Title: Water Affairs:
1Monday, 4 December
- Water Affairs
- An overview
Local WATER Crises
2Objective of Water Affairs
- Foster multidisciplinary focus on water issues
and water-related issues - Embed hydrological science in its societal
setting - Educate educators and train trainers in a wide
range of areas about the hidden as well as
obvious connections among water, atmospheric
processes and human activities - Distinguish between wants and needs
- Build human and institutional capacity to cope
with a wide range of water and water-related
issues - Catalyze interactions among the water, weather
and climate applications, research and outreach
3Water Affairs the societal setting
- Precipitation, surface and ground water as
resources - Water as hazard
- Inter-linkages among climate, water and weather
- Cannot talk about climate without talking about
water - Cannot talk about water without talking about
climate or weather
4Water Affairs as a Program(the purpose)
- Encourage education on water and water-related
issues for educators, trainers and their students
and for people in water-sensitive sectors already
in the workforce - Understand how climate affects water resources
- Understand how society affects water resources
- Understand how water affects societies
- Bridge the water and climate research and science
application communities - Bridge research communities focused on climate
variability and on climate change
5Water Affairs Why now?
- Water Issues
- increasingly important to regional
organizations, governments, the public - Perceptions and reality of water availability
- water resources are becoming more scarce around
the globe many people in the developing world do
not have access to clean (potable) water - concerns about water-related hotspots
- Global Warming and the hydrologic cycle
- looming throughout the 21st century where will
it get drier and where will it get wetter? Where
will there be surplus and where will there be
6Tactical Reasons for Societal Concern about Water
- Droughts, Floods and Forest Bush fires
- Cyclones, Typhoons, Hurricanes and Landfall
- Existing inequalities in access to clean water
- Water-related Infectious Diseases
- Global Warming and shifting local and regional
water patterns - Seasonal and Extremes
7 Strategic Reasons for Societal Concern about
- Food Production Security
- Flood recession farming
- Groundwater and boreholes
- Water Resources
- For settlements
- For drinking
- for industrial and municipal use
- for irrigation and for hydropower
- Water Hazards
- Rainfall and water- and vector-borne diseases
- Flooding and Public Safety
- Economic impacts associated with floods
- Environment salt water intrusion, groundwater
8Climate Change Impacts on the United States,
USGCRP, 2000
9Four aspects of concern about water
and seasonality
10Water Affairs the time dimension
- Water Variability
- (daily, seasonal to inter-annual)
- Water Fluctuations
- (decade scale variability)
- Water Change
- (new global atmoshperic/hydrological state)
- Extreme Hydrologic Events
- (torrential rains, flash floods, floods)
- Seasonality of Water
- (shift in seasonal precipitation,
streamflow and runoff patterns, and in societal
demands) -
11Seasonality in the Media Headlines
12Bringing water to the people in the desert
(e.g., Central Asia)
13Water Affairs the space dimension
- Rivers and Streams
- Lakes, seas and inland water bodies
- Aquifers
- River basins
- within country
- between countries
- Transboundary watercourses
- Upstream - Downstream issues
- Continental water balance
- Global hydrologic cycle
- Move people to water or move water to people?
14Yellow River Turns Red In Northwest China
(October 23, 2006)
- Beijing (Xinhua News)
- A stretch of China's Yellow River has turned red
near a major industrial city, with environmental
officials suspecting local heating companies of
being behind the spill... A one-kilometer (0.62
miles) section of the river in Lanzhou city, in
northwest China's Gansu province, began turning
red on Sunday afternoon.
15Water Affairs the quality dimension
- Sources of toxic substances
- Recipients of toxic substances
- Impacts on
- Ecological health
- Human health
- Precautionary Principle
- Transboundary conflicts
16How climate affects timing, location and quality
of water
- Expected variability
- Seasonal
- Inter-annual
- Decade scale changes
- e.g., Colorado River (1922 to present)
- Extreme meteorological events
- Changes in seasonal behavior
- Droughts and floods
- High temperatures
- Increased evaporation
- Increased water demands
17Water Affairs Aspects
- Water, Weather Climate Sciences
- Water Impacts
- On ecosystems
- On societies
- Water Policy Law
- Water Politics
- Water Economics
- Water Technology Technique
- Water Ethics Equity