1Chapter 11
2Physical Data Storage Characteristics
- Physical Characteristics of Disk Drives
- Cylinders, Tracks, Sectors
- Read/Write Heads
- Accessing Data on Disk Drives
- Seek Time, Rotational Delay, Transfer Time
- The 3380 Disk Drive
- Blocks, Drives, Volumes
3Storage Structure for a Multiple Platter Disk
4Disk Side View and Cross Section
5Access Time for Magnetic Disk Secondary Storage
6IBM 3380 Disk Format
73380 Block per Track Capacity
83380 Capacity Per Unit Using 8K Byte Blocks
- 5 blocks per track
- 75 blocks per cylinder (5 15 Surfaces)
- 66,375 blocks per volume (75 885 cylinders)
- 531,000 K bytes per volume (8K 66,375 blocks)
- 4 volumes per unit 2.124 gigabytes
9Western Digital 6 Gig Drive
- 13328 Cylinders
- 15 Surfaces
- 63 Sectors / Track
- 512 Bytes / Sector
- 5400 RPM
- Average Seek/Read 9.5 ms
- Transfer 16.6 MB/s
10Western Digital 9.1 GB Drive SCSI
- 3956 Cylinders
- 12 Surfaces
- Variable Sectors / Track
- 512 Bytes / Sector
- 7200 RPM
- Average Seek/Read 9.5 ms
- Transfer 40 MB/s
11File Organization for Random Access
- Index Structures
- Indexed-Sequential (ISAM) File Structure
- Virtual-Sequential (VSAM) Structures
- Clusters
- B-Tree Index Structures
- Non unique Indexes
- Index Structures in Relational DBMSs
12File Organization for Random Access Continued...
- Hashing Structures
- Dividing by a prime number
- Using the remainder
- Pointer (Linked List) Structures
- Pointer
- Block Number/Record Number
- Page Number/Line Number
- Access Methods of the Network Model
13Winchester Disk Track Format
14Index Structures
15A Multilevel Index Structure
16Index Levels versus File Size
17An Example of the Indexed Sequential File
18 Adding a Record to an Indexed-Sequential File
19Overflow in Indexed Sequential File Structures
20VSAM Using a Key-Sequence Data Set (KSDS)
21VSAM File Example Using Customer Numbers
22VSAM Split Internal Example
23A B-Tree Index Structure
24Adding a Record to a B-Tree Index Structure that
is Full
25Splitting a Sequence Set in a B-Tree Index
26A Hashed File Structure (11 Buckets, 3
27Handling Overflows in a Hashed File
28A Linked List Structure
29A Linked List Structure Connecting Two Tables
30A Linked List Structure with Prior and Owner
31Terms and Definitions
- Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) - A storage
device which allows data to be accessed in
approximately the same amount of time no matter
where it is stored on the medium and regardless
of its logical ordering in a data structure.
Magnetic disk is the most common DASD. - Read/Write Head - A read/write head is a device
that can read or write magnetic spots on a disk
surface. Multiple read/write heads are often
attached to a common arm that can adjust their
position over the disk surface. - Track - A track is a concentric circle on the
surface of a disk platter. A read-write head will
pass over the set of data for a track if the
read-write head remains stationary while a disk
makes one complete revolution.
32Terms Continued...
- Cylinder - A cylinder is a set of parallel tracks
across all surfaces of a disk pack that can be
assessed when the read/write arm is in a
stationary position. - Seek Time - the average time required for the
read/write arm to be moved into position for the
reading of a randomly selected record. - Rotational Delay - the average wait time for the
beginning of a set of data to be retrieved to
rotate under the read/write head once it is in
position. - Data Transfer Time - The time required to
physically transfer a set of data from secondary
to primary storage once the read/write head has
been positioned over the beginning point of the
requested data.
33Terms Continued...
- Sequential Access - When sequential access
methods are used, data must be retrieved in
sequential order based upon some characteristic
of the data. - Random Access - When random access methods are
used, all data items can be retrieved in
approximately the same amount of time regardless
of their position on the storage medium and
regardless of any logical sequencing of records
which might exist. - Index - An ordered list of items coupled with an
indication of where those items can be found. - ISAM File Structure - An ISAM (Indexed Sequential
Access Method) file structure supports both
random and sequential access by physically
storing data in sequential order, but providing
an index structure to allow random access. For
ISAM files the index ranges are fixed.
34Terms Continued...
- VSAM File Structure - A VSAM (Virtual Sequential
Access Method) file structure supports both
random and sequential access by storing data
within sequence sets which can be processed
sequentially, but providing an index structure to
allow random access. For VSAM files the index
ranges can be modified as data are added to or
removed from the file. - B-Tree Index Structure - A B-Tree is an index
structure which has an algorithm that
incrementally adjusts the index structure to
maintain balanced depth of index ranges as data
are added to or deleted from the database. - B Tree Index Structure - A B Tree is an index
structure which has all of the properties of the
B-Tree structure and which additionally has
pointers in its sequence set which support
sequential processing without reference to higher
levels of the index.
35Terms Continued...
- Hashing - Hashing is an access method which
determines the storage location of a record based
upon a mathematical algorithm performed on some
key attribute of that record. Hashing supports
direct access, but not sequential access. - Linked List - A data structure in which each
record in the linked set contains a pointer to
the next record in the set. Thus the set of
related records can be retrieved using data
stored with each record, without reference to a
separate index.