Title: Resurrection to Eternity
1(No Transcript)
Prof Dr. LI
3Resurrection to Eternity
- After three days, there was a great
earthquake. In fright, the Roman soldiers
trembled and then ran away.
- When followers of Jesus came to the tomb and
saw the stone moved, they were confused. -
- Suddenly, two men stood by them in shinning
garments saying, Why are you looking for the
living among the dead? He is not here, He is
7- The same day, in the evening Jesus came to the
disciples, stood among them and said, Peace unto
8 The disciples were frightened, thinking that
they were seeing a spirit. Jesus said to them,
Look at my hands and feet. It is really me!
Touch me! A spirit does not have flesh and bones
as I have.
9Jesus continued appearing to many people. He
instructed his disciples, Go into all the world
and preach the gospel unto every living creature.
Starting here and even unto the end of the world.
10At the end of forty days Jesus announced to his
disciples, You shall receive power after the
holy spirit comes upon you, and you shall tell
others about me, in Jerusalem, and to the
uttermost parts of the world.
11As they watched, Jesus was taken up, and a cloud
took him out of their sight
12Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly
lights. James 117