Title: Back Acne Treatment Tips
1Back Acne Treatment Tips
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2Back Acne Treatment Tips
- Back acne treatment can be such a daunting task.
Back acne forms just below the shoulders and can
be caused by a number of things. Most notably,
back acne like other forms of acne is caused when
the sebaceous glands overproduce sebum. When this
happens the sebum blocks the pores on the skin
and the hair follicles. This condition allows
bacteria to thrive at that point causing acne. - There has been some debate about what really
causes and aggravates acne, whatever form it
takes, and some of these studies say that greasy
foods and too much sweat production may not
factor in acne formation, but rather in
aggravating it. Acne takes several forms
depending on how it comes about and what happens
thereafter. It can be a blackhead, whitehead,
cyst, pimple or even pustule.
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3- The severity of back acne usually varies from
one individual to another. While your own acne
may be mild and sporadic, someone else may have
very severe and persistent acne, and it can get
very uncomfortable dealing with this situation.
This therefore brings to light the importance of
having a skin specialist, or a dermatologist to
take a look at your back acne and provide
guidance on how to rid of it. It is never a good
idea to try dealing with the acne on your own
because you might just exacerbate the condition
and make it worse. Getting a professional to look
at it is the best way to ensure that you get the
correct prescription.
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4How to Get Back Acne Treatment
- Treatment for this kind of acne can take several
forms that can be as simple as scrubs and
antibacterial soaps, or as complicated as
medication and surgery. All this can be
determined by a dermatologist and specified to
treat every individual separately. One mistake
that most individuals make is using products that
have been prescribed for their friends. Everyone
is different because we do not have the same skin
types, or similar levels of sebum production. - Mild back acne treatment is much easier to deal
with and your dermatologist is likely to
prescribe over the counter remedies. Most times,
this kind can be cleared out with anti bacterial
soap and benzoyl peroxide gel or cream
application. Sometimes the dermatologist will
advise that you need to use the benzoyl peroxide
with an alpha hydroxy treatment to enhance its
capacity to clear out the acne.
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5- Severe back acne treatment usually takes longer
and is more involving. Your dermatologist will
take a look at your back and tell you what you
need to use to clear out the acne. Sometimes you
might need to use antibiotics, or strong topical
applications of Retin-A. Other drugs like
Accutane work wonderfully, but should not be used
if you are pregnant or plan to conceive. Accutane
is known to cause birth defects. For some people
cosmetic surgery becomes necessary especially if
scarring has occurred. Back acne treatment is
available and you do not have to be shy about
seeking assistance. -
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6- Thanks again for reading this page titled "Back
Acne Treatment Tips." I hope you've found this
information to be helpful. I wish you clearer
skin and better health! -)
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