Title: YES - Your Medicare Cost Report Still Matters
1YES - Your Medicare Cost Report Still Matters
- Strategic Reimbursement, Inc.
- August 1, 2005
2Even the Government Admits that Medicare is
Overly Complex
- There can be no doubt but that the statutes and
provisions in question, involving the financing
of Medicare and Medicaid, are among the most
completely impenetrable texts within the human
experience. Indeed, one approaches them at the
level of specificity herein demanded with dread,
for not only are they dense reading of the most
torturous kind, but Congress also revisits the
area frequently, generously cutting and pruning
and making any solid grasp of the matters
addressed merely a passing phase. - Chief Justice Ervin, U.S. 4th Circuit Court
(1994) Rehabilitation Association of
Virginia v. Kozlowski
3Why Does the Government Still Require Hospitals
to Submit Cost Reports?
- Medicare Profitability used extensively by
Congress to determine PPS Inflation Updates - Compliance
- Determine Medicare Outlier payment factors
- Determine reimbursement from various programs
- Determine wage index rates
- The main source of statistical and financial data
on the hospital industry used by CMS - Reimbursement for Critical Access Hospitals
4Do Outside Groups Utilize the Cost Report?
- Did you know
- Hospital quality lists such the Solucient Top
100 Hospitals rely extensively on the Medicare
Cost Report
5Hospital Cost Report Preparation Objectives
- To insure the Cost Report and supporting
documentation have been prepared in compliance
with Medicare regulations - To insure the Cost Report correctly identifies
the full and proper reimbursement due to the
hospital - To insure the Cost Report properly identifies the
related hospital costs
6Certification Your Name on the Line
- When you sign your name to the Medicare Cost
Report, you are certifying that you know - What is in the Cost Report,
- What is in your books and records,Â
- The applicable Medicare laws, regulations and
instructions, - That all services provided to Medicare patients
were in accordance with the law, and - That everything in the Cost Report is in
accordance with the law, except as noted.
7Compliance Expectations
- Misrepresentations or falsifications of any
information contained in this Cost Report may be
punishable by criminal, civil and administrative
action, fine and/or imprisonment under Federal
law. - Cover page of every Cost Report - Are you confident enough in your Cost Report
preparation efforts to risk perjury, fines and
potentially jail?
8Consequences for Lack of Compliance
- If a hospitals compliance is questioned, there
are potentially large, negative consequences - Negative publicity for the institution, Board of
Directors and hospital executives (CEO, CFO) - Audit issues and related costs of defense
- Settlement costs
- Corporate Integrity Agreement costs
9Cost Reports Reimbursement Impact
Even with the introduction of PPS, the Cost
Report still impacts reimbursement in the
following areas
- Wage Index
- Outlier Payments
- Disproportionate Share
- Direct Medical Education
- Indirect Medical Education
10Reimbursement Impact (cont.)
- Renal Dialysis PPS Add on
- Medicare Bad Debts
- Allied Health Programs
- Psychiatric Unit Transition
- Organ Acquisition
11Reimbursement Impact (cont.)
- Medicaid Cost and/or Rates
- Medicaid DSH Pools
- Rural Health Clinics
12Conclusion The Cost Report Still Requires
Extensive Effort and Attention
- With so much still riding on your Cost Report,
you cannot afford to turn to anyone but the best. - Strategic Reimbursement was founded in 1975 with
the purpose of helping hospitals prepare their
Medicare Cost Reports. Today, our Medicare
advisory practice still comprises the backbone of
our firm.
13SRI History
- Founded in 1975
- Offices Chicago, Milwaukee, Nashville, St.
Louis, Denver, Phoenix - Staff of 24
- Service approximately 250 healthcare providers,
many having been clients for over 20 years
14Financial and 3RD Party Services
- Medicare, Medicaid Cost Report preparation and/or
review - Prior year Medicare Cost Report reviews
Medicare Compliance / Recoupment Program (MCRP) - Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH)
Analysis/Verification - Contractual management and reimbursement
professional outsourcing Interim Director of
Reimbursement (IDOR) - Wage Index reviews for individual hospitals
and/or full CBSAs - Medicare Bad Debt reviews
- PRRB Appeal Services
- Group appeals SSI ratio, out-patient Part B
15Clinical Services
- Procedure coding reviews
- Medical records chart audits
- CDM review
- Physician and staff compliance education
16Contact Strategic Reimbursement
- For more information on how Strategic
Reimbursement can help your hospital maximize its
third party programs, please contact - Robert Gienko
- President
- 847-259-7373 ext 106
- rgienko_at_srinc.org