Title: Consumer Health
1Consumer Health
2Dental Health Care
- Extent of dental health needs
- Practitioners
- Types care
- Selecting a dentist
- Self-Care care
- Questionable Procedures
3Extent of Dental Health Needs
- Untreated dental decay (caries)
- Dental care behavior
- Dental exam, cleaning in last year
- College Students 77 US, 68 Cal Poly
- Student wants/needs
- Brushing and flossing
4Top 5 Behaviors to ImprovePercent Very Serious
and Serious about Improving
55 eat less than 5 servings per day
32 did not use a time planner in past 3 months
Text boxes show results from independent samples
of students taking Health Risk Appraisals
56th - 10th Behaviors Percent Very Serious and
Serious about Improving
33 do not use seatbelts 100 of the time
53 do not do CV exercise 3 times/week
6Major Health Problems
- Tooth Decay
- Caused bacteria
- Periodontal Disease
- 80 of population
- Inflammation
- Degenerative
- Dental services
- 54,000,000,000
- 20 to 141/visit
- Estimates
- 645 - 7,960
- Toothless
- 20 of adults over 45 years old
- 50 of gt65 year olds
- Dentists
- Nine Specialties
- Auxiliary Dental Personnel
- Denturists
9Selecting a Dentist
- Sources
- Family physician
- Find a Dentist
- Dental Schools
10Questionable Procedures
- Hair analysis
- Mandibular Orthopedic Repositioning Appliances
(MORAs) - Auriculotherapy
- Oxyfresh
- Neuraligic-Induced Cavitational Osteonecrosis
- Extent of dental health needs
- Practitioners
- Types care
- Selecting a dentist
- Self-Care care
- Questionable Procedures
12Exam QuestionsSamples only may not be on exam
- Key issues for consumers are
- Problems with Products
- Problems with Services
- Problems with Costs
- All of the above
- Quackery is the promotion of a false or unproven
method for profit - True or False
13Exam QuestionsSamples only may not be on exam
- Functions of media are to (which is not true)
- Entertain
- Provide only government approved inform
- Carry advertisements and make money
- After completing his or her undergraduate,
medical school, and graduate medical education, a
physician still must obtain a license to practice
medicine from - US Government
- a State
- A county
- The American Medical Assocation
1411th - 15th Behaviors Percent Very Serious and
Serious about Improving
63 do not do strength exercise 2 times/week
1516th - 22nd Behaviors Percent Very Serious and
Serious about Improving
- 16th Do a short relaxation exercise regularly
(43) - 17th Losing weight (43)
- 18th Driving at safer speeds (40)
- 19th Being less hostile and aggressive (35)
- 20th Using safer sex skills when I have sex
(35) - 21st Reducing money I owe on loans (35)
- 22nd Do BSE or TSE regularly (28)
1623rd - 29nd Behaviors Percent Very Serious and
Serious about Improving
- 23rd Get tested for STI or HIV (26)
- 24th Get Pap tests regularly (25 of all
students) - 60 of females
- 25th Get blood pressure checked (22)
- 26th Get cholesterol checked (19)
- 27th Abstaining from sex (18)
- 28th Gaining weight (17)
- 29th Reduce caffeine intake (16)
1730th - 34th Behaviors Percent Very Serious and
Serious about Improving
22 of CP students abused alcohol by having
binged at least one time in the past 2 weeks
7 smoke daily, 20 smoked in past 30 days
About 2 use spit tobacco
gt2 used cocaine, 16 used marijuana in past year
15 to 30 may have an eating disorder