Title: S. Sridhar
1- FICCI International Real Estate Summit 2008
Observations on Affordable Housing - Financing
S. Sridhar Chairman Managing Director Mumbai,
September 11, 2008
2Presentation outline
- Housing Scenario in India
- Affordable Housing
- Way Forward
3- The test of our progress is not whether
- we add more to the abundance of those
- who have much it is whether we provide
- enough for those who have too little.
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
4Housing Scenario in India
5Housing in India
- A basic human necessity
- Second largest employment generator, next to
agriculture - Forward and backward linkages with 250 ancillary
industries - An engine of equitable economic growth
Investments, Savings, Wealth - Promotes financial stability and economic
resilience - Largest Component of Wealth (asset building, old
age security, women empowerment, a sound
collateral for various finances) - Contribution of Housing in GDP is still about 4
despite supportive Fiscal, Monetary and Legal
Environment - Percentage of Mortgage Debt to GDP is 8.50(E)
in 2005-06, still way below Chinas (12),
Malaysia (22), Hong-Kong (40) and US (65).
6Housing Shortage in India
Phenomenal growth in housing stock, yet housing
shortage exists mainly due to Nuclearisation
of families and Increasing urbanisation
7Housing and Funds Requirementsduring 2007-12
- With supportive Fiscal, Financial and Legal
environment created by Government, - Still Vast Non-Formal Segments remaining
un-served - As per NHB Estimates 48 million additional houses
will be required during 2007-12 (31.1 million
(E) during 1997-02) - More than 70 housing requirement estimated in
EWS/LIG segments - Total estimated Financial Requirement during
2007-12 is gt Rs. 10 lakh crore
MAPL Marginally above poverty line
8Housing Some Key Characteristics
During 2000-06 CAGR No. of Accounts -
12.3 CAGR Outstanding Housing Loan
- 46.4
- Housing Finance Market is Value Driven rather
then Volume Driven - Increased emphasis on loan categories above
Rs. 5 Lakhs Trend Continuing - Large portion of low income households
remained unserved and underserved - Need to develop New Financial Architecture
for Affordable Housing
Source BSR, RBI TP, NHB Reports
9Housing finance for the Poor
- For the poor, home is critical
- Hence the need for housing finance
- Existing housing finance system has, by and
large, bypassed the poor - Issues
- Access
- Affordability
- Risk mitigation
- Legal and Regulatory framework
10Affordable Housing
11Affordable Housing
- National Urban Housing and Habitat Policy (Dec
2007) Goal Affordable Housing for All - No definition of affordability
- GOI sets up High level Task Force
- Affordable Housing- Ownership and Rental
- Migration from Rental to Ownership
12Affordable Housing - Issues
- Limited supply- State the major player-JnNURM
- Cost-property, finance
- Land- Security of Tenure
- Legal and Regulatory Framework
- Technology-Little mass innovation in residential
housing - Finance
13Affordable HousingFinancing Aspects
- Demand for construction finance from developers,
mainly small, medium for Affordable housing. - State Housing agencies also interested.
- Construction finance during XI Plan required
Rs.150,000 Crores. - Housing loans to LIG/EWS individuals Rs.200,000
Crores i.e. Rs.40,000 Crores per year. - Individual housing finance will take out
Construction finance. - Represents lt10 of Non-Food Gross Bank Credit.
Hence, doable, if banks are incentivised. - RBI will need to consent
14Interest Subsidy Scheme for the Urban Poor
- NHBs proposal for an Interest Subsidy of 5 p.a.
for 5 years on housing loans from banking system
to urban poor is under favourable consideration
of MHUPA. - In the nature of Viability Gap Funding.
- Such Interest Subsidy is conceived to be
equitable vis-Ã -vis the higher income tax payer ,
who enjoys tax deduction on housing loans. - Annual Interest Subsidy is estimated at d 3 of
total subsidy bill of GOI. - A Rs.1 lakh loan with interest subsidy will
result in repayment outgo of d 20 of monthly
income of the LIG/EWS borrower. - Thus, Affordable Housing Programme financing by
banks with Interest Subsidy Scheme is feasible
from funds availability and individual
15Way Forward
16Way Forward Risk Mitigation
- Mortgage guarantee regulatory guidelines issued
by RBI - NHB launching a JV
- In addition, NHB studying the feasibility of a
credit guarantee fund for EWS housing - Need to avoid moral hazard
17Way Forward Role of Developers
- Developers need to take up Affordable Housing
projects to increase supply - Cross subsidization with commercial, high income
housing - Lower margins but higher volume
- May consider PPP projects for Affordable Housing
- PPP for Affordable Housing may seek incentives in
the form of higher FAR, fast track approvals, etc.
18Way Forward Role of State
- Specific policy measures on Affordable Housing
- Task force on Affordable Housing appointed
- Incentivise Affordable Housing
- Financial incentives through market
- Facilitative procedures to reduce transaction
costs - Viability gap funding
- Social Rental Housing Projects with involvement
of civil society
19 Serving the unserved and underserved
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