Contracts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Estoppel Contract becomes binding in spite of the fact that no formal agreement was made between parties. Implied agreement, i.e., go to a movie, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Contracts

  • CTC-470

Parts of a Contract
  • Drawings
  • Need to clear, concise, explicit and well defined
  • General conditions Boilerplate
  • Establishes right, responsibilities, authority,
    and obligations.
  • Standard so that everyone understands them
  • Supplementary conditions Specific to each job
  • How this job will be done.

Parts of a Contract
  • Specifications include all of contract except
  • All documents from the invitation to bid on

Technical Specifications
  • Qualitative description of items on project
  • Either specs govern over drawings or the
    architect/engineer decides when drawings and
    specs do not agree. In contract documents.
  • Need to be technically accurate and adequate
  • Definite clear stipulations
  • Fair equitable requirements
  • Easy to use during bidding and construction
  • Legally enforceable
  • Usually in Construction specifications Institute
    (CSI) format

Design Specifications
  • material and workmanship specifications (method
    and materials)
  • 2x4 _at_ 16 o.c.

Performance Specification
  • spec finished product, let the contractor select
    the material and method.
  • Wall must support a 300 pound/LF vertical load
  • Can incorporate both design and performance specs
    to specify finished product and method and
  • Wall must support a 300 pound/LF vertical load
    and be constructed from 8 x 8 x 16 concrete

  • Closed Spec requires specd item
  • Proprietary Spec - name supplier
  • Open Spec Required for public projects
  • Or Equal AVOID lets engineer spec 1 item and
    then allow for other equal items
  • Or Approved Equal Architect/engineer can decide
    whether a product is equal
  • Reference Spec - References tests, product
    names, part of the technical spec.
  • Standard Spec Standards from one job to the

As Built Drawings
  • Very important
  • Provide the final location of all underground
    utilities, and facilities and all above ground
  • Used as the reference document for future work on
  • Cheshire fair

Matter of time
  • Major aspect of contracts - Contracts can specify
    that a job be completed in either XX working days
    or XX calendar days.
  • Working days
  • used when weather delays can be expected - Any
    day except Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
  • Calendar days are used when a definite opening
    date is desired.
  • Dept store must open before thanksgiving

How many days
  • Project schedule
  • submitted prior to starting work
  • sets work schedule.
  • Limitation of Operations
  • Times owner does not want contractor operating on
    the site.
  • NYSTA night work
  • Liquidated Damages
  • Compensation for financial other losses due to
    late opening. (10,000/day after Nov 20)
  • NYSTA if on road after designated time of day

Types of Delays
  • Delay caused by contractor or contractors agents
    owner can fire contractor
  • Delay caused by owner or owners agents -
    contractor can ask for time extension
  • Delay caused by force majeure or act of God.
    Usually no for either owner or contractor
  • Hurricane Katrina Casino
  • No damage for delay clause protects party from
    liability due to delays caused by that party

  • Delay not contemplated Labor strikes, back
    orders on supplies.
  • Active interference action by a 3rd party which
    causes work to slow or stop - environmental
  • Delays of unreasonable duration delays by owner
    which are unreasonable in length
  • Fraud or bad faith

  • Allow contractor/owner to get time extensions for
  • Extension of Time if running late, get an
    extension of time.
  • Excusable Delay act of God, labor strike,
    flooding, etc.

What can Happen
  • Acceleration
  • Actual owner says hire more workers. Owner pays
  • Constructive owner refuses time extension so
    contractor has to hire more help.
  • If owner is cause of delay, which leads to
    falling behind, contractor may be able to collect
    for extra help.
  • If delay is force majeure - contractor may be
    able to collect for extra help

What can Happen
  • Suspension of Work
  • gives owner ability to stop work. Owner may
    have financial trouble
  • Owner can stop work at any time for cause
  • Change in market, financing, etc
  • Termination
  • Default of contractor
  • Bonding Company takes over contract to completion
  • Convenience of owner
  • Owner may find that the project is too expensive
    and decide to terminate the project.

  • Contract
  • Agreement between two parties that is enforceable
    by law for their mutual benefit.
  • Litigation
  • Court decision, which is binding on both parties
  • Used to settle claims for monies owed
  • Executed
  • When both parties have fully performed in
    accordance with the contract terms, i.e., final
    payment made
  • Executory
  • When some portion of agreement remains undone

Contracts can be
  • Bilateral
  • Both parties promise something to each other.
    Most construction contracts are bilateral.
  • Unilateral
  • One party promises something while the other
    party exchanges something other than a promise.
    Action may substitute for promise, i.e., Ill
    sell you 100 RR ties for 6 each gt You send me a
    check for 600 you own RR ties. You are in
    control of whether or not contract is formed.

Contracts can be
  • Expressed
  • Terms are clear, concise, explicit and well
  • Usually written
  • Implied
  • Terms not clearly stated but established thru
    inference and deduction, i.e. Drive to parking
    lot, give attendant 2 and park car.

  • An expressed contract can be altered by an
    implied contract if the project described in the
    expressed contract, once signed, is significantly
  • Then an implied agreement to do the work for
    hourly rates could become binding

Contracts can be
  • In Joint Agreement
  • individual parties joined into one party in
    legal and liability sense,
  • Several Construction Companies join together as a
    single entity to bid on a job and sign contract
    with owner.
  • Several or Separate
  • Each party has a liability that is separate from
    any other party.
  • Several Construction Companies join together to
    bid on a job and sign contract with owner but
    retain liability for their portions of work
  • Joint and Several
  • Binds individuals as a unit each individual
    accepts separate accountability.

Contract disputes
  • Usually solved by courts.
  • By using standard provisions in contracts it
    makes it easier for the courts to reach a
  • Courts are not contractors or engineers
  • Need standard language to ensure that Court
    understands contract
  • Want clear, concise, explicit and well defined
    contract terms

  • disputes that relate to matters not addressed by
    statutory law or contract obligations.
  • Wrongs committed against others that do not
    involve contracts.
  • Common law interpretation required
  • Can result from a special action or can be caused
    by failure to act
  • Offense against person that does not involve a
    crime or law violation
  • A tort can be a crime

To file a tort
  • 1) Establish that one party had a duty to the
    other party breach in performance of duty
  • 2) How damage is direct consequence of (1)
  • Examples slander, libel
  • Standard of care Conduct expected of someone in
    a given capacity.
  • Attractive Nuisance A construction site is an
    attractive nuisance. A tort action of trespass
    could be denied because of this.
  • Contributary Nuisance Offered as a defense to
    avoid liability from an injury. Injury occurred
    due to actions of injured party.

  • Parts of a Bond
  • Principal
  • Principal debtor is party whose performance is
  • Surety
  • Company pays if principal does not perform
  • Obligee
  • Party to whom promise of principals performance
    is made - owner

  • Miller Act (1935)
  • Surety bond required for all federal assistance
  • Bid bond
  • Bond that contractor will enter into binding
    contract will provide payment performance
    bonds. Usually 5 of bid price
  • Provision in bid how long after bid opening that
    winning bidder has to be notified of selection
    and how long after that that bidder has to enter
    into a contract.
  • Bonds returned after contract signed

  • Performance bond
  • Usual fee is 1 of contract amount
  • Usual face value is 100 of contract amount
  • Surety must be notified of changes in contract
    over 10 of original amount
  • Payment bond
  • Protects owner if the general contractor does not
    pay the subs or suppliers
  • Usual face value 40 50 of contract price

Bonding Capacity
  • Sureties stipulate max value of uncompleted work
    that a GC can have at one time
  • Bonding capacity
  • Protects Surety from GC overextending themselves
  • 10 - 20 uncompleted work per 1 of net working
  • No single contract exceeding ½ bonding capacity

Elements of a Contract
Elements of a Contract
  • Meeting of Minds
  • Agreement on a basic meaning legal implications
    of the contract.
  • Unreality of Consent
  • cannot agree on basicsgtgtno contract
  • Contract is based on fact.

Contract is null and void if
  • Unilateral mistake or mutual error
  • Parties do not have same perception of the
    identity of the subject of the agreement
  • Subject does not exist due to death, destruction,
  • Misrepresentation
  • Fraud (intent to deceive)
  • Fraud (deliberate failure to provide relevant
    information vital to the agreement)
  • Duress (forced consent)
  • Error in plans

Offer Acceptance
  • Offer
  • one person signifies to another a willingness to
    enter into a binding contract on certain terms.
  • Acceptance
  • creates contract provided it was made in the
    manner time specified in the offer.
  • Counter Offer
  • if acceptance is not definite, unqualified and
    unconditional. Once a counter offer is made, the
    original offer is no longer valid.

  • Something of value
  • Prime reason for entering a contract. Both
    parties must have consideration or contract is
    void. Consideration does not have to be actual
    benefit, i.e., pay someone not to marry binding
    upon acceptance.

Lawful Subject Matter
  • Contracts must have it.
  • Subject matter cannot violate any fundamental
    dictate of common law, or be contrary to public
    policy. Collusion or bid rigging is illegal and
    any contract between two parties for the purpose
    of rigging bids is void.

Competent parties
  • Cannot be insane, drunk, or a minor.

  • Contract becomes binding in spite of the fact
    that no formal agreement was made between
  • Implied agreement, i.e., go to a movie, pay gtgt
    see movie or get a refund.
  • Promissary Estoppel
  • Frequently encountered in construction. Bid by
    phone, which is used in a larger bid package, is

Assignment of Contracts
  • Transfer rights and responsibilities to a 3rd
    party not originally involved in the contract.
  • Second party cannot be placed in a worse position
    than it would have without the assignment.
    Loans, etc.

Real Property
  • Real Property
  • Land and attachments (buildings, permanent
    fixtures on land)
  • Liens
  • Legal claim on property. Party has the right to
    retain property until debt is satisfied.
  • Tax Lien Right of government to retain
    possession of property until taxes are paid.
  • Mechanics Lien Right to place a claim on land
    on which work was performed. Includes all
    craftsmen and suppliers. Needs written contract

Real Property
  • Eminent Domain
  • Right of public to take land at fair market value
    when the land will be used to provide a benefit
    (service) to the public.
  • Condemnation exercising the right of eminent
  • Highways Rights of Way
  • Zoning

Stop Notice
  • Notify owner of non-payment by general
    contractor. Can be placed by supplier, sub,

Forms of Organizations
  • Owned by individual. No documentation needed to
    start or terminate - profits, taxes, liability
    responsibility of owner.

  • Association of two or more people to carry on
    business. Each partner has something unique and
    of value to contribute to the partnership to help
    achieve the company goals. Partners share in
    firm management, profits, and liabilities.
    Partnership pays no income taxes since it is not
    a separate legal entity. It cannot file suit or
    be sued. Can be formed by oral agreement. Each
    partner is an agent for the others. Partners
    assume unlimited personal liability to 3rd
    parties for full amount of debts of partnerships.
    Partners are jointly and separately liable for
    company debts.

Can dissolve partnership by
  • Death of partner
  • Bankruptcy
  • Duration provision
  • Mutual agreement
  • Insanity of partner
  • Withdrawal of member
  • Court decree
  • Change in partnership
  • Expulsion of partner

Partnership Distribution
  • 1) Outside creditors
  • 2) Loans or advances from partners
  • 3) Partners capital investment
  • 4) Profits

Other partners
  • Limited Partner
  • Contributes value, share in profits and losses
    but provides no services and has no vote in
    management. Liability is limited to contribution
  • Silent partner
  • Partner who remains unknown to the public.

Joint Venture
  • Special form of partnership. Combined efforts of
    two or more construction companies to build a
    project. Temporary.
  • Reason for forming
  • Insufficient bond capacity for the job
  • Not familiar with labor market
  • Not familiar with construction material
  • Lack of adequate in house personnel
  • Insufficient capital

  • Entity created by law.
  • It has privileges and duties.
  • It is authorized to do business, own and convey
    property, enter into contracts, incur debts,
    bring suit and be sued.
  • There is limited owner liability
  • perpetual life.

  • Agency Agreements
  • Similar to contract, consists of principal and
    agency. Principal authorizes the agency to act
    on his behalf. It is mutual agreement the
    agent cannot volunteer for the job. Agents act
    for the principal.

Agents cannot do
  • Acts that are personal for the principal
  • Acts that are illegal
  • Acts that are immoral
  • Acts that oppose public policy

  • Principal is liable for all contracts made by the
  • Agents
  • must display complete loyalty good faith,
  • obey instructions,
  • not exceed authority,
  • cannot compete with the principal,
  • profit at principals expense,
  • or do any self dealing.

  • Agency created by
  • 1) Law or contract
  • 2) Ratification
  • 3) Estoppel
  • At the construction site
  • Owners agent generally an engineering firm
    (resident engineer, site engineer)
  • Failure to inspect can cause engineer to be held
    liable liable for injury, not liable for errors
    in judgment.
  • Role of Contractor Owner must be sure of role
    of contractor. If the contractor is acting as
    agent then there must be a clear, established
    scope of authority. In general, owners want
    contractors to be independent.

Termination of Agency
  • Similar to termination of contract. Caused by
  • Death of principal or agent
  • Destruction of subject matter
  • Occurrence of specified event
  • Fulfillment of agency purpose
  • Bankruptcy of agent or principal
  • Expiration of time period
  • Illegal development
  • Mutual consent
  • Unilateral termination with cause

Contingent Liability
  • Injured 3rd party is not or should not be
    affected by a contract between two other parties.
    Therefore, injured worker can sue owner and
    contractor. Engineers can be 3rd parties due
    to inspection.
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