Title: Texas Health and Human Services Commission HHSC
1Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
- Disaster Case Management Pilot
- Request for Proposals 529-09-0042
- Vendor Web Conference December 17, 2008
2- Welcome
- Introductions
- Don Snoots, Enterprise Contract and Procurement
Services (ECPS) - Karen Hilton, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of
Social Services - Paul Grubb, Director of Special Projects
- Kathy Payne, Central Budget Manager for Disaster,
Social Services and TIERS - Kathleen Anderson, Special Counsel to System
Support - Housekeeping Items
3HHSC Procurement Roles
- ECPS- Responsible for procurement activity
- Program- Responsible for project scope,
requirements, performance, results, contract
management/monitoring, budget - Legal- Questions/answers and legal activity
4Vendor Web Conference Overview
- Procurement Activities
- HUB Items
- RFP Overview
- Questions Submittal
- Break
- Preliminary Responses to Questions
- Closing Comments
5- Procurement Activities
- Questions Answers
- Sole Contact, Don Snoots, ECPS
- Procurement Schedule
- Solicitation Access (http//www.hhsc.state.tx.us/I
ndex.shtml) - Submission Requirements
- Solicitation Changes
- Screening Evaluation
- Award Information
6RFP Overview
- Mission
- Area Coverage
- Contract Term
- Roles and Relationships
- Case Management Services
- Service Delivery System
- Integrating into Relief Efforts
- Communication/Outreach
- Data and Best Practices
- Case Management Training
- Performance Level
- Fiscal Accountability
- The Long-Term Disaster Recovery Case Management
Pilot Program is designed - To provide needed long-term disaster case
management services to persons impacted by
Hurricane Ike - To gather best practices and data that will
assist FEMA in formulating a disaster case
management model for future disasters as required
under the Post Katrina Emergency Management
Reform Act
8Area Coverage
- RFP covers 34 counties declared as disaster areas
from Hurricane Ike - Respondents may propose to provide services to
- All counties
- A single county
- A group of counties
- (may not cover only part of county)
- HHSC reserves right to negotiate with selected
respondents to ensure complete coverage
9Contract Term
- February 2, 2009 Contract signed
- February 22, 2009 Services begin
- February 28, 2010 Services end
- March 13, 2010 All cases closed
- June 30, 2010 Contract closed
10Roles and Relationships
- HHSC applies for and receives grant from FEMA for
disaster case management (DCM) services - HHSC issues RFP to engage one or more subgrantees
to provide DCM services - Subgrantees may propose to use (a network of)
subrecipients to provide DCM services
11Case Management Services
- Outreach and Intake
- Assessment
- Triage
- Development of long-term recovery plans
- Referrals
- Active advocacy for the client including phone
calls and visitations as necessary - Monitoring of completion of recovery plans
12Service Delivery System
- Commence delivery of services NLT Feb 26, 2009
- Service levels
- Case duration
- Service intensity
- Management of case managers
- Management of subrecipients
13Integrating into Relief Efforts
- Ensure that the knowledge and perspective of
local governments and stakeholders are fully
utilized in the pilot program under this RFP - Compliment and build on the ongoing work of
numerous local governmental units and community
and faith based organizations already involved in
Hurricane Ike recovery efforts
- Ensure all partners are kept up to date
- Ensure coordination plan to share resources for
clients - Appropriate outreach to potential clients
- Ensure that special needs populations and persons
with limited English proficiency receive
particular attention
15Data and Best Practices
- Implement a regimen of data collection and
analysis to - monitor service provision quality and consistency
(program accountability) - provide a basis for the evaluation of the pilot
program (development of effective and adaptable
case management system) - Grant requires HHSC to engage an independent
16Case Management Training
- HHSC will engage a single provider for training
to ensure consistent delivery of high quality DCM
service work - Respondents who propose to cover the entire area
must also propose to provide training. - Respondents who propose to cover less than the
entire area may propose to provide training.
17Performance Measures
- Performance Measures
- Subgrantee(s) will provide a workplan for HHSC
review and approval. - HHSC will utilize monthly reports to monitor and
track performance
18Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- General Instructions
- Tab (worksheet in excel workbook)
- Complete only green shaded cells
- Do not change formulas
- Three Budgets
- Case Management
- Subgrantee Administration
- Case Management Training
19Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- Caseload Estimates
- Serve County (y or n)
- Percent of Cases by Tiers
- Case Mgt Providers by County
- Agency Name
- Subgrantee or Subrecipient
20Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- Case Manager Hours Needed
- Average Length Case is Open
- Average Hours per Case
- Total Case Manager Hours
- of Case Managers by County
- Enter Service Start Date
- Calculates of Case Mgrs Needed
21Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- Case Mgt Salaries and Titles
- Monthly Salary for Case Mgrs
- Job Title from Job Description
- Subgrantee/Subrecipient Name
- Attach Job Descriptions
22Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- Case Mgt Salaries and Titles (Case Mgrs)
- Monthly Salary for Case Mgrs
- Job Title from Job Description
- Subgrantee/Subrecipient Name
- Attach Job Descriptions
- Cases to Case Mgr Ratios
- Explanations
23Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- Case Mgt Salaries and Titles (Supervisors)
- Providers Name
- Total Case Mgrs for Provider
- Calculated Number of Supervisors
- Supervisor Monthly Salary
- Number of Months
- Job Titles Job Descriptions
24Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- Provider Case Mgt Bgt
- Calculated summary for each provider
- Salaries Wages
- Employee Fringe Benefits
- Travel
- Equipment Supplies
- Contractual Other
- Indirect
25Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- Summary of All Case Mgt Bgts
- Add budgets of all providers together
- Create and use linked formulas
26Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- Subgrantee Admin Budget
- Calculated Summary
- Salaries Wages
- Employee Fringe Benefits
- Travel
- Equipment Supplies
- Contractual Other
- Indirect
27Staffing Plan and Budget (Appendix B)
- Case Mgt Training Budget
- Calculated Summary
- Salaries Wages
- Employee Fringe Benefits
- Travel
- Equipment Supplies
- Contractual Other
- Indirect
28Financial Capacity (Appendices CD)
- Subgrantees demonstrate financial capacity by
- Internal controls questionnaire
- Financial reports
- Audit status and reports
- Experience with cost principles
- Detailing 5 largest grants or contracts
29Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
- Questions Submittal
- Followed by Break
30Disaster Case Management Pilot
- Non-binding verbal answers to vendor questions
are provided during this conference. - Binding responses are posted on the procurement
website by December 22, 2008.
31Closing Comments
- Office of General Counsel
- Collusion
- Conflict of Interest
- Permissible contacts