Title: Uncover What is Beyond a Cup of Chai Tea
1Uncover What is Beyond a Cup of Chai Tea
2The Chai Tea is a concoction that has a history
of over 5000 years. It was previously known as
Masala Chai. The drink is prepared by boiling
black tea leaves over low flame added with
milk, honey and spices.
3Chai Tea is considered an essential drink in some
countries like India. A cup can be a companion
during moments of relaxation and it possesses a
lot of health benefits.
4To make your own chai tea, have the following
- One and a half cup of water
- One-fourth teaspoon cinnamon powder
- One-fourth teaspoon ground cloves
- One-fourth teaspoon of ground ginger
- Three black tea bags
- Two-third cups of low fat milk (or soy milk if
you like) - Two tablespoons of honey (or a tablespoon of
5In a small sauce pan, combine water, cloves,
cinnamon and ginger. Put the pan over medium heat
and bring it to a simmer.
6Once mixture starts to simmer, put the heat down
to low, cover the mixture let it cook for
5minutes. After, add the milk and wait until the
mixture is teaming but not boiling.
7Once steam starts to appear, remove pan from heat
and put the teabags and cover. Let the mixture
stand for another 5minutes. Use honey or sugar to
sweeten the tea.
8You can also use a chai tea recipe as a gift for
you to introduce the taste to them. And dont
forget to include instructions as well.
9More than just a warm and sweet smelling cup of
tea, you get to have savor flavors that made the
beverage famous in the first place.
10For more interesting chai tea recipes and tips on
making one, Visit our Website.