Title: Sun Yat-Sen
1Sun Yat-Sen
By Andy Wilder, Riley Newell, David Morgenstern,
and Justin Martin Fleming 2-17-05 Period 4/5
2The question!
What role did Sun Yet-sen play in the collapse of
the Qing dynasty, and what were his goals for
3Revolutionary Alliance
During the late 1800's and early 1900's, even the
empress Dowager, whohated reforms was forced to
embrace them. This created socialupheaval, Sun
Yet-sen, a young radical, formed the Revived
ChinaSociety in the last decade of the 19th
century. Sun was educated inHawaii he had a
convention in Tokyo (1905) in which he united
radicalgroups from across China into the so
called "Revolutionary Alliance"also known as
Tongmenghui or T'ung Meng Hui.
4His ideas
"Three People'sPrinciples" are as follows 1.
Nationalism (Kill Manchus)2.
Democracy3. People's livelihoodHe LOVED
the number 3The three stage process1.
Military Takeover2. Something the book
doesn't list3. Constitutional Democracy
- The inexperienced organization would benefit from
discontent of citizens - October 1911, they revolted in Wuhan in Central
China. While Sun was visiting America, the group
lacked leadership. - Sun returned but his party was too weak for an
effective revolution. So, he bribed GeneralYuan
Shikai who was ordered to suppress the rebellion.
Ended previous Manchu dynasty
The RevolutionaryAlliance was aimed for middle
class to be the foundation. The middleclass in
China was too small and few even participated
which causedthem to fail to make a good
Thank God it's over...
Sun Yet-sen destroyed the old government but
could not create a replacement government.