Title: Silica - It’s Not Just Dust!
1Silica - Its Not Just Dust!
- by
- Mary E. Reed, ARM, CSP
- Argonaut Insurance Company
2Why Target Crystalline Silica Exposure?
- Widespread Occurrence and use -
- Maritime
- Agriculture
- Construction
- General Industry
- Number of Related Deaths
- Number of exposed workers
- Health Effects
3Occurrence of Crystalline Silica
- Silicon Dioxide is basic component of sand,
quartz, granite - Quartz is second most common mineral in earths
- Airborne silica is produced by, among other
activities - Sandblasting
- Rock Drilling
- Roof Bolting
- Foundry Work
- Stone Cutting
- Drilling
- Quarrying
- Tunneling
4Industries with Silica Exposure
- Electronics
- Foundries
- Ceramics, clay pottery, stone, glass
- Construction
- Agriculture
- Maritime
- Mining
- Railroad ( setting laying track)
- Slate flint quarrying flint crushing
- Use manufacture of abrasives
- Manufacture of soap detergents
5Number of Silica Related Deaths
- Total US deaths 1968-1990 where silica is
reported on death certificate 13,744 people - Deaths where silicosis is reported as underlying
cause of death 6,322 people - 68 of silica related deaths reported in 12
states - 10 of silica-related deaths reported from
construction industry
6Number of Exposed Workers
- NIOSH Hazard Alerts estimate
- More than One Million Workers at Risk
- More than 1,00,000 sandblasters
7Health Effects
- Pulmonary fibrosis (silicosis)
- Acute silicosis (1 to 3 years)
- Accelerated silicosis (3 to 10 years)
- Chronic silicosis (5 to 25 years)
- Possible Lung Cancer
8Inspection Targeting
- Wherever possible, inspections will be focused to
particular establishments where known exposures
to crystalline have occurred or there are known
cases of silicosis - Process
- Identify establishments
- Select sites by use of random number tables
- Numbers of Inspections determined by regions
- Sites with effective control programs are exited
after program review
9Examples of Potential Data Sources for Targeting
- Workers Compensation Data
- OSHA 200 data
- SENSOR - NIOSH cooperative agreements with
state agencies - State surveillance data
- Hospital discharge data
- OSHA data on industries with historic exposure to
crystalline silica
10Additional Information Sources for Construction
- Visual observations of relevant processes
- Dodge reports
- University of Tennessee construction activity
11Elements of an effective, On-going Control
Program for Crystalline Silica
- Personal Monitoring
- Medical Surveillance
- Training
- Availability of monitoring/Surveillance data to
workers - Respiratory Protection Program
- Hygiene facilities clothing change areas
12Elements of Control Program (continued)
- Recordkeeping
- Exposures below PEL or a current program with
interim protection - Housekeeping
- In construction A Safety Health Program
- Regulated areas to limit exposures
13The Hawks Nest Incident - Americas Worst
Industrial Disaster by Martin Cherniack, MD
- The Hawks Nest Tunnel - Union Carbide New
Kanawha Power Corp. - Rinehart Dennis, Charlottesville, VA.
- Gauley Bridge, West Virginia
- Drilling a tunnel for power production
- Close to 1000 workers lost their lives because of
acute silicosis