Title: Hold that thought
1Hold that thought!
- Applications of automated capture in everyday
life - Gregory D. Abowd
- College of Computing GVU Center
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Capture
- A general class of ubicomp applications
- 3 examples of capture
- Reflections
3Hold that Thought!
- A Common Theme
- Many interesting services rely on automated
capture of everyday activity, with useful
interfaces to access and replay those memories.
4Not a New Idea
- Vannevar Bushs 1945 vision
- the memex.
- Leverage computer as recorder
- Allow the human to
- engage in activity
- synthesize experience
5Weisers motivation
- Sal doesn't remember Mary, but she does vaguely
remember the meeting. She quickly starts a search
for meetings in the past two weeks with more than
6 people not previously in meetings with her, and
finds the one. - Sal looks out her windows at her neighborhood.
Sunlight and a fence are visible through one, and
through others she sees electronic trails that
have been kept for her of neighbors coming and
going during the early morning.
6Three examples
- Think about how these are different.
- Think about how to do formative and summative
7Example 1Conversations with Meghan
- What were we talking about?
- Wouldnt it be nice to have access to near-term
audio around you at all times?
8The Personal Audio Loop (PAL)
9The Design Challenge
- What does it take to make this service
- Useful
- Ubiquitous
- Usable
- Acceptable
- Discussion
- Which evaluation techniques would apply?
- Portable diary study
- How often?
- When?
- Where?
- Who around?
- How long ago?
- Empirical study How to create a controlled but
somewhat realistic audio skimming experience? - Discount Heuristic eval or cognitive walkthrough
or think aloud
- User Hello, I would like to ask you a few
questions about yourself so I can get to know you
better. I ask that each of you answer each
question one at a time. First question is what
are your full names? - Julies Answer My full name is Julie Anne
Kientz. - User Thanks. The next question is when and
where were each of you born? - Julies Answer I was born on at 840 a.m. on
May 9th, 1980 in Marion, Ohio. - User Can you tell me a little bit about your
family? Do you have any siblings? - Julies Answer I come from a family of two
children, including myself and my older brother,
Jeremy, who is 26. My parents have been married
for over 35 years and still live in Marion, Ohio.
- User And what do your parents do for a living?
- (for 15 minutes)
13Our answers
- What does it take to make this service
- Useful 10-60 minute buffer
- Ubiquitous put it on a cell phone
- Usable simple skimming with landmarks
- Acceptable legal consent rules, near-field
microphone and NO archiving
14Example 2RGA Action Films
- Sucking your fingersdoes not adverselyimpact
Mom Dad, 1982 Niagara Falls
Peter ND EE 88
15The Design Challenge
- Create a system to annotate home movies with
relevant metadata to facilitate browsing and
searching. - Effective symbiosis between manual and automated
techniques. - Control/accuracy trade-off with speed
- (Multimedia Information Retrieval 2003)
16The Family Video Archive
17The Family Video Archive
18Simplified Sharing
- Albums reflect content with common theme.
- Automatically author a DVD using metadata to
support navigation. - Audio commentary as additional bonus track
19Point of Capture Video Annotation
- The ContextCam (Ubicomp 2004)
- When, where easy
- RF-Ultrasound tagging to get who in and around
field of view - Event predicted from past annotations
- Encode metadata in video
- Clumsy prototype now
- Ultimate platform
- cell phone
20Reflections on capture
- What are some of the interesting general design
problems for capture? - Timescales
- Access drives capture
- Social and legal issues
- Short-term
- Within minutes
- PAL, Abaris
- Medium-term
- Within days/weeks
- Classroom lectures, Abaris, CareLog, Finding Lost
Objects - Long-term
- FVA, Abaris, CareLog
22Access Drives Capture
- Know why you want something recorded beforehand.
- What research methods work?
- PAL diary studies
- FVA prototype motivates point of capture
annotation - Autism stakeholder interviews and artifact
exploration reveals desire for data concealed by
educational priorities.
23Social and Legal Issues
- Cameras and microphones worry people.
- Dont shy away from the challenge!
- Understand the market, legal, social and
technology forces at work and make informed
proportionality judgments.
24Example 3My Darling Children
- The science behind intervention therapies for
children with special needs. - It is hard to track the impact of therapy on
these children.
26Example ABA DT therapy
- A structured, discrete trial approach to building
life skills. - A popular, data-intensive therapy for autism.
27Artifacts of ABA
- LOTS of data
- Time-intensive ( ) to compile
- Useful, but incomplete
28The Design Challenge
- Support the recording of quantitative and
qualitative data by a network of caregivers and
educators. - Flexible and unobtrusive mechanisms for
collection leading to trend analysis. (Ubicomp
29Abaris The golden arrow?