Title: Database Systems
1Database Systems
Chapter 7
- Basic Data Management Concepts
- Organizing Data in a Database
- Database Management Systems
- Using Database Systems in Organizations
- Database Trends
- Managing Databases
2The Value of Databases
- Databases and Database Management Systems (DBMS)
transform large quantities of data into specific
and valuable information for accomplishing some
37.1 Basic Data Management Concepts
4Database Management System (DBMS)
- A DBMS consists of a group of programs that
manipulate the database and provide an interface
between the database and the user or the database
and application programs.
Front End
Back End
- A collection of data organized to meet users
6Database Fields
- Fields are set to hold specific types of data.
A Database is a collection of files/tables
8Database Heirarchy
9Keys and Primary Key
- Key A field in a record that is used to identify
the record - Primary key A field that uniquely identifies a
record - A primary key field prevents duplicate records
from occurring in a table.
10Primary Keys
Which field would act as the best primary key?
11Primary Keys
12Simple but Restrictive DBMS
13The Database Approach to Data Management
147.2 Organizing Data in a Database
15The Relational Model
- In a relational database, tables are linked
(related) through common fields.
16Relation Types
- One-to-many
- Most typical
- Makes use of primary key
- One-to-one
- Many-to-many
17Data Analysis
- Data analysis is a process that involves
evaluating data to identify problems with the
content of a database. - Consider what would happen if CardNumber were not
a primary key, and two or more customers had the
same CardNumber. - Data Integrity refers to the accuracy of the data
in a database.
GIGO, or Garbage In Garbage Out, refers to the
fact that inaccurate data entered in a database
will result in inaccurate information produced
from the database.
18Object Oriented Database
- An object-oriented database encapsulates the data
and the processing instructions together as
objects in the database.
197.3 Database Management Systems
20Database Types
- Single User vs. Multiuser
- General-Purpose vs. Special-Purpose
- Open-Source
21Creating a Database
- A schema is an outline the logical and physical
structure of the data and relationships among the
data in the database.
22Creating a Database
- A data dictionary provides a detailed description
of all data used in the database.
23Database Strengths
- Data can be sifted, sorted and queried through
the use of data manipulation languages.
24Data Manipulation Language
- A Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a specific
language provided with the DBMS that allows
people and other database users to access,
modify, and make queries about data contained in
the database, and to generate reports. - Structured Query Language (SQL) The most popular
257.4 Using Database Systems in Organizations
26Data Stores
- Data Warehouse A database that holds important
information from a variety of sources. - Data Mart A small data warehouse, often
developed for a specific person or purpose.
- Data Mining the process of extracting
information from a data warehouse. - Connecting the dots
27Data Stores
28Business Intelligence
- Business Intelligence is the use of data mining
to help increase efficiency, reduce costs, or
increase profits.
297.5 Database Trends
30Databases and the Internet
- The Web is frequently used as the Front End of
31Distributed Database
32Other Types of Databases
- Visual, audio, and unstructured database systems
organize non-textual data.
337.6 Managing Databases
34Database Administrator
- A database administrator (DBA) is a skilled and
trained computer professionals who directs all
activities related to an organizations database,
including providing security from intruders.
35Chapter 7 Questions?
- 1. What does SQL stand for?
- 2. What type of database is Access?
- 3. What is OO?
- 4. ______ is the process of extracting
information from a data warehouse. - Connecting the dots
- 5. ______ is a field that uniquely identifies a