Title: Introduction to Greedy Algorithms
1Introduction to Greedy Algorithms
- The greedy technique
- Problems explored
- The coin changing problem
- Activity selection
2Optimization problems
- An optimization problem
- Given a problem instance, a set of constraints
and an objective function. - Find a feasible solution for the given instance
for which the objective function has an optimal
value - either maximum or minimum depending on the
problem being solved. - A feasible solution satisfies the problems
constraints - The constraints specify the limitations on the
required solutions. - For example in the knapsack problem we require
that the items in the knapsack will not exceed a
given weight
3The Greedy Technique(Method)
- Greedy algorithms make good local choices in the
hope that they result in an optimal solution. - They result in feasible solutions.
- Not necessarily an optimal solution.
- A proof is needed to show that the algorithm
finds an optimal solution. - A counter example shows that the greedy algorithm
does not provide an optimal solution.
4Pseudo-code for Greedy Algorithm
- set Greedy (Set Candidate)
- solution new Set( )
- while (Candidate.isNotEmpty())
- next Candidate.select() //use selection
criteria, - //remove from Candidate and
return value - if (solution.isFeasible( next)) //constraints
satisfied - solution.union( next)
- if (solution.solves()) return solution
- //No more candidates and no solution
- return null
5Pseudo code for greedy cont.
- select() chooses a candidate based on a local
selection criteria, removes it from Candidate,
and returns its value. - isFeasible() checks whether adding the selected
value to the current solution can result in a
feasible solution (no constraints are violated). - solves() checks whether the problem is solved.
6Coin changing problem
- Problem Return correct change using a minimum
number of coins. - Greedy choice coin with highest coin value
- A greedy solution (next slide)
- American money
- The amount owed 37 cents.
- The change is 1 quarter, 1 dime, 2 cents.
- Solution is optimal.
- Is it optimal for all sets of coin sizes?
- Is there a solution for all sets of coin sizes?
7A greedy solution
- Input Set of coins of different denominations,
amount-owed - change
- while (more coin-sizes valueof(change)ltamount-o
wed) - Choose the largest remaining coin-size //
Selection - // feasibility check
- while (adding the coin does not make the
valueof(change) exceed the amount-owed ) then - add coin to change
- //check if solved
- if ( valueof(change) equals
amount-owed)return change - else delete coin-size
- return failed to compute change
8Elements of the Greedy Strategy
- Cast problem as one in which we make a greedy
choice and are left with one subproblem to solve. - To show optimality
- Prove there is always an optimal solution to
original problem that makes the greedy choice.
9Elements of the Greedy Strategy
- 2. Demonstrate that what remains is a subproblem
with property - If we combine the optimal solution of the
subproblem with the greedy choice we have an
optimal solution to original problem.
10Activity Selection
- Given a set S of n activities with start time si
and finish time fi of activity i - Find a maximum size subset A of compatible
activities (maximum number of activities). - Activities are compatible if they do not overlap
- Can you suggest a greedy choice?
Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11 13
2 12
3 10
11 15
3 7
1 4
0 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
12Counter Example 1
Activities 1 2 3
11 15
1 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
13Counter Example 2
- Select by minimum duration
Activities 1 2 3
8 15
1 8
7 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
14Select by finishing time
Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11 13
2 12
3 10
11 15
3 7
1 4
0 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
15 Activity Selection
- Assume without loss of generality that we number
the intervals in order of finish time. So
f1...fn. - Greedy choice choose activity with minimum
finish time - The following greedy algorithm starts with A1
and then adds all compatible jobs. (Theta(n)) - Theta(nlogn) when including sort
- n lt- lengths // number of activities
- A lt- 1
- j lt- 1 //last activity added
- for i lt- 2 to n //select
- if si gt fj then //compatible (feasible)
- add i to A
- j lt- i //save new last activity
- return A
17Proof that greedy solution is optimal
- It is easy to see that there is an optimal
solution to the problem that makes the greedy
choice. - Proof of 1.
- Let A be an optimal solution. Let activity 1 be
the greedy choice. If 1 ? A the proof is done. If
1 ?A, we will show that AA-a1 is another
optimal solution that includes 1. - Let a be the activity with minimum finish time
in A. - Since activities are sorted by finishing time in
the algorithm, f(1)?? f(a). If f(1)?? s(a) we
could add 1 to A and it could not be optimal. So
s(1) lt f(a), and 1 and a overlap. Since f(1)??
f(a), if we remove a and add 1 we get another
compatible solution AA-a1 and AA
18Proof that greedy solution is optimal
- 2. If we combine the optimal solution of the
remaining subproblem with the greedy choice we
have an optimal solution to the original problem. - Proof of 2.
- Let activity 1 be the greedy choice.
- Let S be the subset of activities that do not
overlap with 1. - Sii 1,,n and si?
f(1). - Let B be an optimal solution for S.
- From the definition of S, A1B is
compatible, and a solution to the original
problem. -
19Proof that greedy solution is optimal
- 2. If we combine the optimal solution of the
remaining subproblem with the greedy choice we
have an optimal solution to the original problem. - Proof of 2 continued.
- The proof is by contradiction.
- Assume that A is not an optimal solution to the
original problem. - Let A be an optimal solution that contains 1.
- So AltA, and A-1gtA-1B.
- But A-1 is also a solution to the problem of
S, contradicting the assumption that B is an
optimal solution to S.