1Volpentest HAMMER Training and Education
Center Operated by Fluor Hanford for the U.S.
Department of Energy
OverviewOctober, 2006
2HAMMER Attributes
- HAMMER can provide Electrical Safety
- Training at the scale you want from
- Individual Breaker Boxes to Full-sized
- Towers
3DOE Office of EnvironmentalManagement Support
- Helped transform Hanfords safety performance
from one of the worst to one of the best in the
DOE complex - Provides exceptional radiological, hazardous
waste, and respiratory protection training to
Hanford (and Non-Hanford) workers - Provides outstanding hands-on occupational safety
and health training for Hanford crafts and
operators - Successful at technology deployment
4Support for OtherFederal Government Agencies
HAMMER provides training for
- Department of Homeland Security
- National Guard
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Department of Transportation
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Department of State
- Department of Defense
5Example of Partner Projects
National Hydrogen Safety Training Program, A PNNL
HAMMER Partnership HAMMER is developing
hydrogen first responder training to coordinate
with work being performed at the Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory.
6HAMMER Attributes
- Computer and Web-Based Training Rooms, Learning
Resource Center - Radiological Worker Practice and Practical
Evaluation Areas - Crane Rigging, Lock Tag, Confined Space, and
Trench Rescue Props - Large Open Bays for Hazardous Waste Training
- Several Electrical Safety Props
7HAMMERMaster of Blended Learning
- HAMMER uses
- Work Related Scenarios
- Hands-On Training
- Mock-Ups
- Field Exercises
- Classroom Instruction
- Real-Time Video Links
- Simulations
- Distance Learning
8Adjacent National Utility Training and Education
Center under Development
Full-sized Utility Mock-ups
Owned and operated by a non-profit organization
that partners with HAMMER
9HAMMER Attributes
Electrical Safety Training at HAMMER
10HAMMER Attributes
Electrical Safety Training at HAMMER
11HAMMER Attributes
Electrical Safety Training at HAMMER
12HAMMER Attributes
Electrical Safety Training at HAMMER
13HAMMER Attributes
HAMMERA World-Class Training Facility
- Safe - Prop safety plans, prop inspections,
Voluntary Protection Program Star status, VPP
Star of Excellence site - Versatile - Multi-use, life-sized props in
realistic settings for multi-customer needs - Efficiently Managed Operated - Small attentive
staff additional support contracted on as
needed basis - Non-Badged Site - Easy access for Non-Hanford
responders, military, police - Spacious - 80-acre campus adjacent 10,000-acre
Patrol Training Academy with 1.3-mile Emergency
Vehicle Operations Course adjacent 80-acre
National Utility Training and Education Center
under development 75-acre expansion area.
14HAMMER Attributes
- HAMMER can provide Electrical Safety
- Training at the scale you want from
- Individual Breaker Boxes to Full-sized
- Towers