Title: Giants
Genesis 61-4 1The human race began to increase
and to spread over the earth and daughters were
born to them. 2The sons of the gods saw how
beautiful these daughters were, so the took for
themselves such women as they chose. 3But the
lord said, My spirit will not remain in a human
being for ever, because he is mortal flesh, he
will live only for a hundred and twenty years.
4Tn those days as well as later, when the sons
of the gods had intercourse with the daughters of
mortals and children were born to them, the
Nephilim were on the earth they were the heroes
of old, people of renown.
Nephilim- The Hebrew word meaning a bully or
tyrant is sometimes translated as Giants.
Why giants? Numbers 1333 And there we saw th
e giants (Heb. Nephilim), the sons of Anak, which
come of the giants and we were in our own sight
as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
This text alludes to the Nephilims large statur
3Genesis 62 Sons of the Gods
Sons of Elohim- Hebrew translated as sons of God
Sons of God- referring to angels or the righte
ous line of Seth. Sons of the gods- Sometimes r
eferred to as sons of famous men or men of high
stature. Sons of El- Refers to Hebrew herdsmen
of the second millennium B.C. who worship the
Bull-god El
4Explanation 1
-The sons of Elohim fallen angels
-fallen angels Sometimes referred to as guardia
ns of the earth seduced by the beauty of Hebrew
women. -The unlawful marriage between the super
natural and the mortal produces giants or men of
terrible wickedness. -Similar myths are seen i
n the Greek society in the birth of Demigods.
5Explanation 2
-Sons of Elohim The righteous line of Seth
-The daughters of men the line of Cain -The
unlawful marriage is between the chosen people of
God and the unholy. -This union produces Gian
6Explanation 3
-The Sons of Elohim The sons of El or the tall
barbarous Hebrew herdsmen who worship the Semite
Bull God El. -The daughters of men Canaanite
agriculturalists -El seduced two mortal women w
ho bore divine sons. -The herdsmen were referre
d to as the giants of the time.
7Other Names for Giants
Nephilim Kenites Kenizzites Kadmonites Hittite
Perizzites Raphaims Zuzims
Amorites Canaanites Zebusites Hivites Anakims
Horims Avims Caphtorims Zamzummims
8Other References to Giants
These mainly refer to the Nephilim Giants,
(depending on translation) but there are many
other references to other names.
Genesis 64 145,6 1519-20 Exodus 38, 17,
23 Deuteronomy 210-12, 20-23 311-13 71 10
17 Joshua 124-8 133 1715 1816 These r
eference are used mostly to describe a peoples,
land or a people being conquered.
9Other Cultures?
Greek and Roman-Could have had a large impact on
the text of the bible, with the Titans being
Giants and the creation of demigods between man
and the gods. Hindu- Refers to a race of men who
sprang from the heads of the gods.
Far East-Many guardian Giants are found is their
ancient beliefs. Giants Today- Not referred to a
s Giants, but men of large stature.
Grave, Robert and Raphael Patai. Hebrew Myths The
Book Of Genesis. New York Boubled Company,
INC. 1963. Lee, Polly Jae. Giant The Pictorial
History of the Human Colossus. New York A.S.
Barns and Company, 1970. Suggs, Jack, ed. Et a
l. The Oxford Study Bible Revised English Bible
with the Apocrypha. New York Oxford,1992.
The Giants and The Sons of God. 18 Sept. 2001.
28 Jan. 2003 http//www3sympatico.ca/bibleprophe
cy/giants.htm. Wood, Edward. Giants and Dwarfs.
London R. Bently, 1868. Yahweh Restoration Mi
nistry. Sons of Elohim. 28 Jan. 2003.