Question to Consider - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Question to Consider


Question to Consider: What sort of positive and negative impacts did technology have on your day yesterday? Industrialization, Nationalism, and Imperialism Chapters ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Question to Consider

  • Question to Consider
  • What sort of positive and negative impacts did
    technology have on your day yesterday?

Industrialization, Nationalism, and Imperialism
  • Chapters 19-21

I. The Industrial Revolution
  • A rapid shift from an ECONOMY based on
    agriculture (farming) to one based on
    manufacturing (factories)
  • Begins in Britain factors included
  • Increase in food supply (potato)
  • Leads to growing population (need jobs)
  • Entrepreneurs have money to spend
  • Abundant natural resources (like..?)
  • Large supply of markets around the world

the spinning jenny
I. The Industrial Revolution
  • Began in Cotton Industry
  • Cottage industry
  • Hand-made crafts at home
  • Water-powered loom
  • More efficient to bring worker to loom
  • Steam Engine (James Watt)
  • Non-river factories ? growth of cities

Water-powered cotton mill
I. The Industrial Revolution
  • Railroads
  • Steam-powered locomotive, rails
  • Faster transport lower-priced goods
  • New jobs in countryside city
  • Raw materials
  • Factories
  • Economic growth led to investment
  • More sales led to more production
  • More machines needed more workers
  • Constant need created labor shifts
  • Raw materials

Rows of urban factories
I. The Industrial Revolution
  • Spread of Industry
  • Nations wanted to compete with Britains wealth
  • Spread at different rates across Europe, U.S.
  • Aided by pro-industry govt policies
  • Public works, infrastructure (?)

I. The Industrial Revolution
  • Social Impact
  • Industry caused major urban growth
  • Effects of overcrowding?
  • Emergence of new social classes
  • Industrial Middle Class
  • Owners of machines, markets
  • Industrial Working Class
  • Factory workers
  • Long hours, Low wages, dangerous conditions (?)
  • Many women and young children (?)

I. The Industrial Revolution
  • Benefits of Capitalism
  • Based on Enlightenment ideas of liberty,
  • Private property
  • Competition encourages efficiency productivity
  • survival of the fittest
  • Worker free to choose his or her work
  • Govt plays no role
  • Costs of Capitalism
  • Not concerned with equality
  • continues class divisions
  • rich get richer, poor stay poor
  • Competition pits people against each other
  • Cooperation not efficient
  • Laissez-faire does not factor unemployment
  • i.e. Great Depression

I. The Industrial Revolution
  • Social Impact
  • Birth of Socialism
  • Govt owns some means of production
  • Utopian socialists
  • Equality of all people
  • Replace competition w/ cooperation
  • Later socialists (Karl Marx)
  • Above were impractical dreams
  • Struggle would lead to revolution
  • Dictatorship would organize society
  • Ultimately, classless society emerges

Karl Marx
II. Balance of Power in Europe
  • Congress of Vienna
  • Held by Klemens von Metternich
  • Austrian Foreign Minister
  • After defeat of Napoleon
  • Goal maintain stability of monarchy
  • Split up territory to balance power
  • No monarch could become dominant
  • Principle of Legitimacy
  • Lawful monarchs would be restored to power after
    Napoleon to create peace.

Klemens von Metternich
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II. Balance of Power in Europe
  • Conservatism
  • Philosophy based on tradition and social
  • Contain the forces of change
  • Obedience to political authority
  • Organized religion maintains stability
  • Principle of Intervention
  • Great powers could send in armies to put down

II. Balance of Power in Europe
  • Liberalism
  • People should be as free as possible from
    governmental restraints
  • Beliefs
  • Protection of civil liberties
  • Religious toleration
  • Separation of Church and State
  • Favor governments with a constitution
  • No to democracy
  • A middle class philosophy
  • The lower class must be controlled

  • Question to Consider
  • What are some examples of American culture?
    What are some characteristics of American?

II. Balance of Power in Europe
  • Nationalism
  • People want to unify under a common culture
  • Institutions, traditions, language, customs
  • Political loyalty lies only with the nation
  • Each nationality should have its own govt
  • Importance
  • German nation w/ one government
  • Hungarians want to be free from Austrian Empire

II. Balance of Power in Europe
  • Nationalism
  • Importance (cont.)
  • Threat to balance of power created by Congress of
  • Conservatives fear the changes
  • Liberalism becomes an ally of nationalism
  • Each group of people should have its own state
    no one state should dominate another

II. Balance of Power in Europe
  • Unification
  • Italy
  • Northern Italy
  • Kingdom of Piedmont has leadership
  • King Victor Emmanuel II
  • Appoints Camillo de Cavor as P.M.
  • Plays both sides in a war between France and
    Austria ends up with territory in the north

II. Balance of Power in Europe
  • Unification
  • Italy
  • Southern Italy
  • Giuseppe Garibaldi
  • Raises army of 1,000, called the Red Shirts
  • Conquers Sicily, moves into the mainland
  • Unifies Southern Italy, gives land to Piedmont,
    Italian Unification is complete under King Victor
    Emmanuel II

II. Balance of Power in Europe
  • Unification
  • Germany
  • Prussia is the strongest state
  • Known for militarism (reliance on ones military)
  • King William I appoints Otto von Bismarck as P.M.
  • Tricked France into war w/Prussia
    Franco-Prussian War
  • French surrender, cede territory
  • William became Kaiser (Caesar) of Germany

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II. Balance of Power in Europe
  • Emergence of the Nation-State
  • What we think of as country or nation
  • Common territorial boundary
  • Common culture, race?
  • Result of capitalist culture (?)
  • Most people consider themselves members of a
  • Over 200 today, third less than 30 yrs old
  • Impact of nation-state on the use of force?

  • Questions to Consider Heart of Darkness
  • What opinion does the author have of the
    criminals (the indigenous African people)?
  • How might this novel have effected the public
    opinion of Europeans toward their governments
    policies of imperialism in Africa?
  • What statement do you think Conrad was trying to
    make when he named this novel Heart of Darkness?

III. European Imperialism
  • Imperialism
  • The extension of a nations power over other
  • Causes
  • Western, capitalist states wanted new markets and
    raw materials
  • Justifications
  • Social Darwinism
  • In struggles between nations, fit will survive
  • White Mans Burden
  • Civilize the savage races of world

III. European Imperialism
  • Direct rule vs. indirect rule
  • Direct
  • Local rulers are removed and replaced by set of
    officials from ruling country
  • Ex. India
  • Indirect
  • Local rulers are left in power and work for the
    ruling country
  • Ex. Dutch East Indies
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