Title: Ubiquitous Computing
1 Ubiquitous Computing By Daniel Stephens
2What is Ubiquitous Computing?
Ubiquitous computing integrates computation into
the environment, rather than having computers
which are distinct objects.
3 Mark Weiser is the father of ubiquitous
computing. He once said that The most profound
technologies are those that disappear. They weave
themselves into the fabric of everyday life until
they are indistinguishable from it.
4 One example of Ubiquitous computing is the
Datafountain. It is a set of three different
fountains hooked up to a computer which downloads
exchange rates from the internet. As the value of
different currencies increases or decreases, the
height of the respective fountain will increase
or decrease.
5The Datafountain
6Every year since 1998 there has been an
International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing,
known as UbiComp. At UbiComp researches can share
their demos and new Ubiquitous Computing ideas.
UbiComp 2006 was hosted in Orange County,
California. 31 different Ubiquitous Computing
demos were shown, ranging from video games built
into table to help promote good eating habits to
making an interactivity wall like the one used in
the movie Minority Report.
7The Future of Ubiquitous Computing
As more and more research is conducted in the
field of Ubiquitous Computing, we are swiftly
approaching a truly wired world. Soon we may
begin to see computers integrated into our
appliances, our homes, or even our clothing.
8Works Cited
http//sandbox.xerox.com/ubicomp/ http//www.we-
puting.php http//www.ubicomp.org/ubicomp2006/con