet page
12The Questions
1) What is an orchestra? 2) Who is the
Maestro? 3) 4) 5) 6)
Name the four music families in an orchestra
(1-4), next to each family put 1-2 instruments
played in that family and for 1/2 point extra
credit name how the are played
13How did you do?
- Exchange paper with a partner and check your
1.) An orchestra is a large group of musicians
who play together on various instruments, usually
including strings, woodwinds, brass and
percussion instruments. 2.) Also know as the
conductor who uses their hands to direct
musicians of when and how to play. 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.)
The next page shows the answers for the worksheet
15Worksheet Answers
- Musical instrument information at
trum.html - Instruments of Orchestra http//www.btinternet.co
m/mrfield/MusicatSchool/year7/instruments.htm - Picture site
- http//images.search.yahoo.com/