Title: Strategic Management of ISIT: Organization and Resources
1Chapter 8
- Strategic Management of IS/IT Organization and
- Requirements of strategic management
- Roles of the IT function
- IS/IT organization approaches
- Choice of IS/IT organization
- IS/IT organization strategies
3Requirements of Strategic Management
- IS/IT strategies, policies and plans reflects
business objectives and strategies - Identify and explore potential business
advantages from IS/IT - Ensure IS/IT strategies are viable in terms of
business risks - Establish resources and priorities
- Match IS/IT management and corporate culture
- Monitor business critical IS/IT activities
- Balance between centralization and
4Roles of the IT Function Iby Zmud
- User services
- Delivery services
- Systems development
- Support center
- Information center
- Architecture management
- Planning
- Technology diffusion
- Data management
5Roles of the IT Function IIby Zmud
- Technology development
- Research development
- General
- Administration
- Quality assurance
6IS/IT Organization Approaches
- Total centralized (monopolistic)
- Total decentralized to business functions
- Geographically placed data centers and resources
- Business unit control
- Users
- Activity
- Type of resource network, computers, software,
data, etc.
7Choice of IS/IT Organization
- Stage of application portfolio maturity
- Geography of the enterprise
- Synergy benefits of business services, products,
information - Business diversity rate of change
- Competitive pressures
- Economics of resource, obtaining and deploying
skills - Enterprise structure management culture
8IS/IT organization strategies
- IT (centralized) or user departments
(decentralized) - Mix
- Chief information officer or steering committee
9IT or User Departments Iby McFarlan and
- IT department
- Integration
- Database
- Feasibility and cost/benefit analysis
- Litter innovation
- IS organization based on technical specialist not
user need - High maintenance (80)
- No senior management
- Use frustration with secret growth of user
10IT or User Departments IIby McFarlan and
- User department
- Short term problem solving
- Incompatible databases systems
- Lack of quality control
- Hidden maintenance overhead
- Duplication problems
- Little cost/benefit analysis
- Lack of skill technical staff
11Mix by La Belle and Nyce
- Business unit responsibility
- Application architecture, development, and
operation - Central IT group
- Telecommunication
- Hardware software architecture
- Information architecture
- Risk management and security
- Shared services and utilities
- Human resources
12Chief Information Officer or Steering Committee -
- Chief information officer (CIO)
- Setting IS/IT policy strategy
- Goal oriented with business, IS/IT,
communication competency
13Chief Information Officer or Steering Committee -
- Steering committee
- Executive steering group
- IT planning group
- Service management group
- Technical management group
- Business IS planning group
- Application management group
14Executive Steering Group Functions
- Aligning business IS/IT strategies
- Establishing IS/IT priority IS/IT resources
- Ensuring strategic applications achieve their
objectives - Establishing organizational responsibilities and
15IT Planning Group Functions
- Interpreting IT trends and development for
organizational business - Allocating resources according priority
- Monitoring IS/IT performance
- Managing IT, specialists, technical risks
16Service Management Group Functions
- Meeting business needs with the optimum means
- Monitoring performance against budget/service
level - Controlling quality
- Satisfying evolving demand
17Technology Management Group Functions
- Assessing technology against known and potential
needs - Planning and managing infrastructure
- Resolving technical issues/problems
- Support service group
18Business IS Planning Group Functions
- Identifying business needs
- Interpreting CSFs
- Assessing opportunities, threats, IS
implications - Prioritizing, planning, coordinating IS and
expenditure - Ensuring the delivery of benefits
19Application Management Group Functions
- Identifying special needs, changes, benefits,
resources, and costs of applications for
investment priority evaluation - Managing developments usage of IS
20Points to Remember
- Requirements of strategic management
- Roles of the IT function
- IS/IT organization approaches
- Choice of IS/IT organization
- IS/IT organization strategies
- What is a good IT strategic management for an
e-business of the banking industry in terms of
the organizational structure? - What is a good IT strategic management for an
e-business of the California State University
system in terms of the organizational structure?