Multi-Attribute Utility Models with Interactions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Multi-Attribute Utility Models with Interactions


Multi-Attribute Utility Models with Interactions Dr. Yan Liu Department of Biomedical, Industrial & Human Factors Engineering Wright State University – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Multi-Attribute Utility Models with Interactions

Multi-Attribute Utility Models with Interactions
  • Dr. Yan Liu
  • Department of Biomedical, Industrial Human
    Factors Engineering
  • Wright State University

  • Attributes Can be Substitutes to One Another
  • e.g. You have invested in a number of different
    stocks. The simultaneous successes of all stocks
    may not be very important (although desired)
    because profits may be adequate as long as some
    stocks perform well
  • Attributes Can be Complements to One Another
  • High achievement on all attributes is worth more
    than the sum of the values obtained from the
    success of individual attributes
  • e.g. In a research-development project that
    involves multiple teams, the success of each team
    is valuable in its own right, but the success of
    all teams may lead to substantial synergic gains

Multi-Attribute Utility Function
  • Direct Assessment
  • Find U(x,y), where x- x x and y- y y
    using reference lottery

When you are indifferent between A and B, EU(A)
EU(B) pU(x, y ) (1-p)U (x-, y- ) U (x,
y) ?pU (x, y)
After you find the utilities for a number of (x,
y) pairs, you can plot the assessed points on a
graph and sketch rough indifference curves
x, y
Interaction between x and y?
x-, y-
  • The point values are assessed utility values for
    the corresponding (x, y) pair. Sketching
    indifferent curves.

Multi-Attribute Utility Function (Cont.)
  • Mathematical Expression

Additive utility function
Multilinear utility function (captures a limited
form of interaction)
Decisions with Certainty/Under Risk
  • Decision with Certainty
  • Decision Maker knows for sure the consequences of
    all alternatives
  • e.g. A decision regarding which automobile to
    purchase with consideration of the color and
    advertised price and life span
  • Decision Under Risk
  • Decision maker does not know the consequence of
    every alternative but can assign the
    probabilities of the various outcomes
  • The consequences depend on the outcomes of
    uncertain events as well as the alternative
  • e.g. A decision regarding which investment plan
    to choose with the objective of maximizing the

Preferential Independence
  • Attribute Y is said to be preferentially
    independent of attribute X if preferences for
    specific outcomes of Y do not depend on the level
    of attribute X
  • If Y is preferentially independent of X and X is
    preferentially independent of Y, then X and Y are
    mutually preferentially independent

e.g. X the cost of a project (1,000 or
2,000) Y time-to-completion of the
project (5 days or 10 days)
If you prefer the 5-day time-to-completion to the
10-day time-to-completion no matter whether the
cost is 1,000 or 2,000, then Y is
preferentially independent of X
If you prefer the lower cost of the project
regardless of its time-to-completion, then X is
preferentially independent Y.
X and Y are mutually preferentially independent
Preferential Independence (Cont.)
  • For a decision with certainty, mutual
    preferential independence is the sufficient
    condition for the additive utility function to be
  • If E1 ? E2, then E1 is the sufficient condition
    for E2
  • For a decision under risk, mutual preferential
    independence is a necessary condition but not
    sufficient enough for obtaining a separable
    multi-attribute utility function
  • If E3 E4 ? E5, then E3 is a necessary (but not
    the sufficient) condition for E5

Utility Independence
  • Slightly stronger than preferential independence
  • Attribute X is considered utility independent of
    Y if certainty equivalent (CE) for risky choices
    involving different levels of X are independent
    of the value of Y
  • If Y is utility independent of X and X is
    utility independent of Y, then X and Y are
    mutually utility independent

X the cost of a project (1,000 or 2,000) Y
time-to-completion of a project (5 days or 10
If your CE to an option that costs 1,000 with
probability 50 and 2,000 with probability 50
does not depend on the time-to-completion of the
project, then X is utility independent of Y
Multilinear Utility Function
  • If attributes X and Y are mutually utility
    independent, then

where UX (x) utility function of X scaled so
that UX (x-) 0 and UX (x) 1
UY (y) utility function of Y scaled so that UY
(y-) 0 and UY (y) 1
kX U (x, y-) NOT relative weight of UX
kY U (x-, y) NOT relative weight of UY
kX kY ?1
Additive Independence
  • Attributes X and Y are additively independent if
    X and Y are mutually utility independent, and you
    are indifferent between lotteries A and B

Lottery A (x-, y-) with probability 0.5, (x,
y) with probability 0.5
Lottery B (x-, y) with probability 0.5, (x,
y-) with probability 0.5
(additive utility function)
Additive Independence (Cont.)
  • Additive independence is a reasonble assumption
    in decision under certainty
  • Additive independence does not usually hold in
    decision under risk

e.g. You are considering buying a car, and
reliability and quality of service are the two
attributes you consider
Which assessment lottery for this car decision
will you choose, A or B?
If you are indifferent between A and B, then
additive independence holds for attributes
reliability ad quality of service otherwise,
additive independence does not hold
Substitutes and Complements
If (1 kX kY ) gt 0,
so X and Y complement each other
If (1 kX kY ) lt 0,
so X and Y substitute each other
Blood Bank
In a hospital bank it is important to have a
policy for deciding how much of each type of
blood should be kept on hand. For any particular
year, there is a shortage rate, the percentage of
units of blood demanded but not filled from stock
because of shortages. Whenever there is a
shortage, a special order must be placed to
locate the required blood elsewhere or to locate
donors. An operation may be postponed, but only
rarely will a blood shortage result in a death.
Naturally, keeping a lot of blood stocked means
that a shortage is less likely. But there is also
a rate at which it must be discarded. Although
having a lot of blood on hand means a low
shortage rate, it probably also would mean a high
outdating rate. Of course, the eventual outcome
is unknown because it is impossible to predict
exactly how much blood will be demanded. Should
the hospital try to keep as much blood on hand as
possible so as to avoid shortages? Or should the
hospital try to keep a fairly low inventory in
order to minimize the amount of outdated blood
discarded? How should the hospital blood bank
balance these two objectives?
The final consequence at the blood bank depends
on not only the inventory level chosen (high or
low) but also the uncertain blood demand over the
year. Therefore, this problem is a decision under
Shortage rate (X) and outdating rate (Y) Shortage
rate annual percentage of units demanded but not
in stock Outdating rate annual percentage of
units that are discarded due to aging
To choose an appropriate inventory level, we need
to assess probability distributions of shortage
rate and outdating rate consequences for each
possible inventory level and the decision makers
utility over these consequences.
  • Assessment of Utility Function

Who is the decision maker ?
The nurse who is in charge of ordering blood is
responsible for maintaining an appropriate
inventory level, so the utility function will
reflect his/her personal preferences
Ranges of attributes ?
The nurse judges that 0(best case) X
10(worst case) and 0(best case) Y 10(worst
Mutual Independence between X and Y ?
The nurse is asked to assess the certainty
equivalent for uncertain shortage rate (X), given
different fixed outdating rates (Y), say Y0,
2, 5, 8, and 10.
If CEX does not change for different values of Y,
then X is utility independent of Y
Mutual Independence between X and Y ? (Cont.)
The nurse is asked to assess the certainty
equivalent for uncertain outdating rate (Y),
given different fixed shortage rates (X), say
X0, 2, 5, 8, and 10.
If CEY does not change for different values of X,
then Y is utility independent of X
Suppose the nurses assessments suggest mutual
independence between X and Y, then the utility
function is of the multilinear form
UX(x) and UY(y) ?
kX and kY ?
The trick is to use as much information as
possible to set up equations based on indifferent
outcomes and lotteries, and then to solve the
equations for the weight.
There are two unknown weights in this problem, so
we need to set up two equations in the two
unknowns, which requires two utility assessments.
Suppose the nurse is indifferent between two
consequences (X4.75, Y0) and (X0, Y10)
Suppose the nurse is also indifferent between the
consequence (X6, Y6) and a 50-50 lottery
between (X0, Y0) and (X10, Y10)
(Equation 2)
Solving Equations 1 and 2 simultaneously for KX
and kY, we find KX0.72 and kY0.13
Therefore, the two-attribute utility function can
be written as
Because 1- kX - kY gt0, X and Y are complements
Utilities for Shortage and Outdating Rates in
the Blood Bank
Use the derived utility function to choose
between the inventory level in the following
decision tree.
EU(High) 0.3 U(0,0) 0.7 U(0,10) 0.31
0.7 kX 0.804
EU(Low) 0.3 U(10,0) 0.7 U(0,0) 0.3 kY
0.7 1 0.739
Because EU(High)gtEU(Low), the high inventory
level is preferred
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