Francis Nimmo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Francis Nimmo


En route, it observed the SL9 comet impact into Jupiter ... Jupiter's magnetic pole is offset ... Density of impact craters can be used to infer surface age ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Francis Nimmo

  • Francis Nimmo

Io against Jupiter, Hubble image, July 1997
Last Week
  • Solar system characteristics and formation Hill
    sphere, snow line, timescales
  • Keplers laws and Newtonian orbits
  • Tides
  • Synchronous rotation
  • Dissipation / heating
  • Circularization and outwards migration

Galilean Satellites
  • This week
  • Preliminaries, common themes
  • Io
  • Callisto
  • Next week
  • Ganymede
  • Europa

Why are they important?
  • Life (!?) or sub-surface oceans, at any rate
  • Relatively large (2000 km), geologically active
  • Very complicated orbital relationships
  • Some processes look familiar e.g. plate tectonics
  • Future exploration target (maybe)
  • Why Galilean? He discovered them (telescope,
  • Subsequent exploration Voyagers Pioneers
    (1970s), Galileo (ended 2003), JIMO??

Voyagers 1 and 2
  • A brilliantly successful series of fly-bys
    spanning more than a decade
  • Close-up views of all four giant planets and
    their moons
  • Both are still operating, and collecting data on
    solar/galactic particles and magnetic fields

Voyagers 1 and 2 are currently at 90 and 75 AU,
and receding at 3.5 and 3.1 AU/yr Pioneers 10
and 11 at 87 and 67 AU and receding at 2.6 and
2.5 AU/yr
The Death Star (Mimas)
  • More modern (launched 1989) but the high-gain
    antenna failed (!) leaving it crippled
  • Venus-Earth-Earth gravity assist
  • En route, it observed the SL9 comet impact into
  • Arrived at Jupiter in 1995 and deployed probe
    into Jupiters atmosphere
  • Very complex series of fly-bys of all major
    Galilean satellites
  • Deliberately crashed into Jupiter Sept 2003
  • Main source of results

Where are they?
Laplace Resonance (1)
  • Periods of IoEuropaGanymede are in ratio 124
  • This means that successive conjunctions occur at
    the same point on the orbit
  • So the eccentricities get pumped up to much
    higher values than if the satellites were not in
    a resonance

One of the conjunctions occurring due to the
Laplace resonance. Note that there is never a
triple conjunction.
  • High eccentricities mean higher dissipation in
    the satellites and a tendency for the orbits to
    contract (see earlier)
  • This tendency is counteracted by dissipation in
    Jupiter, which tends to cause the orbits to
    expand (like the Moon)
  • The system is currently (roughly) in equilibrium

  • Surface compositions mainly water ice (except
    for Io), plus contaminants (spectroscopy)
  • Ios surface is silicates sulphur
  • Interiors discussed in detail later, but
    roughly equal mix of water ice, silicates and
    iron (how do we know?)
  • How did they form?
  • Presumably accreted while Jupiter was forming
  • Lateral temperature gradient in nebula
  • May have been earlier satellites that didnt
    survive (why?)
  • Energy of accretion 0.6 Gms/Rs per unit mass 2
    MJ/kg this is enough to heat ice through 1000
    K. Why might this present a problem?
  • Satellites subsequently evolved to their
    present-day positions

Composition (contd)
  • Callisto has lower reflectivity and shallower
    absorption bands, indicating a higher non-ice
  • Ganymede and Callisto show slight differences
    between leading and trailing hemispheres (why?)
  • Non-ice materials are probably hydrated minerals

Earth-based reflectance spectra, from Johnson, in
New Solar System
  • Potential energy of a homogeneous satellite is
    reduced if the densest components sink to the
    centre differentiation is energetically
  • Differentiation is opposed by rigidity of body,
    so differentiation is favoured at higher
  • As differentiation proceeds, energy is released,
    driving further differentiation potential
  • Heat released may generate thermal expansion and
    form a source of stress
  • Sinking materials may undergo phase changes
    leading to volume changes and either expansion or
  • Not all Galilean satellites appear to have

Ice phase diagram
Ice I
Ice V
  • The key point is that because of the densities
    involved, we would expect to find liquid water
    around the ice I ice V interface (200 km
    depth). Why is this important?

Internal Structures (1)
  • Because the satellites are rotating, they are
    flattened (oblate)
  • This means that they do not act as a point mass
    the perturbations to the gravity field can be
    identified by tracking spacecraft on a close
  • Potential V at a distance r for axisymmetric body
    is given by
  • So the coefficients J2, J4 etc. can be determined
    from spacecraft observations (higher order terms
    require closer approaches why?)
  • We can relate J2,J4 . . . to the internal
    structure of the satellite

Internal Structures (2)
  • Mean density and J2 are especially useful
  • It turns out that we can rewrite J2 in terms of
    the differences in moments of inertia of the
    planet (look at the diagram )

  • What we would really like is C/MR2 (why?)
  • If we can observe the precession of the planet,
    that gives us (C-A)/C and thus C given J2 (where
    can we do this?)
  • Otherwise, we can assume that the planet has no
    strength (hydrostatic) and use theory to infer C
    from J2 (is this OK?)
  • In practice, flybys of the Galilean satellites
    were usually equatorial (why?), so we determine
    the equivalent equatorial term to J2 which is
    called C22 the analysis is similar

Internal Structures (3)
  • How do we know?
  • Mean density
  • Moment of inertia, derived from J2(C-A)/MR2 and
    hydrostatic assumption (is this likely?)
  • Other observations (magnetometer)
  • Expectations of likely components (silicates,
    ices, iron)
  • Tradeoffs we only have two observations (J2 and
    r) and have more than two unknowns. Means the
    results are non-unique

Fe core
Fe-FeS core
Contours of Europa ice shell thickness giving
correct mean density for indicated core radius
and rock density. Bold line is MoI constraint.
From Anderson et al., Science, 1998
Magnetometer (1)
  • Jupiters magnetic pole is offset from its
    rotation pole
  • So as Jupiter rotates (10 hour period),
    satellites experience a time-varying magnetic
  • A time varying magnetic field induces eddy
    currents in a conductor
  • These currents generate a secondary (induced)
    magnetic field
  • The amplitude of the secondary magnetic field
    tells us about the conductor, in particular its
    conductivity and thickness

Magnetometer (2)
  • Strong induced signatures have been detected at
    Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, indicating a layer
    of high conductivity
  • A relatively near-surface ocean at least a few km
    thick satisfies these observations
  • The direction of the induced signal depends on
    the orbital geometry but permanent (static)
    signals have also been detected at Ganymede and
    (possibly) Io
  • These static fields are presumably generated by
    convection within an iron core, just like the
  • We can combine the magnetometer constraints with
    the geodetic constraints to infer internal
    structures . . .

Io liquid iron core (dynamo), silicate mantle
(partially molten?). No volatiles why not?
Ganymede liquid iron core (dynamo), silicate
mantle and 800 km thick ice shell containing an
ocean (presumably at the I-III/V boundary)
Europa core and mantle similar to Ganymede, but
ice shell much thinner (100-200 km) and mostly
liquid (magnetic induction signature)
Callisto has not differentiated completely (?).
An ice layer 300km thick, containing an ocean
and overlying a mixture of rock-ice. NB the
hydrostatic assumption is particularly dodgy here
Ice Rheology (1)
  • Under applied stress, ice will deform
  • At low stresses and strains, elastically
  • At low temperature and/or high strain rate,
  • At high temperature and/or low strain rate,

  • A good measure of its tendency to deform in a
    ductile fashion is the homologous temperature
    (ThT/Tmelt) (in K)
  • Rock at Earth surface Th0.2
  • Ice at Galilean satellite surface Th0.4
  • Ice in Antarctica/Mars Th0.8
  • So ice at the surface of the Galilean satellites
    behaves more like rock than ice on Earth

Ice Rheology (2)
  • Ductile deformation is important because it
    controls convection, topographic relaxation and
    tidal dissipation (see later)
  • But ice deformation is complicated and involves
    multiple mechanisms (see Goldsby and Kohlstedt
    JGR 2001)
  • Each mechanism obeys the same equation

Here is strain rate, A is a constant, s is
stress, gs is grain size, T is temperature, Q is
activation energy, R is the gas constant and n
and p are constants. A Newtonian rheology has n1
and a grain-size independent rheology has p0.
Increasing stress / strain rate
Grain-boundary sliding (ngt1, grain-size
dependent) Actually two mechanisms, slower one
Diffusion creep (n1, grain-size dependent)
Dislocation creep (ngt1,p0)
Orbital Evolution
  • Recall dissipation in primary drives satellite
  • Dissipation in satellite drives satellite inwards
    and circularizes orbit
  • Possible scenario
  • Io causes dissipation in Jupiter, moves outwards
    until . . .
  • It encounters the 21 resonance with Europa the
    two bodies then move outwards in step until . . .
  • They encounter the 21 resonance with Ganymede
  • There are alternative scenarios
  • The present-day configuration involves a balance
    between dissipation in primary (outwards) and
    dissipation in satellites (inwards)

Hypothetical orbital history
from Peale, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Ast. 2003
Note that we dont actually know whether the
orbits are currently expanding or
contracting Also note that during capture into
resonance, eccentricities are transiently excited
to high values so what?
Estimating Q
  • Recall that the rate of outwards motion of a
    satellite depends on planetary dissipation Qp
    (see Week 1).
  • If we assume that Io formed 4.5 Gyr B.P., and has
    been moving outwards ever since, we get a lower
    bound on Jupiters Q of 105 (why a lower bound?)
  • This value is typical of gas giants, but is much
    higher than for silicate bodies (102)
  • The Earths Q is anomalously high (12) because
    the current continental configuration means
    oceanic tides are close to resonance lots of
  • Well calculate the rate of dissipation in a

Tidal Deformation Recap.
  • Satellite in synchronous rotation period of
    rotation equals orbital period
  • Eccentric orbit (due to Laplace resonance)
    amplitude and direction of tidal bulge changes,
    so surface experiences changing stresses and
  • These diurnal tidal strains lead to friction and
    thus tidal dissipation (heating)

Diurnal tides can be large e.g. 30m on Europa
Eccentric orbit
Tidal Heating (1)
  • Recall diurnal tidal amplitude goes as
    in the limit when rigidity dominates (
  • So strain goes as
  • Energy stored per unit volume stress x strain
  • In an elastic body, stress strain x m
  • So total rate of work goes as me2H2Rs/
  • For tide raised on satellite HRs(mp/ms)(Rs/a)3
  • From the above, we expect the energy stored E to
    go as

Note that here we have used
Tidal heating (2)
  • From the definition of Q, we have
  • Weve just calculated the energy stored E, so
    given Qs and n we can thus calculate the heating
    rate dE/dt
  • The actual answer (for uniform bodies) is
  • But the main point is that you should now
    understand where this equation comes from
  • Example Io
  • We get 80 mW/m2, about the same as for Earth (!)
  • This is actually an underestimate why?

How do we calculate Q?
  • We can get estimates/bounds on Q by considering
    orbital evolution of some satellites (see Week 1)
  • For solid bodies, we assume a viscoelastic
  • Such a body has a rigidity m, a viscosity h and a
    characteristic relaxation (Maxwell) timescale
  • The body behaves elastically at timescales ltlttm
    and in a viscous fashion at timescales gtgt tm
  • Dissipation is maximized when timescale tm

Tobie et al. JGR 2003
Calculating Q (contd)
  • Ice has rigidity 109 Pa and viscosity 1014 Pa
    s, so the Maxwell time is 105s which is
    comparable to the orbital period, so we expect
    dissipation in the ice shells
  • Silicates m1011 Pa, h1021 Pa s, so less
  • But silicate viscosity decreases significantly if
    melting occurs, which will lead to an increase in
    dissipation, and thus a feedback effect
  • This runaway situation was first identified by
    Peale et al. (1979), who predicted massive
    volcanism on Io two weeks before it was observed
    for the first time
  • A similar feedback effect may also occur in ice
    (see previous diagram)

Tidal Energy and Stress
  • Tidal stresses and heating decrease markedly with
  • Radiogenic heating is dominant in Callisto and
    Ganymede (now), secondary in Europa, and
    insignificant for Io

H is static tidal bulge for a fluid body, 3eH
gives peak-to-peak diurnal tidal amplitude, dW/dt
is tidal dissipation rate for a uniform body with
Jupiters mass1.899x1027 kg, k3/2 and Q100,
dWR/dt is radiogenic heat production within
silicate portion of body assuming a heating rate
of 3.5x10-12 W/kg, EeH/Rs gives the approximate
stresses due to diurnal tides with E10 GPa,
C/msRs2 gives the normalized moment of inertia
(Anderson et al. 1996,1998b,2001a,b) and 3Gms/5Rs
gives the energy delived during homogeneous
accretion. A uniform body has a normalized MoI of
Non-synchronous rotation (1)
  • From the satellites point of view, the planet
    travels in the opposite direction round the sky
    to the satellite itself
  • The tidal bulge always lags the planets motion
  • In an eccentric orbit the amplitude of the tidal
    bulge varies and is largest at the periapse
  • The result of the varying bulge is a varying
    torque, which turns out to be positive i.e. it
    should increase the satellites rotation rate
    slightly above synchronous

Eccentric orbit
Torque opposes spin Smaller
Torque increases spin Larger
Non-synchronous rotation (2)
  • For an eccentric satellite, the net tidal torque
    should lead to non-synchronous rotation
  • But the torque may be balanced by a frozen-in
    mass asymmetry, leading to synchronous rotation
  • A frozen-in mass asymmetry requires a relatively
    rigid body

(See Greenberg and Weidenschilling, Icarus 1984)
Mass torque
Tidal torque
  • Both the rigidity of the satellite and Q depend
    on its internal structure, so there are potential
    feedbacks between orbital evolution and rotation
  • Internal structure Orbital behaviour

Impact Cratering
  • Main source of impact craters in outer solar
    system is comets
  • Synchronously rotating satellite will be
    preferentially cratered on its leading hemisphere
    (think raindrops)
  • So distribution of impact craters on surface can
    be used to test whether NSR has occurred
  • Density of impact craters can be used to infer
    surface age
  • Obtaining absolute surface ages requires the
    impact rate to be derived, from a combination of
    current and historical astronomical observations,
    and models. Uncertainties are currently large.
  • Note that the impact rate will increase for
    satellites closer to the primary (effect of
    gravitational focusing)

Cratering Statistics
Zahnle et al. Icarus 1997
Expected curves if NSR is not occurring
Absolute ages have been revised upwards since
(Zahnle et al. Icarus 2003)
Cratering Statistics - Results
  • Io no impact craters observed (!) so surface is
    very young (lt 1 Myr)
  • Europa few impact craters, surface age 50 Myr.
    Not enough craters to detect if NSR is happening
  • Ganymede bimodal surface, ages 2 Gyr and 4
    Gyr (uncertainties large). Spatial distribution
    flatter than expected, suggests NSR has occurred.
  • Callisto very ancient surface, 4.5 Gyr.
    Spatial distribution very flat, but may be
    because crater population is saturated everywhere
    (i.e. one crater is destroyed for every new one

Thermal Orbital Evolution
  • We would like to be able to answer the question
    how have the satellites orbits and interiors
    evolved over solar system history?
  • This is difficult because
  • Observations are severely limited (e.g. cratering
    evidence is not much use on Io or Europa)
  • Important parameters (such as Q) are uncertain
  • The theoretical problem is difficult. Why?
  • Feedbacks. Orbital evolution, NSR and tidal
    dissipation all depend on Q, but Q is dependent
    on the internal structure of the satellite, which
    depends on tidal dissipation . . .
  • Coupling. The satellites cant be treated as
    isolated objects, because of the Laplace
    resonance. So you have to model their evolution
    simultaneously . . .

Thermal Orbital Evolution (contd)
  • Nonetheless, progress is being made, both on the
    observational and the theoretical front. Well
    discuss examples of both later in the course.

This is an example of Europas shell thickness
evolution with time, from Hussmann and Spohn,
Europas Ice Shell Meeting, LPI, 2004. The
periodicity arises because Io and Europas
eccentricities change over time, which changes
the dissipation in Europas ice shell and thus
the shell thickness. In this model the shell is
  • Tides are important in determining spin state,
    orbital evolution and heating of satellite
  • Ice rheology is complicated
  • Near-surface, it will behave like rock on Earth
  • At depth, it will flow at a geologically rapid
  • Cratering observations can provide us with
    relative surface ages, but absolute ages are
    subject to large uncertainties
  • Satellite internal structures are constrained by
    a mixture of observations (C/MR2, mean density,
    magnetometer) and reasonable expectations

Basic Parameters
  • Note the likely structural similarities with the

Whats it like?
  • Volcanically very active (see later)
  • Cold surface temperature about 130K, but
    variable (due to volcanism)
  • Very tenuous atmosphere (volcanic)
  • Sulphur-rich surface deduced from ground-based
    spectroscopic observations (different colours are
    different sulphur allotropes)
  • Very hostile environment (for people or
    spacecraft) charged particles accelerated by
    Jupiters large magnetic field
  • Not clear whether Io has an internal magnetic
    field (Kivelson et al. JGR 2001) interactions
    with Jupiters field make identification difficult

  • Three main types Volcanoes, Mountains and
    Paterae (irregular depressions, similar to

Low-sun angle shadow measurements give mountain
elevations of up to 4km. Lobate flows are large
landslides. Mountains show no signs of volcanic
activity and appear to be fault-bounded.
Lava flows
Amirani lava flow, Io
  • Dark flows are the most recent (still too hot for
    sulphur to condense on them)
  • Flows appear relatively thin, suggesting low

Comparably-sized lava flow on Venus (Magellan
radar image)
  • Changes detected from Voyager to Galileo missions
    and within Galileo mission

Lava flow erupted at Prometheus between Voyager
and Galileo missions (Davies JGR 2003)
April 1997
July 1999
Sept 1997
Galileo images of overlapping deposits at Pillan
and Pele
Volcanic activity (1)
Voyager image of eruption plume, approximately
300 km high
Fire fountain(?)
  • Galileo image of Tvashtar, apparently in the
    process of erupting
  • The CCD was overloaded by the eruption, but it
    has been interpreted as a fire-fountain 1.5 km

Volcanic activity (2)
Galieo nightside image of Pele, SSI clear filter.
Radebaugh et al. 2004
Erta Ale lava lake, Ethiopia. Lake is 100m across.
  • Images suggest molten magma immediately beneath
    the surface (at least in some places)
  • Volcanic activity erupts about 1 tonne / second
    sulphur into the atmosphere, some of which may
    end up on Europa (contaminants have been detected

Ground-based observations
  • Have the advantage of longer observation periods
    and better spectral resolution than spacecraft
  • Spatial resolution is also getting much better
    thanks to adaptive optics and Hubble
  • The sequence below shows a hot spot which flares
    up to equal the brightness of Loki (spot 2) over
    a few days

1 arcsecond
From Macintosh et al., Icarus 2003
July 12 1998
July 28 1998
Aug 4 1998
Keck interferometer
Energetics (1)
  • We can measure the power output of Io by looking
    at its infra-red spectrum
  • Heat flux is appx. 2.5 W m-2 .This is 30 times
    the Earths global heat flux.
  • Assume low rigidity ( ) why?. To
    balance the heat being produced requires Qs90.
    Is this reasonable? What does it imply about
  • Where does the power ultimately come from?
  • A heat loss of 2.5 Wm-2 over 4.5 Gyr is
    equivalent to 0.03 of Jupiters rotational energy

Energetics (2)
  • How do we get 2.5 Wm-2 out of the ground?
  • A conductive layer (or convective stagnant lid)
    would need to be 1 km thick. Reasonable?
  • What about magma transport (advection)?
  • Silicate magma generates 5 GJ/m3 on cooling
    1000K and solidifying
  • A resurfacing rate of 1 cm/yr can account for
    the observed surface heat flux
  • This resurfacing rate is also consistent with
    estimates based on impact craters and IR cooling
  • So Io is unique among the solar system in that
    its heat flux is dominated by advection

Interior Structure
After Anderson et al., JGR 2001
  • Lacks outer ice layer (in contrast to other
    Galilean satellites). Why?
  • Even though sulphur is abundant at the surface,
    the bulk of the interior must be silicates/iron
    from simple cosmochemistry

Silicates 3500 kg m-3
1821 km
700 km
Fe-FeS 5150 kg m-3
Remember these structures are non-unique the
ones shown assume plausible but not necessarily
correct densities.
  • Io likely has a crust, but we cant detect it
    with current data
  • We cant tell (directly) whether the core or the
    mantle are partially or completely liquid.
  • Ios k21.29. What is this telling us? (rigidity
    or mass concn.)

Interior Structure(?)
  • Rigid lid is required by high mountains and is a
    result of rapid burial of cooled surface material
  • Bulk of dissipation occurs in partially molten
  • Magma percolates through mantle and ascends
    through cold lid in discrete fractures i.e. dikes
  • Erupted material cools by radiation and is

After Moore, Icarus, 2001
Consequences of resurfacing
  • Burial leads to large compressive stresses due to
    change in radius
  • Stress E DR/R 100 MPa for 2 km burial
  • Easily large enough to initiate faulting
  • Additional compressive stresses may arise from
    reheating the base of the crust

After McKinnon et al., Geology 2001
Low-angle (why?) thrust faulting is probably
responsible for many of the mountain ranges seen
on Io
550 km
Schenk and Bulmer, Science 1998
Eruption Spectra
  • Recall Wiens law lmax a 1/T
  • So infra-red spectra give temperature information
  • Single temperature curve provides poor fit
  • Two-temperature curve provides much better fit
  • Short-wavelength hump requires temperatures
  • So silicate volcanism must be involved
  • Voyager could not resolve this issue
  • Time-evolution gives cooling history

Davies, JGR 2003
  • Whats the exit velocity?
  • How do speeds like this get generated?
  • Most likely explanation is sulphur geysers
    decompression of sulphur leads to phase change
    and volatile release, driving flow

500 K
Constant entropy (adiabatic)
Energy available per unit mass is given by change
in enthalpy (internal energy PV term). Typical
enthalpy changes 100 kJ/kg, which results in
velocities of 400 m/s
Pressure decreases
200 K
0 K
Entropy (J kg-1 K-1)
After Smith et al., Nature 1979
Basic Parameters
Anderson et al. JGR 2001
Anderson et al. Icarus 2001
  • Note the lower density and the fact that Callisto
    is more centrally concentrated than Io (see

Geological Observations
  • Very heavily cratered probably saturated
  • No obvious non-crater landforms tectonically
  • Some impact basins very large e.g. Valhalla
  • Also several crater chains (catenae). How did
    they form? Why are they useful?

Mass Wasting
  • Lobate features associated with steep crater
  • Triggered by impacts or devolatilization?
  • Plot in similar parameter space to terrestrial
    landslides, despite different materials and
    gravity why?

From Moore et al. Icarus 1999
Degradation / Sublimation
  • Callisto systematically lacks small (lt1km)
    craters relative to Ganymede
  • Craters show significant degradation on Callisto
  • This may be due to the presence of a highly
    volatile ice (e.g. CO2) which is subliming over
  • Evidence for (thin) atmospheric CO2 supports this

Moore et al. Icarus 1999
Internal Structure
  • Two interesting inferences
  • It has an ocean
  • It is only partly differentiated
  • Where do these inferences come from?

Probable ocean location
  • Ocean detected with magnetometer data
  • Partial differentiation is the only way to fit
    the MoI and density data (see )

Anderson et al. Icarus 2001. Two layer model of
Callisto showing inner and outer shell densities
which match observations
An Ocean?
  • We can (potentially) detect such an ocean because
    it allows the shell to flex more than it would do
    if it were overlying a solid interior
  • Thermal evolution of an ocean will be controlled
    by balance between heat added (from below) and
    heat transported to the surface
  • Present-day chondritic heat flux 5 mW/m2
  • Heat flux k DT/z (k3 W/mK, DT100 K)
  • So equilibrium conductive shell thickness 60 km
  • This seems reasonable but what happens if the
    ice shell starts to convect?

An Aside on Convection (1)
  • Convective vigour (and whether it occurs) is
    governed by the Rayleigh number
  • Convection initiates for Ra gt 1000
  • Is Callisto convecting?
  • So the answer is probably yes
  • This creates a problem Convective heat transport
    is much more efficient than conduction, and so we
    would expect any ocean to have frozen long ago
  • How much heat is transported by convection?

r is density, a thermal expansivity, DT
temperature drop across the layer, k thermal
diffusivity, h viscosity, d layer thickness
Where does this come from?
An Aside on Convection (2)
  • For a temperature-dependent viscosity material, a
    stagnant lid develops on top of a roughly
    isothermal, convecting interior
  • The viscosity is given by hoexp(-gT-To) where
    ho is the reference viscosity at To and g is a
    constant (K-1) set by the rheology

  • The stagnant lid thickness d is given by
  • And so the heat flux across the stagnant lid is

Note that this heat flux is independent of shell
thickness and DT
Convecting ice shells (contd)
  • For likely parameters, we get a convective heat
    flux of
  • 70 (1014 Pa s /h)1/3 mWm-2
  • This value is independent of shell thickness and
    exceeds the radiogenic contribution if h lt 3x1017
    Pa s (which would result in the ocean freezing)
  • Tidal contribution to heating is negligible
  • Most likely way of maintaining an ocean is by
    increasing the viscosity. Possibilities
  • Antifreeze e.g. NH3 lowers temperature of ocean
    (and convecting ice) (see Spohn and Schubert
    Icarus 2003)
  • Silicate particles in ice increase its viscosity
  • Very large ice grains (?)
  • Non-Newtonian convection less efficient (?)(Ruiz,
    Nature 2001)

Partially differentiated?
  • Partial differentiation implies that the interior
    of Callisto never got above 270K (why?)
  • 1) How do we stop melting during accretion?
  • Accretion energy 0.6 GM2/R 1.7 MJ/kg
  • This would give rise to 850 K temperature
  • The nebular temperatures might also cause melting
  • 2) How do we stop melting thereafter?
  • Chondritic heating 3.5pW/kg now, x3 over 4.5
  • Total 1.5 MJ/kg 750 K temperature increase
  • Possible answers (or maybe it is
  • 1) Accrete Callisto slowly (so that the energy
    can radiate)
  • 2) Get rid of the heat rapidly enough to avoid
    deep melting (but slowly enough so that the
    shallow ocean survives)

Slow Accretion (?)
  • If we assume that satellites accrete from small
    bodies, the temperature rise of the satellite is
    determined by the accretion rate (slower rate
    colder temperature)
  • Canup and Ward (A.J. 2002) postulate an accretion
    disk round Jupiter which is supplied at a low
    rate, resulting in a low density, low disk
    temperatures and slow formation timescale (gt105
    yrs) of the satellites
  • These characteristics would all help to generate
    a partially undifferentiated Callisto
  • The low disk density also means that the
    satellites can survive disk torques which move
    them towards Jupiter
  • Is it reasonable to assume that accretion
    involved only small objects, and not large

Removing heat
  • A rock-silicate mixture will tend to separate
    over time as the rock heats the surrounding ice
  • Areas with a higher rock fraction will have a
    higher viscosity and thus a lower heat flux
  • Near-surface cold ice will retain its rock and
    act as an insulator for any underlying ocean
  • A shallow ocean but absence of deep melting is
    probably a consequence of
  • 1) the pressure-dependence of ice melting
  • 2) accretion leads to radially increasing

Orbital evolution
  • Recall dissipation in satellite leads to
  • Assume no torque from primary, so momentum
  • In this case, it can be shown that
  • We have previously calculated (see Io), and
    so we can obtain and circularization
    timescale te -e/ directly

At the present day, this gives us (8 )
Myr. For a solid rock-ice mixture, 15 and
100 so te12 Gyr. But, if there really is
an ocean present, then dissipation will be
amplified, Qs reduced and te reduced, leading to
potential problems . . .
  • Ios silicate volcanic activity is driven by
    tidal heating of a partially molten mantle
    feedback between temperature, viscosity and
  • Callisto, by contrast, has experienced no
    significant tidal heating over its history
  • Nonetheless, Callisto has an ocean, probably as a
    result of incorporating antifreeze e.g. NH3
  • How did it develop an ocean and yet (apparently)
    retain an undifferentiated interior ?!
  • Next time Europa and Ganymede
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