Title: Time is the Simplest (and Strongest) Thing
1- Time is the Simplest (and Strongest) Thing
Time, Ill tell you about time. Time is the
simplest thing. Clifford Simak, The
Fisherman Craig Callender Philosophy,
UCSD ccallender_at_ucsd.edu
- What makes time different than space? Once a
central question in metaphysics, this question
has not been treated kindly by recent history.
Why? - Methodological. One searched for statements S
whose truth-values or meanings were not invariant
under substitution of temporal and spatial terms.
Finding S, one then consulted ones intuitions
to discern the difference between space and time.
Compare what makes protons different than
neutrons? Science, not ordinary language and
intuitions, gives the answer and its not clear
that there is the difference between the two. - Physical. Relativity seems to remove some of the
motivation for the question and also obscure it.
The difference between spatialized
non-fundamental time and non-fundamental space
doesnt sound like it will yield unexpected
riches. Furthermore, the question seems to
presuppose that some features are intrinsic to
time, yet relativity makes many features once
considered intrinsic dependent on the contingent
distribution of matter-energy--and so extrinsic. -
3Once the blows to the question are identified,
they are easily parried. Physical. There are
still intrinsic metrical and topological features
of relativistic spacetimes. Furthermore,
relativity is not the only theory. To
motivation, relativity still draws sharp and
important distinctions between the timelike and
spacelike directions on the manifold of events.
And looking at physics as a whole, few eqs (e.g.,
uxxutt) are invariant under a transformation of
spatial and temporal variables--and no important
ones. If modern physics is spatializing time,
as Bergson charged, its going about the job
awfully slowly. Methodology. We need two
changes. One, the data should be scientific, not
linguistic. Second, we ought to admit that the
goal of previous research may not exist there
may not be the difference between space and time.
That doesnt mean, however, that some
differences arent more central and important to
the concept of time than others. Here I take up
this rehabilitated project and propose a novel
and I hope important distinction between space
and time. Along the way, I hope well learn
something about the relationship among various
temporal features too. At a time when
researchers in QG propose speculative theories
with no time in it at all, a better understanding
of time is all the more important--if only to see
what is lost by its potential absence.
- Other Theories
- Differences Between Time and Space in
Contemporary Physics - General Proposal
- Illustration
- Argument for the Proposal
- Conclusion What is Time?
51. Other Theories
- Metaphysics of time. Time is irreducibly tensed,
flowing, becoming, passing or branching space is
not. E.g., presentism, becoming, tenses, flow,
etc. See, e.g., my Shedding Light on Time and
Times Ontic Voltage - Causal Theories of Time 1. Temporal relations
are defined in terms of empirically accessible
causal relations. E.g., Carnap, Reichenbach,
Grünbaum, van Fraassen. - Founders on objections of detail and motivation
- Causal Theories of Time 2. Temporal relations
are defined in terms of primitive causal
relation. E.g., Mellor, Tooley. - Causation is primitive obscure
- Laws of Nature. The laws of nature single out
one dimension over the others in some way. E.g.,
Sider, Loewer, Skow. - If the laws primitive, then same objection as
6- Skow 2005 any direction in which the laws
govern the evolution of the world is a timelike
direction. - He is then at pains to deny that imagined laws
governing in a spacelike direction are really
laws--to the extent that he denies theories of
lawhood that might classify such generalizations
as laws. But one doesnt even need imaginary
cases. E.g., Pauli exclusion principle. E.g.,
the 10 vacuum EFE separate into 6 evolution eqs
Gij0 and 4 constraint eqs, G000 and G0i0,
with i1,2,3. To decree that 4 of the 10 are not
laws strikes me as unacceptable. E.g. two of
Maxwells equations. - Still, if sense can be made of the idea of the
laws preferring time, I find the general idea
73. Time in Contemporary Physics
Physics is not invariant under a change of
spatial and temporal directions. But writing a
list of all such eqs would not be edifying.
Instead, lets think of those features commonly
attributed to time but not space by our spacetime
theories, and lump all the others that treat the
two differently under the label dynamics. Lots
of properties possibly essential to time, e.g.,
it being an ordering relation, will thus be ruled
out b/c space also has these properties.
Orientable,Hausdorf Connected, ordering
Inspection leads to at least four major
differences Dynamics Temporal Direction Minus
Sign Dimension
8Metrical Difference
- The metrical structure of spacetime is arguably
its most fundamental and central feature. Both
relativistic and classical metrics distinguish
time from space. In Newton-Cartan spacetime
there are two metrics, h, with signature
(1,1,1,0) and t, with signature (0,0,0,1).
Because it will play a role later, lets focus on
the relativistic metric. - the world of Minkowski expresses the
peculiarity of the time dimension mathematically
by prefixing a minus sign to the time expression
in the basic metrical formulae. (Reichenbach,
112) - In relativity, there is one Lorentzian metric.
E.g., in Minkowski spacetime - g (dx1)2 (dx2)2 (dx3)2 - (dx4)2
- There are other coordinate systems that do not
produce this asymmetry. Use lightcone
coordinates as in string theory, or let ?icx4.
And of course, its conventional whether one uses
(-) or (---)--for this reason Skow 2005
discounts the importance of this feature.
9Metrical Difference
- But the signature of a metric is a geometrical
invariant. Given g, we can find an orthonormal
basis v1vn of the tangent space at each point e
of M. Let the number of basis vectors with
g(v,v)1 be p and the number with g(v,v)-1 be
q. Then the metric has signature (p,q). In
relativity, we assume the metric is
nondegenerate, so pqn, where ndim M. If M is
connected, and g non-deg and continuous, the
signature is an invariant. - Positive Definite/Riemannian metric (manifold)
the signature of g is (n,0) or (0,n) - Lorentzian metric (manifold) the signature of g
is (n-1,1) or (1, n-1) - Note that for any semi-Riemannian metric g, a
vector v is spacelike, timelike or null
depending on whether g(v,v) is positive, negative
or zero.
10Signature-Changing Spacetimes
- One can relax assumptions on g and have
signature-changing spacetimes. These are
generalizations of relativity). -
- To get signature change, one needs g to be either
non-degenerate or discontinuous. (See, e.g, Dray,
Ellis, Hellaby, Manague Gravity and Signature
Change, 1996)
Simple example ds2tdt2a(t)2dx2
- In pre-classical, classical and relativistic
physics, there is one time dimension.
Classically, we can see this by simply grabbing
the set of instants and showing that it forms a
continuum under the earlier than or sim with
relation, and that this relation determines the
open sets that form a basis for the topological
structure. - What does this mean in relativity? Consider a
point p on a timelike curve and a 4-velocity
field va. Take a vector wa at p. Then wa can be
composed into components parallel and orthogonal
to va. The set of orthogonal (parallel) vectors
forms a 3-dim (1-dim) subspace in the tangent
space Mp at p.
12In speculative physics and speculative
philosophy, there are models with more than one
time dimension. In philosophy, Thompson 1965 and
MacBeath 1993 in physics, (4,2) brane worlds,
(11,2) F-theory, (3,3) Cole, and more. But
there are pressures against this possibility, and
if my theory is right, it will explain these
pressures. First, regarding the philosophical
stories by MacBeath and Thompson, wherein it is
allegedly plausible to posit two dimensions,
notice that these very scenarios already happen
in real life! MacBeaths thought experiment is
isomorphic to the situation with mesons entering
the atmosphere. Yet science sticks with one time.
In physics all hell breaks loose with gt1
timelike dimensions. Hell means stability
problems (Dorling 1967), causality and
probability violations, and even observable
causality and probability violations (Yndurain
1991 no compact timelike extra dim if their size
is even 1/10th the Planck radius)
- Many equations in physics are TRI few PRI.
Equations not invariant under t? -t but invariant
under xi? -xi single out time in some sense. - But, arguably, directionality is a feature of
processes in time, not time itself (e.g.,
Grünbaum, Horwich). Virtually all the
fundamental equations of physics are TRI
directionality emerges at the macro-level from
the behavior of ensembles with special initial
conditions. Where this isnt true, say, for
neutral kaon decay, we can plausibly say that
although it provides a difference between space
and time, it isnt a central and important over
and above the general dynamical differences. - That said, I want to acknowledge that temporal
directionality is a central part of our concept
of time, and that many have posited temporally
asymmetric fields on space-time, or as part of
the spacetime structure, in response to this
14Matter fields
- All of the fundamental matter fields evolve
differently in space than they do time. - E.g.,
153. The Theory
- Motivation. Recall from section 1 that I said
it would be useful if the laws of nature approach
could be given an empiricist slant. The best
empiricist theory I know is that of MRL. The
idea is -
- Consider various deductive systems, each of
which makes only true claims about what exists.
The BEST SYSTEM is the deductive system that best
balances simplicity and strength (and if
probabilistic, also fit). Simplicity is measured
with respect to a language that contains a
primitive predicate for each natural property.
Strength is informativeness about matters of
particular fact. - And indeed, Loewer recently writes,
- In fact one might go so far as to say that what
distinguishes the temporal dimension from the
spatial ones is that it is the dimension picked
out by the BEST THEORY for special treatment in
other words the distribution of fundamental
properties is laid out in space-time in such a
way that the theory that best combines simplicity
and informativeness picks one of these dimensions
for writing down equations that informatively
describe that distribution. These remarks need
more development and defense -especially in view
of relativistic conceptions of space-time- then I
will get into here but it is suggestive of the
constructive potential of Lewis conception of
Isotropic homogeneous
Fig2. Expanding FRW Model The cosmological
principle holds, but not the perfect cosmological
Fig1. Symmetric Two-dim World
17MRL Time?
- The idea is vague as it stands and in need of
development. The fundamental concepts of MRL are
murky, and its not clear how all of this can be
translated into the setting of contemporary
theories. - But (a) arguably it answers our question without
resort to a primitive and (b) the half about
simplicity already fits with an attractive view
of time, the idea that time is the great
simplifier (MTW, Gravitation). Poincare,
Reichenbach, Barbour all point out that duration
is defined so as to make motion look simple. - That said, nothing in what follows hangs on
assuming MRL laws.
18The general idea is that time is that direction
on a spacetime manifold in which we can tell the
strongest stories. Suppose we have an
n-dimensional space-time ltM,ggt, where M is a diff
manifold and g is the metric on M, then the
general idea is Proposal. A temporal direction
at point p on ltM,ggt is that direction in which
the best theory tells the strongest, i.e., most
informative, story. 1) The set of all such
directions is the temporal direction. 2) In
terms of MRL, time is the strongest direction of
the on balance strongest and simplest theory. 3)
To avoid terminological muddles, please remember
that a priori, there is no reason to expect the
timelike in the above sense to line up with the
timelike in the sense of g(v,v)lt0 direction.
20Another Connection
If an algorithm, given some input, could get back
everything that happens, that would be best. A
deterministic theory is maximally strong in this
respect (it rules out all possibilities but one).
Another way to put GC time is that direction in
which we can get as much determinism as
possible. Determinism. Call a history H a map
from R to tuples of natural properties, where for
any t in R, H(t) gives the state of the
fundamental properties at t. Then a theory is
deterministic iff for any pair of histories, H1
and H2, that satisfy the laws of physics, if
H1(t) H2(t) at one time t, then H1(t)H2(t) for
all t (Earman 2005) This definition presupposes
a time versus space split, and in fact it
presupposes a global time function is definable
(and also that time is orientable). A global
time function is a smooth map tM--gtR such that
for any events p,q in M, t(p) lt t(q) iff there is
a future directed temporal curve from p to
q. Idea turn it around and define time as that
mapping t such that for histories that satisfy
the laws of physics, if any pair agree at one
value of t then they agree for all values of
t. This idea works for some but not all
spacetimes, e.g., there exist spacetimes with
CTCs (and hence no global time fn) that are
deterministic (Friedman 1994).
21Further Comments
- Doesnt commit me to determinism. Determinism is
not a matter for armchair reflection, although it
might be a regulative ideal. - Distinguish marks of strength from strength.
Being deterministic, being markovian, etc., are
all marks of strength
- The vagueness of MRL might make one uneasy and
even if we scrap MRL, the vagueness of
information makes the proposal lean on much
that is murky. However, with suitable
restrictions, and a precise sense of strength, we
can prove that strength picks out something
temporal. Moreover, we can display non-trivial
connections between various features of time.
224. Illustration The Equations
A very large class of important equations in
mathematical physics are or can be approximated
by linear PDEs of second order. For an unknown
function u(x1xd), such an equation in Rd can be
written generally in the form
Scores of the most important equations of physics
are of form (1) the wave equation, heat
equation, Schrödinger equation, Klein-Gordon
equation, Euler equation, Poisson equation, Dirac
equation, linearized Einstein equation,
Navier-Stokes equation, many equations in
relativistic continuum mechanics including those
describing elasticity, gas dynamics and
magneto-fluid dynamics Thats an awful lot of
- The non plus ultra in strength is having a
well-posed Cauchy problem. - A PDE defined over a domain, supplemented by
initial or boundary conditions, is well-posed if - There is a solution u for any choice of the data
d, where d belongs to an admissible set X. - The solution u is uniquely determined within some
set Y by the data d - The solution u depends continuously on the data
d, according to some suitable topology - If the boundary conditions are a conjunction or
linear combination of u and its normal derivative
on the boundary, then it is a Cauchy or Mixed
problem (as opposed to Dirichlet or Neumann)
- We should think of having a well-posed problem as
a kind of methodological goal. There are plenty
of questions mal posées used successfully in
science every day. - Existence, uniqueness, and continuity each make
sense from the perspective of the Best System.
Theyre obviously also good things to have from
the perspective of prediction, too. - If u doesnt depend continuously on d, then small
errors in data can create large deviations in
solution. Rounding off numbers, noise from
perturbations, will dramatically affect the
25Illustrations Specific Claim
- For systems governed by (1), a temporal direction
at point p of n-dimensional ltM,ggt is that
direction normal to the (n-1)-dimensional
hypersurface intersecting p upon which Cauchy
data can be prescribed to obtain a well-posed
Cauchy problem. - In other words, well-posed CPs pick out time.
- To be plausible, the temporal directions picked
out had better mesh well with the directions
physics normally singles out as temporal, and
they had better share many features normally
attributed to time.
(n-1)-dim hypersurface u and udot prescribed
26Argument Sketch
- Equations of form (1) can be hyperbolic,
elliptic, parabolic, and ultrahyperbolic,
depending upon the number of positive and
negative eigenvalues matrix aij has. Note that
these classifications are coordinate-independent.
With Z the number of zero eigenvalues of aij and
P the number of positive eigenvalues - Hyperbolic Z0 P1 or Z0 and Pd-1 E.g., Wave
uyyuxx - Parabolic Zgt0 E.g., Heat uyuxx
- Elliptic Z0 Pd or Z0 P0 E.g., LaPlace
uyy-uxx - Ultrahyperbolic Z0 1ltPltd-1
- (Courant Hilbert 1962 Tegmark 1997) With
Cauchy data on non-closed hypersurfaces, elliptic
and parabolic eqs do not admit well-posed CPs.
Elliptic eqs suffer a variety of fates
non-unique solutions, lack of existence, lack of
continuity. Parabolic eqs have too many
solutions given Cauchy data. -
27Sketch, continued
- But ultrahyperbolic and hyperbolic (1) are
finicky. Not as much in general is known about
ultrahyperbolic eqs as hyperbolic eqs, but
Asgeirssons theorem implies that these eqs do
not possess the sort of hypersurface upon which
data can be placed to get a WPCP. - That leaves only hyperbolic versions of (1). For
these eqs, the characteristic conoids consist of
two sheets emanating from each point of the n-dim
space. The sheets divide the space into three
disjoint regions. Call surface elements at the
vertex of these three regions spacelike if they
lie in the region bounded by both sheets, and
timelike if they point into one of the two
regions bounded by a single sheet. AT implies
only hyperbolic (1) with Cauchy data on spacelike
surfaces give rise to WPCP. - In fact, its a theorem that all linear
hyperbolic second order systems have WPCP if data
is so specified.
28Intuitive Picture
Cauchy surface
Cauchy surface
29- Consider an arbitrary curve C and a point P not
on C. Prescribe data on curve C. If we have a
solution u(P), there will be characteristic
curves intersecting P and C at points Q and R of
C. u(P) will be determined by u and udot within
triangle created by QP, PR, and RQ. - One way to define spacelike here is that we
mean as P tends to a point on C, the points Q and
R also tend to that point on C. - u(p) is consistent with the Cauchy data on C only
if C is spacelike - Define the timelike to be orthogonal to the
spacelike, and the CP picks out time without
putting time in.
30Fact 1
- The Cauchy surface G must be n-1 dimensional.
Cauchy data specified on a n-2 dim or less
submanifold S of M of dim n can never give a
well-posed CP.
The timelike is one-dimensional!
31Fact 2
- The signature of space-time is connected to the
type of equation (if fundamental). For covariant
field equations the matrix aij in (1) will have
the same eigenvalues as the metric tensor. - E.g. the Klein-Gordon equation looks the way it
does (hyperbolic) b/c the signature of space-time
is (-), whereas it would be elliptic if the
signature were () and ultrahyperbolic if it
were (--).
The Klein-Gordon equation possesses a well-posed
CP. But if we changed the sign of the lhs, and
it goes LaPlacian, it does not.
32Fact 3
- The properties Im identifying with the spacelike
and timelike directions coincide, in relativity,
with the relativistic sense of spacelike
(g(v,v)gt0) and timelike (g(v,v)lt0). - Hence the Cauchy data must be placed on the ()
submanifold of a Lorentzian M, and pushed by
the PDE orthogonally in the (-) direction.
33Does This Time Correspond Well with the Temporal
Directions in Physics?
- Fact 1 implies time is one-dimensional
- Facts 2 and 3 imply that in Lorentzian manifolds
time is given by the minus sign direction - Why does temporality supervene upon the minus
sign direction? Why does physics tend to shun
extra timelike dim? And what do the two have to
do with one another? - Answers the timelike M has to be one-dim if
were to get a well-posed CP M should be
Lorentzian if the PDE is hyperbolic, which it
should be if were to get max strength and the
direction in which the 3-dim hypersurfaces march
must be the one associated with one-dim.
34- Is the Illustration merely a mathematical
curiosity? After all, if we replaced our notion
of strength with a well-posed Dirichlet problem,
nothing temporal pops out. - First, unlike for Tegmark, it just an
illustration, not the general proposal. A world
governed by a fundamental elliptic eq would have
to find strength in some other mark of strength
to get time alternatively, such steady-state
worlds might not be temporal. - Second, the illustration does cover a lot of
fundamental physics, and one can think of many
other strong eqs as truncations of these, e.g.,
the elliptic Poisson eq is a truncation of the
linear hyperbolic Maxwell eqs. - Third, perturbing it slightly is okay.
Higher-order eqs can be put in form (1) without
loss with the help of auxiliary fields. Adding
non-linear terms to (1) wont make ill-posed
problems well-posed. - Fourth, there are results in the neighborhood of
this. Geroch 1996 gives conditions for unique
existence for first-order pdes, which are
capable of governing almost every system of
physical interest, and one of these conditions is
a hyperbolization -- a time/space split. So a
time/space split is a piece of a sufficient
condition for unique existence.
354. Back to the General Argument
- Restrict matters to fundamental physics and
worlds like ours. -
- Newtonian mechanics
- Almost deterministic
- Quantum mechanics
- Deterministic if H is essentially self-adjoint
- General relativity
- Smattering of results (Wald, Rendall, Anderson)
No sideways CP - In all of these, strength is overwhelmingly
dominant in one direction.
- Is time the direction of strength in worlds like
ours? -
- Against
- (a) Lots of strength in other directions, e.g.,
street signs, thermostatics, well-posed Dirichlet
and Neuman problems, etc. - (b) Do I have access to some overall metric of
strength covering everything? -
- (Heck, no.)
- Fits beautifully with the MRL theory
- Explains the difference between time and space in
terms of distribution of fundamental properties
and simplicity/strength, not a primitive - Explains 1-dim of time, and to the extent that
the Illustration is relevant, also (-)
- Doesnt prohibit laws holding across spacelike
hypersurfaces - Could get other aspects of time, too, e.g.,
past/future asymmetry, parameter v. coordinate
time (Lautman 1936) -
- The difference between space and time?
38Putting it all together
Facts about the actual distribution of stuff
The PDEs
Implicit definition of time a one-dim parameter
in terms of which we can tell maximally strong
39Conclusion What is Time?
- Pointing out the difference between two things is
not the same as saying what each is. But its
tempting to say - Call space ltM,ggt, the ultimate arena of all
events. Then time is just the most informative
direction of space. It is what space is,
different only due to the fact that the
distribution of matter, fields, etc., allow
better prediction in that direction. - If strength is defined Platonically, then the
time/space split is perfectly objective if not,
if its strength-in-application for beings like
us, then the difference between space and time,
and hence time itself, partly depends on beings
like us.
What is time?
St Augustine
40Conclusion What is Time?
- Pointing out the difference between two things is
not the same as saying what each is. But - Call space ltM,ggt, the ultimate arena of all
events. Then time is just the most informative
direction of space. It is what space is,
different only due to our interests. - Aristotle
- Whether if soul did not exist time would exist
or not, is a question that may fairly be asked
for if there cannot be someone to count there
cannot be anything counted - Kant
- Time is a form of intuition, a condition of
sensible perception - One shouldnt exaggerate the anthropic basis of
the division on my theory. As Aquinas remarked
about Aristotle, still a world with motion might
be countable so too a world devoid of
systematizers might have a BT because it is
systematizable. Even bigger difference ltM,ggt is
objective that is, the topological and metrical
features are objective.
41The Klein-Gordon equation possesses a well-posed
IVF. But if we changed the sign of the lhs, and
it goes LaPlacian, it does not.
More general than you might think Theorem.
Consider a linear, diagonal second order
hyperbolic system. Let (M, g) be a globally
hyperbolic region of an arbitrary spacetime. Let
S be a smooth spacelike Cauchy surface. Then one
has a well-posed IVF. (Hawking and Ellis, 1973
Wald 1984, 250-1 for details) Furthermore, this
theorem holds locally for quasi-linear diagonal
second order systems, where quasi-linear means
linear in the highest derivative terms.
Probably more general than anyone could have
guessed First order (only first derivatives of
the fields) quasi-linear systems of PDEs are
sufficiently broad to include virtually all
equations of physical interest (Geroch Partial
Differential Equations of Physics, 2002).
Geroch shows that if 3 conditions are met, then
the system enjoys an IVF. On of these conditions
necessitates a timelike versus spacelike split.
42Then we have the well-known classification via
the discriminants DB2-AC. Equation 2 is
elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic if Dlt0, D0, or
Dgt0, respectively. D is evaluated at a point, so
eq may change type if A, B, C arent constants.
The type of PDE is coordinate-independent.
43As an example, consider the most studied PDE or
them all, the one-dim wave equation a2uxx
utt 0 The characteristics are defined
by a2dt2 dx2 0 So the characteristics are
the lines xatconst? and x-atconst?.
Domain of influence
Domain of influence
All of this generalizes to arbitrary finite
dimension characteristic surfaces,
hypersurfaces, etc., and these surfaces describe
a domain of dependency for the PDE.
44IV. The Theory
- Mathematicians have implicitly defined the
timelike and spacelike directions for decades
via the nature of PDEs and Cauchy problems (see,
e.g. John, 1982, 27-28). I want to take this
seriously - The timelike direction just is that direction on
M in which one has a (well-posed) IVF (in our
fundamental theories). - Note the concepts Ive reviewed do not depend on
time being one of the variables. Whether a PDE
is hyperbolic, elliptic, etc., is a truth in
Platos heaven, whether there is time or not
the family of characteristics is what it is, come
what may and PDEs either have unique solutions
continuously depending on surface data or not.
Time does not enter into any of this. Yet time
is implicitly defined by these notions. Lets
see how this works.
45III. The Three Cs of PDEs
Most important equations in mathematical physics
are or can be approximated by linear PDEs of
second order. For an unknown function u(x1xd),
such an equation in Rd can be written generally
in the form
where A is a matrix, b a vector, c a scalar. We
can classify (1) as elliptic, parabolic,
hyperbolic or ultrahyperbolic depending upon how
many positive negative and zero eigenvalues the
matrix A has. But for introducing these ideas,
it wont hurt to simplify (1) and consider an
unknown function of two variables, x and y. Then
(1) can be written as
- We seek the characteristic directions along
which the PDE involves only total differentials.
Given a PDE, we get a family of characteristic
lines (the number of real characteristics is
connected to the type of PDE). - Consider the equation
- 3.1 a(x,y)ux b(x,y)uy f(x,y,u).
- Now grab an arbitrary curve C on the plane and
parameterize is via parameter s. Then xx(s) and
yy(s) and u(x,y) goes to u(x(s),y(s)). We can
now define the directional derivative of u on C
Comparing the lhs of 3.1 with the rhs of 3.2, we
see that along a special family of curves,
C--found by integrating the ODEs
--3.1 can be replaced by the ODE du/ds
f(x,y,u). This family of curves C are the
characteristic curves of 3.1.
47Fact 1
- Cauchy surfaces, the surfaces upon which we place
initial data, cannot be placed willy-nilly on a
manifold. E.g. typically, to get a well-posed
IVF, the initial surface G must be nowhere
parallel to the characteristic surfaces.
Cauchy surface
48Here a characteristic emanating from G at point P
intersects point Q. This characteristic becomes
tangent to G at Q. Conflict may arise. The
solution u at Q is at once determined by u at P
and by the Cauchy data assigned at Q on G. In
such a case, we wont be able to specify
arbitrary data and get solution and if we get
solution, we tend to get many (not unique).
Hence, the family of characteristic surfaces
constrains where the initial values can be put
if one is to have a well-posed IVF.
Cauchy surface
49Objection 1
- There are well-posed boundary value problems.
Doesnt focusing on initial value formulations
presuppose a time/space split? - Reply
- First, a BV problem is not simply a spatial
version of an IV problem. If it were, this
objection would be correct. In a BV problem, one
typically gets data on different d-1
hypersurfaces, rather than on one d-1
hypersurface, as in IV problem. - Second, that said, BV problems can be strong and
simple. However, (i) data on two slices is
harder to come by than data on one, and (ii) if
time is the dimension of change, then well-posed
elliptic eqsthe ones for which there tend to be
well-posed BV problemsdescribe situations in
equilibrium or steady state.
50Objection 2
- There are IVFs besides Cauchys.
- (One is the characteristic IVF, where one
gives data on one or more null hypersurfaces,
e.g., on the light cone.) - Reply.
- Yes, these are interesting cases to examine. I
could enlarge the spirit of my project to include
these, and then it helps undermine the tensed
theory in some respects, i.e, seeing the universe
unfold along null as opposed to spacelike
hypersurfaces doesnt sit well with tenses. - As I understand matters, at least for GR, one has
local existence theorems, not well-posed-ness (in
most cases). And in some of these cases, one
only gets existence by reducing the problem to a
Cauchy problem. (Dossa, M., Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincare, A, 66, 37-107, (1997) Chrusciel, P.T.,
Commun. Math. Phys., 137, 289-313, (1991)
Rendall, A.D., Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 427,
221-239, (1990). But there are IVFs for initial
surfaces formed by two intersecting null surfaces
(Sachs 1962 Muller zum Hagen and Seifert 1977).
51Objection 3
- We had no problem distinguishing time in
Newtonian mechanics, and it doesnt have a
well-posed IVF. - True Ngt3 Mather and McGee, Gerver, Xia, (see
Earmans Primer) N4, Saari, global existence
for almost all initial conditions for all we
know, for N5, the set of initial conditions
leading to catastrophe may be full measure! - But look at all this work clearly, well-posed
IVF is a goal here. Clearly, most experts
suspect that what Saari proved will be true of
Ngt4. And we do have lots and lots of PDEs with
specified forces, etc., where we have existence
and uniqueness. That is, we have an IVF, but not
a well-posed IVF, for classical particle
mechanics see Coddington and Levinson 1955. -
52Natural Kinds
If 1 is constant for all values of y0, and 2
behaves badly for x0, then y is the time
coordinate. But this presupposes a lot already.
Belot and Earman 2001, Unruh 1988.