Title: Management and Distribution of Multimedia Titles
1Management and Distribution of Multimedia Titles
- Who develops the title?
- Outsourcing titles
- Project management
- Multimedia careers
- Mass-market distribution
- Online distribution
3Who Develops the Title?
- In-house or outsource?
- Project complexity level
- Expertise of current staff
- Train or hire employees
- One-time occurrence or ongoing?
- Contracting out specialty pieces
4Who Develops the Title?
- Outsourcing Benefits
- Service providers know the industry
- Know latest trends and what is passé
- Have database of multimedia experts
Different skills needed for each
5Who Develops the Title?
- Selecting a Service Provider
Niche in the market important
Concrete examples of work
Promotional packets
6Outsourcing Multimedia Titles
- Contract and establish relationship
- Become a client but in a partnership
- Need close cooperation
- Need effective communication
7Outsourcing Process - Initially
- Company identifies its needs
- Company writes a RFP (request for proposal)
- Defines project
8Outsourcing ProcessRFP Response
- References
- Deliverables
- Timelines
- Budget
9Outsourcing Process Company Response
- Awards the project
- Writes the contract
- Parties both agree to contract
- Specifications
- Decision maker
10Outsourcing Process Responsibilities
Service Provider
- Provide idea
- State objectives
- Develop specs
- Provide content
- Provide budget
- Determine timeline
- Identify liaison
- Identify decision maker
- Help refine idea
- Help clarify objectives
- Clarify/meet specs
- Generate content
- Provide cost estimates
- Establish schedules/meetings
- Identify liaison
- Manage the project
11Project Management
- Plan the project
- Form the team
- Organize the resources
- Strategic Planning vs. Project Planning
- Corporate vision five year plans
- Identify projects to help meet long-range goals
- Projects have measurable attributes
12Project Management
- Task Analysis who is responsible for what
- Helps establish resources needed
- Determines budget
- Questions to ask
13Project Management
- Budget development financial plan
- Provides control
- Helps evaluate project
- Compare planned to actual expenses
- Most titles cannot produce a title for less than
14Project Management
- Schedule development beginning, ending and
milestone dates - Helps coordinate team efforts
- Shows potential bottlenecks
- Avoid feature creep which occurs when
- New features added
- Specifications changed
15Project Management
Identifying the Team
16Project Management
- Ensuring resources are available
- Opening lines of communications
- Defining procedures for collaboration
- Optimizing the work environment for creativity
and cooperation
17Project Management
Organizing Resources
18Project Management
Project Manager
- Make sure team is organized and motivated
- Characteristics of good manager
- Lead by example
- Be straightforward and sincere
- Recognize accomplishments
- Listen
19Project Management
Physical Work Environment
Area for team to meet informally
Plenty of storage space
Proper lighting and work space
20Project Management
Psychological Work Environment
- Team Building
- Have team take ownership of project
- Include team early in project
- Hold periodic meetings
- Set up e-mail
- Give public recognition (credits screen)
21Multimedia Careers
22Multimedia Careers
Study Areas
- 3-D animations
- Web authoring
- Business administration
- Education
- Soft skills
- Communication oral and written
- Problem-solving
- Critical thinking
23Multimedia Careers
- Internships
- Entry-level positions
- Personal portfolio
- CD or web sites
24Mass-Market Distribution of Titles
- The ultimate test of a title is its demand, which
is influenced heavily by retail exposure,
advertising and point-of-purchase display
25Distribution Models
- Needs to have some value added as it moves
through channel
26Distribution Models
- Buy from publishers
- Resell to other entities
- Services provided
- Control inventories
- Process returns
- Give technical support
- Offer worldwide network of retailers
- Publishers discount price by gt50
27Distribution Models
- Consumer impulse buying
- Shelf space demand slotting fees from publisher
to stock title - Publishers discount price by 35-50
28Distribution Models
Catalog Sales
- Monthly catalogs
- Distribute to selected markets
29Distribution Alternatives
- Direct mail can buy target audience mailing
lists - Bundling with some other product
- Good to launch a product
- Establish brand identification
- Must discount price 70-80
- Online sales
30Online Distribution
Purchase Ship
- Same product on multiple sites
- Multimedia publisher
- Distributor
- Amazon.com software category
- Product reviews, summary and ratings available
31Online Distribution
- Advantages
- No shipping fees
- No waiting
- Can use immediately
- Seller can reduce costs (manufacturing, storage
and handling) - Seller can concentrate on promoting impulse
buying - Disadvantage best for small files
- Can provide free demos
32Online Distribution
- Online versions and updates
- Can access via the Internet
- Receive annual updates at a discount
- Users loyal to sellers
- Keeps users up-to-date
33Online Distribution
Allow searching for multimedia elements
Attracting buyers to site
Users access search engines
34Issue How to Market Multimedia Titles
- Marketing/promotion strategy
- Product strategy
- Pricing strategy
- Distribution strategy
- Publicity strategy
How does the Web and technology changes affect
35Management and Distribution of Multimedia Titles