Title: Retaking Europe Part One
1Retaking Europe Part One
War in the Soviet Union
North African Campaign
Invasion of Italy
2Europe First
At Casablanca conference, decision is made for
Allies to focus on Europe before Japan. Strategy
session where to begin? -Germany controls
mainland Europe to USSR -British and French
colonies in N. Africa are being
contested. -Britain holds its island. -Soviets
are fighting for their land
Note Map is current not WWII-era.
3The Soviet Union Nonaggression No More
Would you do business with this man?
Like the American radio program says, You cant
do business with Hitler.
In 1941, Hitler breaks the Nonaggression Pact
with the Soviet Union, attacking to gain control
of its farmland after taking oil fields from
Romania. Again, the need for resources proves to
be the catalyst for expansion. As the U.S. and
Great Britain negotiate the Atlantic Charter,
they also find an ally to the East to fight
against the Axis Powers
4The North Africa Campaign
Prior to American entry, Britain had fought for
control of Egypt and Libya to the East of North
Africa. British troops pushed Axis to the West,
where American troops had joined the war. The
first major U.S. battle in Tunisia failed, but
soon the pressure from both sides forced an Axis
retreat to Italy.
Tripoli, Libya
5From North Africa to Italy Putting the Axe to
the Axis
As U.S. forces take Sicily, Italians overthrow
Mussolini and surrender But, Germany evacuates
Mussolini to Northern Italy where he retains
power over Axis territory Germans defend,
retreating north. By
1945, the Allies have
captured Cassino,
the key to the German defense. In April of 1945,
Germany surrenders in Italy, and
Mussolini is shot trying to flee to
6War in the Soviet Union
1941 Germans line up along border for
blitzkrieg on USSR Soviet troops fall quickly,
some welcoming the German liberators as
alternative to Stalins brutal regime. Stalin
calls for Soviets in retreat to destroy property
rather than concede resources to Germany. Stalin
also requests American Lend-Lease Aid, pleads
Allies to attack Western Europe. Moscow and
Leningrad fall, but Soviets mount a stand at
Stalingrad as Hitler refuses to retreat, his
weathered troops are surrounded and surrender.
7Next UpWestern Europe