Title: Spatial Economics
1Spatial Economics
- Primary Sector Agriculture and Extraction
- Covered last chapter
- Secondary Sector Manufacturing
- Tertiary Sector Services
- Pay Scales
- Primary 0 ?
- Secondary ?
- Tertiary ?
2Industry Manufacturing
- http//www.china-consulting-sourcing.com/Img/xin_b
18be03cc16511d69cfb00c04f4adb90.jpg - http//www.tickintsofcentralohio.org/images/Histor
ical/MODEL_T_ASSEMBLY_LINE.jpg - http//faculty.virginia.edu/hius341/images/objects
3Beginnings Cottage Industry
- http//www.fao.org/docrep/w9500e/w9500e72.jpg
4Steam Engine, by James Watt
- Heralded the Industrial Revolution
- Pumped mine water
- Drove machinery
- Drove railroad engines
- (Before the steam engine, machinery driven
manually, by wind, or by water.)
5Steam Application Locomotive, Railroad
- Faster, more efficient land transportation, with
larger loads - Steam engine wheels rails
- U.K. ? Germany France, U.S., etc.
- Engines considerably sped up local development.
- http//library.thinkquest.org/04oct/01249/imagesc/
6Example Smithsonian Museum(Modern Museum of
- http//sc94.ameslab.gov/TOUR/smithsonian.gif
7Land Cost Example Tokyo Bay
- Purple is built-up.
- Green is vegetation
- High land rents
- Land built in the bay
- http//www.gdrc.org/oceans/un-seahorse/images/toky
8Density ? Higher land rent
- http//homepage1.nifty.com/sukusuku/photo/tdr/2003
9Educated Large Labor Force ? Growth
- http//www.benchmarkstaffing.com/images/pics/clien
10Skilled labor ? higher productivity, profits
- Key to manufacturing
- Literacy
- Technical skills
- Strong in EU, US, Russia, China, etc.
- Weak in Africa, parts of Asia and S. America
- http//www.benchmarkstaffing.com/images/pics/clien
11Lax Laws Child Labor ? more profits
? Then U.S.
Now Third World?
- Information http//www.historyplace.com/unitedsta
tes/childlabor/ - http//www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/childlabo
r/empty.jpg - http//www.kenlight.com/photos/childlabor/beads.jp
12Site Capital and Interest Rates
- Negotiable
- Varies by country, and over time
- Sometimes varies by region, site
13Situation Bulk Reducing Copper
Processing reduces shipping costs.
- http//mining.ubc.ca/cimarchive/Smelter/AnodCast/1
0000039.JPG, http//www.lpl.arizona.edu/wegryn/im
ages/Morenci3.JPG - http//stoner.eps.mcgill.ca/HomeImage/open_pit_cop
14Situation Bulk GainingLocations near the
- Reduces distribution costs by adding bulk near
the consumer. - Example, Coke Just add water and carbonation
- http//www.texasescapes.com/Signs/CocaCola/CocaCol
15By-products Steel Mills ?Pollution
- http//www.worldviewofglobalwarming.org/images/0Ch
- Transportation part of services sector (Tertiary
sector, next chapter.) - Picking sites with good transportation at the
location is a site decision. - Location central to customers, and near
transportation modes, are situation decisions.
m.jpg http//www.speakeasy.org/peterc/nicaragua/d
rycanal/containr/images/dblstac1.jpg http//www.ai
17Market Decline and Stagnation
- Market Decline can destroy companies , while
stagnation stalls growth. - http//3.bp.blogspot.com/_4jIlyJ10uJU/TPFEHXh6K9I/
18Stagnation Agricultural Sector and Trade
- Demand is flat, sometimes declining!
- No market growth ? little incentive to enter
market. - (Example grains, from agriculture, same principle
works here. - http//www.fas.usda.gov/grain/circular/1999/99-05/
19Problem Capacity Exceeds Demand
- Could be SUVs, Trucks Remember the present and
past. - Storyhttp//www.potashcorp.com/investor_relation
te/page_19.zsp - Image http//www.potashcorp.com/common/images/con
20Increasing Product Supply
- Plastic Stuff
- When you get your plastic stuff, see where it
comes from. - Japan
- Korea
- China
- India
- Shoes
- When you shop for shoes, look at the tags.
- Was Indonesia (but we boycotted sweat shops, so)
- Now made in China
21Resource Demand Oil
- Increased demand, but old supplies dwindle
- More demand, less supply ? higher prices
- http//www.kkrva.se/images/energi/priddle2.jpg
22US Petroleum Supply, Energy Use
- Total demand increases
- Local production falls
- Foreign oil purchases, dependency
- Foreign oil supply and foreign policy are
critical. - Images http//www.azgs.az.gov/images/winter0106.g
if http//www.cpast.org/Articles/Artfiles/000/000/
23Innovation Assembly Line
- http//www.tickintsofcentralohio.org/images/Histor
ical/MODEL_T_ASSEMBLY_LINE.jpg - http//faculty.virginia.edu/hius341/images/objects
24MDC perspectives
- Trading Blocks Example of cooperation
- Politics chapter
- Competitive trade advantages (NAFTA, OPEC, )
- Internal disparities within countries and unions
- areas of growth and decline
- (Rust Belt, RD regions such as Silicon Valley)
- Older, shrinking established populations,
immigration - Population and Migration,
- (Western E.U. and Japan, Scandinavia, Russia)
- Transnational Corporations
- Globalization of production
- Outsourcing
25LDC perspectives
- More Disadvantages
- distance to (external) markets,
- inadequate infrastructure (transportation,
communications, goods, services, tools, machines)
- entrenched competition,
- inconsistent governance and laws,
- government instability,
- low literacy
- More Advantages
- low labor costs,
- local raw materials (if any)
- fewer legal restrictions, (e.g. easier to
pollute) - Large labor pools
- Few or no benefits (health, retirement, vacation,
- Service
- Any activity that fulfills a human want or need
and returns money to those who provide it. - (Not Manufacturing)
- Not people making stuff.
27Service Types
- Consumer Services
- Services for people who enjoy them
- Retail Services sales to individual consumers
- Personal Services services for the well being
and personal improvement of individual consumers.
- Producer Services
- Services for people who use services for their
work. - banks, insurance, real estate, financial, law,
engineering, wholesale - Transportation and Information Services,
- Railroads, trucking, phone, airlines, UPS, cable
- Public Services
- Provide security and protection for citizens and
businesses - Provide benefits to society as a whole.
- (Includes teaching)
28Situation patterns
- Dispersed Settlements
- more self-sufficient,
- lower demand for goods/services
- Example Mid-Atlantic US ? Midwest
- Clustered Settlements
- more interdependent
- produce better goods by specializing
- Examples New England, Europe
29Site Patterns
- Circular (defensible),
- Linear (along rivers, roads),
- Grid (Chang-An, Nara, Kyoto),
- Long-lot (France, Canada)
30Central Place Theory
- (important!)
- (What do I do when things are important?)
- Why is it important?
- Helps explain the distribution of services, and
why a regular pattern develops. - Helps explain migration patterns.
- Half of the explanation for cities, the next
31Threshold and Range
- Threshold minimum population required to
survive. - Range maximum distance people travel for a
service. - http//teacherweb.ftl.pinecrest.edu/snyderd/APHG/U
32Increasing Competition
- A Less competition circles
- B More competition overlapping service ranges
- C Select the closest store ? lines service
boundaries - This produces hexagons.
- http//www.csiss.org/learning_resources/content/g5
33Hexagon Basic shape
- Highly competitive market
- all areas are served.
- Equal services
- Go to the closest service.
- Boundaries form the lines of a hexagon.
- http//www.uwec.edu/Geography/Ivogeler/w111/circle
- http//www-personal.umich.edu/sarhaus/courses/NRE
35Central Place Theory Pattern
- Stores requiring a larger market threshold must
serve more than one settlement to survive. These
stores serve a market area encompassing
neighboring settlements within their range. - If the range encompasses one neighboring
settlement, it encompasses all six.
36Central Place Theory Pattern
- This results in hexagons containing 7
settlements. The central settlements contain
these (larger market threshold and range) stores
serving more communities are larger, and are also
known as more central places. (This gives the
name to the theory.) - Stores with still larger thresholds and ranges
encompass clusters of these larger communities,
and are located at cluster centers.
37Applied Central Place Theory
- CPT pattern affects migration
- Jobs,
- services,
- convenience
- Concentration and mixture of cultures,
development of subcultures - Faster dispersion of
- new ideas, activities, things,
- cultural change
38Rank Size
- Small Towns serve local region, with small range
stores that contain the population threshold. - Castroville often, small store, gas, motel?
- Medium Towns Sell to small towns within a larger
local region or service area. - King City supermarkets, auto sales, mall CBD
- Small Cities Serve medium towns within an even
larger region. - Salinas Wal-mart/K-Mart/Cosco, Community College
- Larger Cities Market to small cities within an
increasing, larger service area - San Jose University, convention center,
international airport, wide range of services
39Largest City Comparisons
- Rank Size Rule (pattern) The nth city (or city
rank) has approximately 1/n the population of
the largest city. - When the rank size rule does not work for the
second city, the first city is extremely
dominant. - Primate City Rule (pattern) The largest city in
a region has more than twice the population of
the second largest city. - You have one OR the other, but not both!
40Cities History
- Ancient cities ex Ur, Chang-an, Athens, Rome
(wall, temples, market, housing, road networks) - City states independent self-governing
communities that included a nearby countryside - Medieval cities ex Paris, London (often
charters of rights, more personal freedom/less
serfdom) - Modern World Cities ex NYC/Tokyo/London (global
reach/service area, e.g. finance, influence)
41Central Place Theory Review
- A threshold population is needed for success
- This population must be in range for them to buy.
- With overlapping ranges, people pick closest
store. - (This defines the service area in the simplest
case.) - Hexagons result from closest packing.
- Then, services need a threshold (population)
within the service area. - A beehive pattern is optimal for consumer access.
- We find a nested pattern of larger and smaller
communities, larger communities also have stores
with larger range, serving smaller communities.
42Resource Issues
- Manufacturing and Services Environment and
43Total energy consumption per capita
- Kilograms of oil equivalent (kgoe) per person
44Global carbon consumption per capita
- (Down? Not. Population still increases.) Â
- Energy
- Petroleum
- Natural Gas
- Coal
- Nuclear
- Minerals
- Ferrous Iron, et. al.
- Non-Ferrous Many more.
- Crucial to the world as we know it today.
- Pollution occurs when more waste products are
generated than a resource (local system) can
accommodate. - Natural
- Volcanoes, Floods, etc.
- Human
- Manufacturing
- Transportation
- Consumption
- Discarded products
- Waste Products
47By-products Solid Pollution
- http//www.pools-hottubs.com/Dump201.JPG
48Land and Water Pollution Tailings
- Tailings
- Leavings of the mine
- Unwanted by-product
- Tailings also produce
- Dust
- Contaminated runoff
- http//www.robinsonforest.org/mining/strip_mine_ru
49Mining and Mountain Topping
- http//www.pbs.org/independentlens/razingappalachi
50Abandoned industries Superfund sites
- http//www.blm.gov/aml/graphics/pregpond.jpg
- BLM abandoned mine work http//www.blm.gov/aml/al
51By-products Liquid Pollution
- Agricultural
- Manufacturing
- Services
- Sewage
- http//www.motherjones.com/news/featurex/2006/03/r
52Population and Consumption What happens if the
present population increases consumption to the
present first world consumption rate?
- Use present consumption information
- Compare the industrial world and the rest of the
world. - Set the world to industrialized world consumption
- Compare present and fully industrialized
531) Find a relative consumption factor
- MDCs
- 20 of population uses 80 of resources.
- 0.2 R1 0.8
- R1 0.8 / 0.2 4
- (4 AVERAGE!)
- LDCs
- 80 of population uses 20 of resources.
- 0.8 R2 0.2
- R2 0.2 / 0.8 0.25
- (1/4 OF AVERAGE!)
542) Compare the MDCs and LDCs
- Try a ratio
- R1 / R2 4 / 0.25
- R1 / R2 16
- If still true, the First World (MDCs)
- uses 16 times the amount of resources
- per capita as the rest of the world.
- (Amazing!)
553) Set the world to MDC consumption
- Old total consumption
- (MDCs) (Everyone Else) 1
- (20 4) (80 .25) 1
- Fully industrialized total consumption
- 100 4 4
- 4 present average (Problem!)
56Q1 Is this supportable? Realistic?
- We would run out of oil approx. 4 times as fast.
- We would have 4 the demand for raw materials.
- We would have 4 the demand for steel and other
industrial products. - The world would in theory eat a similar calorie
and meat diet. - The world also would adopt our approach
wholesale. - (All are doubtful.)
57(Another Estimate)
- Article World Population Change Boom or Bust?
- http//www.uwsp.edu/business/economicswisconsin/e_
58When do we run out? What do we do?
- Assumptions are used in each model
- Proven Reserves,
- Potential Reserves,
- Reasonable production costs,
- Note This estimate assumes no coal, nuclear by
2050, but both are now major contributions. - Is this the best mix?
- What is best? Why?
- Who picks? How?
59Local, Regional, Global Effects
- Sources
- Transportation
- Energy consumption
- Manufacturing
http//www.torontoenvironment.org/image/view/154 h
60Local ? Regional Smog in China
- http//www.osei.noaa.gov/Events/Unique/Smog/2004/U
61Smog combustion engines, industry
- http//users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyP
62Oil Drilling used to be easy.
- http//www.bfcollection.net/indphoto/jpg/02294s.jp
63Harder Sites Offshore Oil, and Slicks
- Background
- Oil platform
- Foreground
- Oil Slick
- Site
- Santa Barbara Channel
t.jpg http//images.google.com/imgres?imgurlhttp
Dorg.mozillaen-USofficial_s26sa3DG (Text)
64US Petroleum Supply, Energy Use
- Total demand increases
- Local production falls
- Foreign oil purchases dependency
- Foreign oil supply and foreign policy become
critical. - Images http//www.azgs.az.gov/images/winter0106.g
if http//www.cpast.org/Articles/Artfiles/000/000/
65We do not control our oil future.
- (Relate to ANWR.)
- Image http//oil.server4.com/temp9.gif
66Resource Demand Oil
- Increased Demand, but old supplies dwindle
- New supplies are more costly.
- More demand, less supply ? higher prices
- http//www.kkrva.se/images/energi/priddle2.jpg
67Oil Reserves
- Extract from proven reserves.
- Note location and regional (in)stability.
2.gif http//images.google.com/imgres?imgurlhttp
68What are Recoverable, Unconventional?
- Unconventional
- Tar Sands
- Oil Shale
- Recoverable
- Re-tapping old fields (See fracking, and
associate risks.) - Many extraction efforts need new technologies
- Deeper wells
- Deep-sea drilling
- Specialized extraction techniques
- Many to be determined, developed, or tested,
risks evaluated. - If the oil is not recoverable, we run out.
- If the oil is recoverable, we pay more and we
pollute more.
69Pollution Air / Thermal
- Local
- Smog,
- Surface Ozone,
- Inversions,
- Heat Islands
- Regional
- Smog,
- Acid Rain,
- Changes in rainfall patterns
- Global
- Warming
- Greenhouse Gases
- Ozone Hole
- CFCs, etc.
70Local Temperature Heat Island Effect
- This localized effect is different from global
warming. It is caused by energy use (air
conditioning, cars, industries, etc.) - Source URL http//adaptation.nrcan.gc.ca/perspect
71Regional Effect
- Acid Rain
- Reduces agricultural output
- Harms species
- Impacts ecosystems
- Ex Black Forest, Europe
- Ex Eastern US
72Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
- http//www.environment.sa.gov.au/sustainability/im
73- http//atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/climate
74Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
- The greenhouse effect is natural. Gases absorb
and re-radiate a lot of energy. - Gases CO2, CH4, H2O, NOx, etc.
- The enhanced greenhouse effect is the additional
human contribution to those greenhouse gases. - The enhanced greenhouse effect is caused in large
part by fossil fuel use, including manufacturing,
transportation, and shipping. - There are other contributions
- Cow flatulence,
- Rice patties
75Why add the word enhanced?
- You are more correct.
- You sound more intelligent.
- You indicate more of the big picture. (!!!)
- The greenhouse effect exists without us.
- Humans enhance it (by burning fossil fuels, etc.)
- Without the greenhouse effect, the world would be
a cold place to live. - With the enhanced greenhouse effect, the world
will be a hotter place to live than it has been.
76Global Warming Notable
- http//www.grinningplanet.com/2004/01-27/global-wa
77Causes IdentifiableEx Consistent Annual CO2
- http//www.uigi.com/mauna_loa_co2.GIF
78ProblemEstimableGases ? energy storage in
the atmosphere.
- http//www.research.noaa.gov/climate/images/observ
79Present Effects Predictable
- We can model aspects of global warming..
- Models are incomplete, (always will be), but
sufficient for prediction.
80Sea Level Rise
Seas response lags as the oceans absorb
temperature and slowly expand. Land glacial melt
combines with this. http//membrane.com/sidd/tope
81Effects are notable. Rate of future change is
- Glacial retreat (mountain and continental)
- Sea level rise
- Land loss, population displacement
- More extreme events
- Stronger storms
- Hotter summers
- More heat wave related deaths are expected.
- More droughts
- Poorer crop production is likely.
- Stronger winter cold weather events (!)
- Heat engine more heat ? more circulation.
82Consequences are expected, but when?
- Sea level rise
- Southeast US 8 m.
- Greenland Ice Cap 7 m.
- Note Miami, New Orleans, US East Coast cities
- http//www.fao.org/sd/SDimages/EIre0045.GIF
83Now for the bad news
- Long-term consequences of this initial change are
difficult to calculate. - There are positive and negative feedbacks that
complicate the long-term results, including - Economics
- Population Growth
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy Sources,
- New Technologies
- Technology adoption
84Why is it taking so long?
- Greenhouse gases take time to be absorbed.
- Greenhouse gas production is going up, not down.
- New habits and technologies (translation, you)
are needed. - Any new states and transitions will take time to
complete. Example oceans. - Sea level rise is a function of amount of water
and its temperature. - The oceans heat up slowly over time, matching the
surface temperature regime over centuries. The
effect is cumulative, but glacially slow.
85Alternative Energy Source Options
- Solar
- Needs dependable sunlight.
- Wind
- Needs dependable high winds.
- Bio-fuel
- Takes much farmland from food production.
- Low total yields.
- Fission (?) Fusion (???)
- Still in search of solutions radiation,
efficiency - Hydrogen (??) This is a storage medium, e.g.
hydrogen cells - Need an energy source for splitting water. (N/A)
- This is actually like a battery. It stores energy.
86Option Solar
- Needs reliable sunlight
- Southwest
- More flexible than wind
- Can place on objects
- Rooftops, etc.
- Often related do demand
- Hot sunny days ? want A/C
- Not good everywhere
- Bad in the North in Winter
- New England.
- Midwest
http//www.solartude.net/solar_farm_1.jpg http//w
87Option Wind
- Strong winds
- Reliable winds
- Few people
- Not popular
- Noisy
- Kills birds
- Visual intrusion
88Option Hydro-power
- Needs
- water,
- reservoir
- (head)
- Environmental concerns, siltation
- http//www.arizona-leisure.com/gfx/hoover-dam-phot
89(Another Estimate)
- World Population Change Boom or Bust?
- http//www.uwsp.edu/business/economicswisconsin/e_
90LULU Locally Undesirable Land Use
- Everyone wants some products.
- No-one wants waste products, etc.
- Many want new stuff
- Few want the old junk.
- We make them and dump them someplace. Where?
- Not in my back yard! (NIMBY)
- So Whose back yard?
911/3 of Nuclear Power production is in the U.S.
92Nuclear Power Concerns
- Accidents
- Chernobyl
- Terrorism
- Bomb Material
- Theft or sale
- Thermal Pollution
- Radiation
- I understand that radiation from coal plants is
93HDI and Consumption
- Compare US, Japan, Brazil
- Source URL http//www.lib.utah.edu/gould/1998/Fig
ure_9.gif - Source info http//www.lib.utah.edu/gould/1998/le
94Combating Pollution
- Recycle reusable resources.
- Change discarded items from waste products to
resources. - Reduce consumption.
- Reduce waste produced in manufacture and
distribution. - Reuse components.
- Includes re-purposing.
- Research less polluting methods
- Includes changing products, and changing methods.
- Replace present polluting methods with better
methods. - We already have some alternative methods that
work. (Prev. slides.)
96Combating Pollution (repeat)
- Recycle reusable resources.
- Reduce consumption.
- Reuse components until they die.
- Research less polluting methods
- Replace present polluting methods with better
methods. - Have a Merry Christmas!
- (Happy Consumption Festival!)
- (or) have a happy vacation!
- (Consume wisely.)