Title: Kristen McElligott
1Kristen McElligott Alexa Hahn
2 Thesis To examine the mind/body relationship and
community interaction of both individual
skydivers and the skydiving organization as a
whole. Relationship between spirituality and t
he skydiving experience To what degree divers
achieve ecstatic states Influence of fear and a
drenaline How the skydiving community can be c
haracterized by recklessness and loose
regulation. Dynamics of the skydiving communi
ty social, ritual, and support networks
Age 40 Jumps 61 Occupation Physics
Age 32 Jumps Over 1500 Occupation Health care
auditor and skydiving instructor.
Age 23 Jumps 1 Occupation Law Stude
Age 34 Jumps1006 Occupation Graduate Student
/ T.A.and skydiving instructor
7Main Points
Skydiving has a strong community element that
consists of bonds of friendship, social events,
rituals, and a powerful support network.
Skydivers achieve semi-ecstatic states and do
so through conventional methods such as fear and
sensory overload. Healing, through relaxation
and stress relief, is one component of the
skydiving experience. Although skydivers appear
to be a counterculture group, they legitimize
themselves through standard American methods.
These include an emphasis on financial reward,
standard religious practices, and a focus on
elements of safety. At times, spirituality fact
ors into their descriptions of skydiving.
8Skydiving Community Parallels to Minstrel Guilds
Special Language and ways to recognize hand
signals, chants, clothing Rituals prayer, safe
ty checks, chants, thank the pilot
Organizational structure hierarchy, dues,
dispose funds Teaching and Helping Aspects fun
ds, teaching, safety Excluding Training, age,
number of jumps, FAA Pseudo-family and Social n
etwork best friends, date/marry, BOOGIES
9boo-gie n. pl. boogies 1. A social gathering
of avid skydivers from all over the country,
hosted by a home dropzone 2. Daytime events incl
ude specialty jumps, discount jumps, and lessons
from famous jumpers - as well as plenty of food.
3. Evening events include music, and lots and
lots of mayhem. The drug of choice is alcohol
and nudity may occur.
10Skydiving as Countercultural, Methods of
Legitimization Parallels to Skoptsy
Liminal literally between worlds
Fringe community time and travel demands
Seek legitimization through traditional American
methods Emphasis on financial reward Standard
religious practices Safety, safety, safety!
11Skydivers, Ecstatic States, Parallels to Snake
Semi-ecstatic states Fear, sensory overload, an
d sensory deprivation
12Healing Aspects of Skydiving Parallels to
Klikushi, Shamans, and Healing Logics
Relaxation and stress relief Cool down Partic
ipation in alternative therapies
World Record Breaking Jump Ground preparation fo
r Arizona 300-way
13Spirituality Parallels to ALL Course Material
Prayers Sky as Our Church Memorial services
and ash dives
Although spirituality plays a significant role,
it was not a leading factor in an individuals
decision to take up skydiving.
The jumper experiences only semi-ecstatic states,
but these are achieved in the same ways as full
ecstatic states. Fear and adrenaline factor prom
inently in an individuals decision to jump.
The sport is characterized more by safety and
control rather than recklessness and loose
regulation. The community indeed provides a stro
ng social network as well as support system for
its members both nearby and throughout the world.
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