Title: Teacher Leaders: Self Perceptions and Training Needs
1Teacher Leaders Self Perceptions and Training
Terry Dozier, Director Rhonda Nikki Barnes,
NBCT-in-Residence Center for Teacher
Leadership Virginia Commonwealth
University School of Education
- The survey sought to discover recognized
teachers - Self perceptions
- Perceptions of the characteristics of a teacher
leader - Leadership roles played and training received
- Desired leadership roles
- Needs with regard to training
- Purposeful sample of recognized teachers
- Teachers of the Year
- National Board Certified Teachers
- Disney Teachers
- Milken Educators
- Presidential Math and Science Awardees
4The Sample
- Teacher listservs and networks
- National Teacher Forum Listserv
- NBPTS Network Advisory Committee Networks
- Southeastern Virginia NBCT Network
- Virginia Teacher Forum
- Survey link was sent to approximately 300
teachers, 179 responded (60 response rate). - Virginia was over sampled
- 37 states had at least one respondent, most
likely a former State Teacher of the Year or
runner up.
6Years of Teaching Experience
7Areas of Recognition
8Recognized Teachers are Confident About
Themselves as Teacher Leaders
9Self Perception of Leadership Skills
I have the knowledge and skills to. . .
10Teacher Leaders Lack Confidence in Key Areas
I am knowledgeable about. . .
11Self-Perceptions in the Area of Educational Policy
I am knowledgeable of the needs of educational
policymakers and skilled at discussing
educational policy with them. (N 177)
12Strongly Agree Characteristics
- Of the 20 teachers who indicated they strongly
agree - 15 were Teachers of the Year (TOYs) 75
- 11 were NBCTs 55
- Of the eleven NBCTS, 6 (54) were also TOYS
- ALL who responded strongly agree were TOYS,
NBCTS, or Both
13Teachers of the Year More Confident in the Policy
- I have knowledge of and am skilled at
discussing policy. - 57 of TOYs strongly agree/agree
- 26 of NBCTs strongly agree/agree
- The best combination appears to be TOYs who
are also NBCTs - 63 of the TOY/NBCT combos strongly agree/agree
14Important Characteristics of Teacher Leaders
15Disconnect Between the Perceived Role of Teacher
Leaders and the Skills Needed
16Most Common Leadership Roles
- Staff Development (93)
- Curriculum Development (84)
- Grade Level/Department Chair (84)
- Mentoring New Teachers (82)
- Coaching Experienced Teachers (65)
17Training Received
- Have you received training for ALL of the
leadership roles you have played? (N177) - Yes 18
- No 82
18Mentoring and Coaching
38 NT
47 NT
19Educational Policy and Issues
53 NT
79 NT
20Desired Leadership Roles
- Please select the TOP THREE areas in which you
have NOT served as a teacher leader but would
like to serve as one. (N 179) -
- Teacher Recruitment
- Educational Policy and Issues
- Advisor to Policymaking Group
- 95 of the respondents chose one of these
three areas.
21Recognized Teachers Want Training to Help Them
Become Effective in the Policy Arena Top 3
Aspects of Teacher Leadership in Which Additional
Training is Needed
22Training Needed
- Please select the TOP THREE aspects of teacher
leadership for which you feel you need additional
training (N179) -
- Every respondent chose Understanding
Educational Policy and Issues or Working
Collaboratively With Educational Policy Makers as
one area in which they needed training.
23Barriers to Teacher Leadership
- Self Perceptions
- Characteristics of a Teacher leader
- Lots of leadership roles/positions
- Not trained for all
- Almost no leadership in policy and those who did
leadhad no training - Recognized teachers want to be trained in and
have opportunities to influence educational
25 Teacher Leadership Pyramid