Title: Defense Logistics Agency
1Defense Technology Cluster
October 26, 2006
2DTC Meeting
3DTC Meeting 10/26/2006
- DTC Activities Scott Gray
- 07 Funding Status Update
- 08/09 Funding Request
- Defense Transformation Magazine Update
- SA to DC Technology Issues Recap
- San Antonio Military Transformation Task Force
Status - DTC Website Status
- TCATS Package Karl Kabanek
- Status
- Actions
- SATAI Status John Dascher
- Upcoming Events
- Presentation on DTC Opportunity Kendall
Howell - Defense Transformation Institute (DTI) Bill
Hartman - Status
- Financial Status
- General Discussion
- Next Meeting Date
- Adjourn
4DTC Activities
5DTC Activities
- 07 Funding Status Update
- 08/09 Funding Request
6DTC Activities
- 07 Funding Status Update
- 08/09 Funding Request
- DTC Expansion
7DTC Activities
- 07 Funding Status Update
- 08/09 Funding Request
- DTC Expansion
- Defense Transformation Magazine Update
8DTC Activities
9DTC Activities
- 07 Funding Status Update
- 08/09 Funding Request
- DTC Expansion
- Defense Transformation Magazine Update
- SA to DC Technology Issues Recap
10SA to DC Issues Recap
- Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs Act of 2006
- Tax Credits for Equity Investors
- Will create more investment
- Small Business Innovation Research Act
- Ease restrictions on VC funded Small Businesses
- San Antonio Defense Technology Cluster (DTC)
National Sustainment Technology Center (NSTC) - Attract Defense Technology work to SA
- Capitalize on Defense Technology Capability in
the SA Region - Job growth and revenue generation for SA
Companies - 5M FY08 / 5M FY09
- Higher Education Issues Summary
- CIAS - 5M
- Center for Biotechnology Bioprocessing
Education - 5M - SA Institute for Cellular and Molecular
Primatology - 1.5M - Transformation Leadership Lab Request Armed
Services Authorization
11SA to DC Issues Recap
- UTHSCSA Issues
- Access to Healthcare
- The Electronic Healthcare Record
- CPSG Issues
- Facilities need MILCON
- Conveyance of Port of SA Property?
- IA/Intel Interns - 250K
- IA RD Projects - 5M
- San Antonio Contracting Authority will allow
access to SA Small Businesses - Congressional Visits to CPSG and TCC (Texas
Cryptologic Center) - Texas Cryptologic Center (TCC) NTOC Issues
- Space/Facilities
- Need more billets
- to recruit/train talent
- Less than 1 can prosecute mission
- Need for internships
12SA to DC Issues Recap
San Antonio Express-News (TX) NSA plan for S.A.
WRITER Publication Date September 30, 2006
Funding for the National Security Agency's
satellite campus in San Antonio, known as the
Texas Cryptology Center, is in limbo. It's stuck
in an internal agency discussion on whether to
spend money this year to renovate the old Sony
microchip plant on 50 acres at Northwest Military
Drive and Loop 410, according to a source
familiar with the deal. San Antonio leaders
learned about the issue from military contractors
and former intelligence sources two weeks ago.
During the past week on their annual trip to
Washington, D.C., they met with members of
Congress to talk about ways to keep the project
13DTC Activities
- 07 Funding Status Update
- 08/09 Funding Request
- DTC Expansion
- Defense Transformation Magazine Update
- SA to DC Technology Issues Recap
- DTC Website Status
14DTC Website Status
15TCATS Package
- Status
- Number of Submissions
- Action Items
16SATAI Status
Champion to Bring Clusters Together John
17Upcoming Events
Lockheed Martin, The US Chamber of Commerce, and
the San Antonio Defense Technology Cluster are
pleased to invite you to join Congressman Henry
Bonilla as he gives us an update on his
perspective for San Antonio Defense and
Intelligence Activities. Thursday, November 2,
2006 Marriott Rivercenter Salon M 1130 AM 100
PM There is no cost to attend this
luncheon. This Luncheon is sponsored by Lockheed
18Upcoming Events
Early Registration 70 (through October 30,
2006) Late Registration 85 (after October 30,
2006) http//www.txdps.state.tx.us/dem/pages/inde
19Upcoming Events
Texas Lyceum Public Conference http//www.texasly
20Upcoming Events
Global Border Security Conference http//www.glob
21DTC Opportunity
Ms. Kendall Howell
22DTC Opportunity
23DTC Opportunity
24DTC Opportunity
25DTC Opportunity
26DTC Opportunity
27DTC Opportunity
28DTI Update
Bill Hartman
29DTC Financial Report
30DTC Meeting
31DTC Meeting
Next Meeting Date Tuesday, November 28 300
430 Location TBD
32DTC Meeting