Title: Reproductive System
1Reproductive System
2Review of Structure and Function
3The Menstral Cycle
4Review of Structure and Function
5Age Related Changes - Women
Ovaries - Number of Primary Oocytes Declines
with age Birth - 750,000 Puberty -
400,000 Age 30 - 75,000 Age 45 -
10,000 Decrease in secretion of Estrogens and
Progesterone Blood Levels Fairly Constant til
40 Declines Steadily til 60 Oldest Mother
age 66 Increased time between Menstration
Menopause - cessation of menses, loss of
6Age Related Changes - Women
Uterus - By age 50 loss of 50 of mass Loss of
smooth muscle, replaced by conn.
Tissue Endometrium atrophies Vagina - Loss of
elasticity Decline in Lubricating
Secretions increase risk of infection Breast
Decline in mammary gland Increase in fat and
connective tissue
7Age Related Changes - Men
Testes - No change in mass, General
age-related decline in testosterone
secretion atrophy of interstitial cells
(Leydig) Spermatogenesis continues but fecundity
declines decrease number and motility after age
50 Prostate - atrophy after age 50 (unless
benign hyperplasia) decline in secretions (semen
8Older Fathers
- Mick Jagger (at 57)
- Rupert Murdoch (at 72)
- Michael Douglas (at 58)
- Rod Stewart (at 60)
- Paul McCartney (at 61)
- Eric Clapton (at 59)
- Julio Iglesias Sr. (father of the singer Julio,
at 89) - Anthony Quinn (at 81)
- Pablo Picasso (at 68)
- Luciano Pavarotti (twins at 67)
- Les Colley (at 92, 10 months)
9Risks with older parenting
- Leukemia
- 88 increase risk in mothers over 40, compared to
25-29 - Autism
- Doubles in parents over 40, compared to 20s
- Higher risk in males
- Downs Syndrome
- Quadruples in fathers over 50
- 1/1500 (20-24) 1/60 (40) 1/11 at 49
10Age Related Dysfunction
Uterine Fibroids- (leiomyomas) Cancers - Ovary,
Endometrium, Uterus, Cervix, Breast 1 in 9
women develop breast cancer Prostate 1 in 6
men Testicular peaks in 20s/30s Uterine
Prolapse - extrusion of uterus through
cervix weakening of supporting ligaments
11Age Related Dysfunction
Impotence - Erectile Dysfunction
(ED) Age-Related 25 of healthy men by
65 55 of healthy men by 75 75 of healthy
men by 80 Neural Control of smooth muscle
relaxation mediated by Nitric Oxide Viagara -
increases NO in Corpus cavernosa potentiates
the effects of NO
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