Title: Sin t
1GDAyO - IMFIA (Grupo de Dinámica de la Atmósfera
y el Océano -Instituto de Mecánica de los
Fluidos e Ingeniería Ambiental) Facultad de
Ingeniería - Universidad de la República URUGUAY
José L. Genta, Gabriel Pisciottano, Alvaro
Díaz, Gabriel Cazes, Mariana Mendina and Rafael
collaboration with LA27 team)
- Premise Natural Anthropogenic Climate
Change is continuosly occurring. - How can we best (better than latest 30-year mean)
characterize the present climate? - Can we construct a climate scenario by
statistically proyecting the recent climate to
the near future?
3(No Transcript)
4Predictability arises from periodicities
(Trends alone cannot decribe the past and
future- variability)
- Based on past modes of low frequency
variability which are extrated with existing
statistical techniques e.g. Robertson et al.
2001 (GRL) for Paraná streamflow. - These modes are subject to physical
interpretation and may contribute to the better
understanding (and modeling) of the climate
system. - These scenarios could be of inmediate use since
they aim at describing the present (and near
future) base climate.
6Interannual to ENSO variability also shows an
increasing trend
- The base climate should include information on
the high frequency variability that is an
intrinsic and very important characteristic of
climate. - Still, scenarios should NOT be confused with
interannual climate predictions (which
necessarily have to make a forecast of the
shortest frequency).