Elena Principessa di Napoli - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Elena Principessa di Napoli


Elena Principessa di Napoli. Carla Langella. 1. Istituto ... 'Elena Principessa di Napoli' Rieti - Italy. Each year students can choose to partecipate to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Elena Principessa di Napoli

Istituto Magistrale StataleElena Principessa di
NapoliRieti - Italy
Istituto Magistrale StataleElena Principessa di
NapoliRieti - Italy
  • Our school is a comprehensive liceo with three
  • pedagogical
  • social sciences
  • linguistic
  • A common feature for the three courses is the
    attention reserved to all forms of
    communication, verbal and non verbal.

Istituto Magistrale StataleElena Principessa di
NapoliRieti - Italy
  • There are subjects common to the three
    specializations, which are intended to give the
    students instruments to interpret the present
    reality using a sound knowledge of the past,
  • and subjects characterizing each of them.

The courses
Common subjects Italian History
Geography Philosophy Mathematics and
computer science Religious Education English
Economy and law Science
Physical education
Linguistic course French Spanish or German Latin
Pedagogical course Psychology Pedagogy Sociology
Music Art Latin
Social sciences course Social sciences French Com
puter science
Istituto dIstruzione SuperioreElena
Principessa di NapoliRieti - Italy
Each year students can choose to partecipate to
extra curricular courses
scenic arts
foreign languages
Preparation to language certification exams
Computer ECDL
The community Rieti
  • The town has a population of about 55.000
  • It is located at the centre of Italy, at the foot
    of Mount Terminillo
  • Pollution is irrelevant
  • It is 70 kilometres far from Rome, about an
    hours drive by bus, every half an hour it is
    about the same distance from Assisi and Spoleto,
    two hours drive from Perugia and three from

The community the Province
  • The territory is mainly mountainous
  • Agricolture is prevailing
  • The industrial activities, started in the 70s,
    are in a crisis now
  • Commerce and services are expanding
  • Tourism has good perspectives, due to the rich
    artistic, historical and natural resources
  • Unemployment is high, about 20

The school organization
  • The students are about 500
  • Their age is from 14 to 19
  • The courses last 5 years
  • The teachers are about 60
  • Didactical activities are from Monday to
    Saturday, in the morning
  • There are usually 6 lessons a day, from 8.10 to

The school organization
  • The school is open most of the afternoons, when
    extracurricular activities, teachers meetings,
    other activities take place
  • The school closes on Sundays and on national
    holidays at Christmas holidays students have 2
    weeks, at Easter a week
  • Didactical activities start in September and
    finish in the first half of June
  • Final exams (fifth year) take place from 20th of
    June until mid July

The school organization
The Institute Council The Principal, the
headadministrator, representatives of the
students, the parents, the staff, the teachers
The Principal Prof. Ruggero Scopigno
The deputy heads Prof. Tiziana Santoprete Prof.
Nerio Gunnella
The Headadministrator Ms Elimene Vulpiani
The teachers Council All the teachers, the
The Principals staff Four teachers responsible
for the organization and coordination of the
school activities
The class council The Principal, the class
teachers, 2 students, 2 parents
The administrative staff
The school cooperation experience
  • The school has a long experience in cultural
    exchanges with partner schools in Europe and in
  • It has been in the Comenius 1 for four years, now
  • The previous School Development Project was
    called ReASo Responsibility, Autonomy and
    Solidarity in the learning process
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