Title: The American Revolution Charts and Graphs
1The American Revolution Charts and Graphs
2Loyalist Strongholds
3Exports Imports 1768-1783
4Phase I The Northern Campaign1775-1776
5Bunker Hill (June, 1775)
The British suffered over 40 casualties.
6Phase II NY PA1777-1778
7 Saratoga Turning Point of the War?
A modern-day re-enactment
8Phase III The Southern Strategy 1780-1781
9The Battle of Yorktown (1781)
Count de Rochambeau
AdmiralDe Grasse
10North America After theTreaty of Paris, 1783
12Federalist vs. Anti-FederalistStrongholds at the
End of the War
13Occupational Composition of Several State
Assembliesin the 1780s
14Indian Land Cessions1768-1799
15Disputed Territorial ClaimsBetween Spain the
U. S.1783-1796
16State Claims to Western Lands
17Land Ordinance of 1785
18The United States in 1787
19American Exports, To From Britain 1783-1789
20Shays Rebellion 1786-7