Title: Earth’s Structure
1Earths Structure
2Origin of the Earth
- Meteors and Asteroids bombarded the Earth
- Gravitational compression
- Density Stratified planet
3Earths Interior
- Iron and Magnesium silicates
- Upper mantle is partially molten
- Continental granite
- Density 2.8 g/cm3
- Oceanic basalt
- Density 3.0 g/cm3
4Evidence of Internal Structure
- Density
- calculate density of Earth
- Speculate on probable compositions
- Meteorites
- Use composition and age to determine composition
and age of Earth
- Seismic waves
- Travel times and direction give indication of
internal structure of Earth
5Types of Seismic Waves
- Travel fastest ( 6 km/sec)
- Travel thru solids and liquids
6Seismic Waves Through Earth
- Consists of continental, oceanic and upper part
of mantle
- Continents composed of granite-type rock, quartz
and feldspar minerals, density2.8g/cm3
- Oceanic crust formed of basalt basalt rich in
iron/magnesium minerals, density3.0 g/cm3
- Lithosphere is rigid layer of crust and mantle
overlying partially-molten asthenosphere
8Continental Drift Evidence
- Researchers noted geographic fit of continents
- e.g. Africa and S. America
- Atlantic formed by separation of Africa from S.
- Seuss, 1885, proposed super continent by studying
fossils, rocks, mountains
- Wegener and Taylor, early 1900s, proposed
continental drift and Pangaea
- Evidence supporting the idea that the continents
had drifted.
- Geographic fit of continents
- Fossils
- Mountains
- Glaciation
9Continental Drift Geographic Fit
- Continents seem to fit together like pieces of a
10Continental DriftFossils
- Similar distribution of fossils such as the
11Continental DriftMountains
- Mountain ranges match across oceans
12Continental DriftGlaciation
- Glacial ages and climate evidence
13Continental Drift ModelProblems
- Presented research to professionals
- Did not provide a plausible mechanism to explain
how continents drifted
14Seafloor Spreading
- Continental drift reexamined in 1960s with new
- New theory developed Seafloor spreading
- Supporting evidence for seafloor spreading
- Theory combining continental drift and seafloor
spreading termed Plate Tectonics
15Seafloor Spreading
- New sea floor created at the mid-ocean ridge and
destroyed in deep ocean trenches
16Evidence for Seafloor SpreadingWorld Seismicity
- Earthquake distribution matches plate boundaries
17Evidence for Seafloor SpreadingVolcanism
- Volcanoes match some plate boundaries some are
hot spots
18Evidence for Seafloor SpreadingAge of Seafloor
- Youngest sea floor is at mid-ocean ridge
- Oldest sea floor away from mid-ocean ridge
19Evidence for Seafloor SpreadingPaleomagnetism
- Earth has a magnetic field - Probably caused by
rotation of solid inner core in liquid outer core
(both mostly Fe)
- When rocks cool at the Earths surface, they
record Earths magnetic field (normal or reverse
20Evidence for Seafloor SpreadingPaleomagnetism
- Paleomagnetic studies indicate alternating
stripes of normal and reverse polarity at the
mid-ocean ridge.
21Seafloor SpreadingHeat Flow
22Seafloor SpreadingConvection Currents
- In 1960, proposed as driving force to move
23Theory of Plate Tectonics
- John Tuzo Wilson combined ideas of continental
drift and seafloor spreading into Plate
24Principles of Plate Tectonics
- Earths outermost layer composed of thin rigid
plates moving horizontally
- Plates interact with each other along their edges
(plate boundaries)
- Plate boundaries have high degree of tectonic
activity - mountain building
- earthquakes
- volcanoes
25Plate BoundariesThree types
26Plate BoundariesDivergent
- Plates move away from each other
- New crust is being formed
27Divergent Plate BoundariesExamples
East African Rift
Mid-Atlantic Ocean Ridge
28Plate BoundariesConvergent
Three Types
- Plates are moving toward each other
29 Convergent Plate BoundariesExamples
Mount Fuji, Japan
Mount Lassen, California
Andes, South America
30Plate BoundariesTransform
- Crust is neither created nor destroyed
- Plates slide past one another
31Transform Plate BoundariesExamples
San Andreas Fault
Calexico, California
Carrizo Plains, Central California