Unit II U.S. Foreign Policy History

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Unit II U.S. Foreign Policy History


American factories were supplying pistols, rifles, machine guns, shells and bullets. ... from loans from the people through sale of Liberty Loans and a Victory ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Unit II U.S. Foreign Policy History

Unit II- U.S. Foreign Policy History
  • Chapter 21 Section 3
  • The Home Front

10th American HistoryUnit II- U.S. Foreign
AffairsReading Quiz for Chapter 21 Sect. 3
  • 1. What is mobilization?
  • 2.What was the Selective Service Act 1917?
  • 3. What was a convoy in WWI?
  • 4. How was money raised for the war effort in
  • 5. Herbert Hoover, as the head of the Food
    Administration, called for what kind of days to
    save food for the war effort?
  • 6. What was the job of War Industries Board?
  • 7. Who helped fill the labor gap made by 4
    million men enlisting in WWI?
  • 8. What was the job of Creel Committee?

Mobilization of Men and Women
  • Nation needs an army
  • May 28, 1917- Selective Service Act (Draft)
  • All men between 21 and 31 had to register
  • No buying ones way out- 10 million were listed.
  • Lottery was the fairest way to choose. Everyone
    got a number between 1 and 10,500. Numbers
    placed in a fishbowl and withdrawn enough for
    687,000 men into the army.
  • 24 million men between 18-45 entered selective
    service. 3 million called into service.
  • 1918- 4.8 million- enlistee, draftees, and
    national guard in armed service.

  • Army needed to be fed, clothed, equipped and
  • Shortages at first
  • American factories were supplying pistols,
    rifles, machine guns, shells and bullets.
  • Heavy equipment- artillery, tanks and airplanes
    were provided by British and French.

  • War at Sea
  • Convoy to move troops and supplies to Europe. To
    provide a bridge of ships
  • Organized group of merchant and passenger ships
    surrounded and protected by naval vessels to ward
    off submarine attacks.
  • US ship building- a mammoth program.
  • US also seized German vessels in American waters
    and impressing US vessels the ship gap was filled.

Mobilization of Money
  • Military Expenses
  • Expenses for army, navy, credit and materials for
    allies ran into billions.
  • 23 billion for the U.S. war effort and 10
    billion for war loans to Allies.
  • Taxes and Loans to pay the expenses.
  • Increased taxes brought in 10.5 billion
  • The rest came from loans from the people through
    sale of Liberty Loans and a Victory Loan.

Government takes control
  • Some Private Businesses were taken over.
  • Some railroads and railway express companies, and
    inland waterway systems. Then telephone,
    telegraph and cable.
  • 1/2 billion was invested in improvements and
  • Council of Defense
  • National Food-control program- Herbert Hoover
  • Broad powers over production and distribution of
    food, fuel, fertilizer, and farm machinery.
  • Voluntary wheatless, meatless, and heatless
  • War gardens
  • Set Prices for crops to help farmers and
    encourage production. Farmers paid off
    mortgages, new machinery, etc. Price of land
    went up. (Farmers would pay a peacetime price
    for wartime prosperity)
  • Rationed coal

Government takes control- War Industries Board
  • The Overman Act of 1918 helped create the War
    Industries Board- Bernard M. Baruch in charge.
  • Job- decide what goods should be produced and set
    prices for government purchases or supplies.
  • During the war production went up, waste went
    down and criticism lessened.

Government takes control- The Labor Force
  • A million women helped fill the gap in the labor
    force left by men.
  • Mills and factories
  • Acts of Patriotism by women, but yet after the
    war they were asked to leave their jobs for men
  • Blacks- moved north to get jobs.
  • Shortage of labor sent wages up. Real income
    went up 20
  • United States Employment Service created to fill
    jobs in vital industries.
  • A National War Labor Board- created to arbitrate
    labor disputes.- 8 hour workday and government
    support of unions.

Government takes control- Mobilizing Minds
  • Millions opposed to war- German Americans, Irish
    Americans, Socialists, Progressives, Pacifists,
  • Committee on Public Information- The Creel
  • Assigned to sell the war to America
  • Propaganda- depict the Germans as hateful beasts,
    barbarous Huns bent on world domination.
  • Whip up enthusiasm, sell war bonds, hate our
    enemy, keep people working hard.
  • Stirred up spy scares, traitor hunts, slackers,
  • German language studies dropped, German words
    changed, Anti- German madness was really

Government takes control- Attacking Civil
  • Espionage Act of 1917
  • Censorship
  • Penalties against anyone who handed out
    information about anything connected with
    national defense.
  • Penalties to anyone urging resistance to military
    duty or draft.
  • Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917
  • Any newspaper printed in a foreign language in
    the U.S. must furnish an English translation to
    the Postmaster general
  • Sedition Act of 1918- went further that the 1798
  • Penalties on anyone who used disloyal, profane,
    scurrilous, or abusive language about the U.S.
    government, flag or uniform.
  • Strange way to fight a war- Eugene Debs socialist
    candidate for President went to jail. How can
    the nation improve its war effort if citizens are
    not allowed to criticize the govt or armed
    forces? Actual opposition was light and did
    little to hamper the war effort.

The Great Influenza- Spanish Flu Pandemic
  • In the spring of 1918 large numbers of soldiers
    in the trenches in France became ill. The
    soldiers complained of a sore throat, headaches
    and a loss of appetite. Although it appeared to
    be highly infectious, recovery was rapid and
    doctors gave it the name of 'three-day fever'. At
    first doctors were unable to identify the illness
    but eventually they decided it was a new strain
    of influenza.
  • The soldiers gave it the name Spanish Flu but
    there is no evidence that it really did originate
    from that country. In fact, in Spain they called
    it French Flu. Others claimed that the disease
    started in the Middle Eastern battlefields,
    whereas others blamed it on China and India.
  • Other notions of this strain of influenza's
    origin contained less-politically charged, but
    equally specious logic. According to one theory,
    poison gases used in the war, air charged with
    carbon dioxide from the trenches, and gases
    formed from decomposing bodies and exploding
    munitions had all fused to form a highly toxic
    vapor that flu victims had inhaled. Among the
    other causes advanced were air stagnation, coal
    dust, fleas, the distemper of cats and dogs, and
    dirty dishwater. A recent study argued that the
    disease was brought to the Western Front by a
    group of USA soldiers from Kansas. It
    originally most likely came from animals.

The Great Influenza- Spanish Flu Pandemic
  • The USA was also very badly affected by the
    virus. By September a particularly virulent
    strain began to sweep through the country. By
    early December about 450,000 Americans had died
    of the disease.
  • The country that suffered most was India. The
    first cases appeared in Bombay in June 1918. The
    following month deaths were being reported in
    Karachi and Madras. With large numbers of India's
    doctors serving with the British Army the country
    was unable to cope with the epidemic. Some
    historians claim that between June 1918 and July
    1919 over 16,000,000 people in India died of the
  • It has been estimated that throughout the world
    over 70 million people died of the influenza
    pandemic. In India alone, more people died of
    influenza than were killed all over the world
    during the entire 1st World War.
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