Chapter 5: Interaction, Groups, and Organizations: Connections that Work - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 5: Interaction, Groups, and Organizations: Connections that Work


Chapter 5: Interaction, Groups, and Organizations: Connections that Work Dr. Santos Soc 100 Networks and Connections in Our Social World Social networks -- micro ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 5: Interaction, Groups, and Organizations: Connections that Work

Chapter 5 Interaction, Groups, and
Organizations Connections that Work
Dr. Santos
Soc 100
Networks and Connections in Our Social World
  • Social networks -- micro-level contacts and
    exchanges between individuals and other
    individuals, small groups, and large (even
    global) organizations
  • Networking -- using our social networks to get
    information, favors, or resources

Family and Friends Micro-Level Networks
  • Network links
  • casual and personal , or
  • based on official positions and channels
  • Close Networks
  • Personal ties are tight
  • Shared personal interest held very high

(No Transcript)
Meso- and Macro-Level Networks
  • How are we linked
  • The internet
  • Local civic, sports, and religious organizations
  • Community or national institutions
  • Our nation(s)
  • Global entities
  • Networks can open opportunities
  • But obligations can limit freedom
  • Meso- and macro-level interactions are more
    formal than micro-level ones

The Elements of Social Interaction
  • Social interaction is two or more individuals
    purposefully relating to each other
  • All interaction has three important components
  • An action
  • A common goal
  • A social context
  • The action, goal, and context helps us interpret
    the social meaning of our interaction

The Elements of Social Interaction
  • People assume that others will share their
    interpretation of a situation
  • Shared assumptions create cues for behavior
  • Shared assumptions dictate what is appropriate in
    a situation
  • Dress
  • Manner
  • Speech
  • Actions
  • Socialization helps us determine the expectations
    of social interaction vice-versa

The Elements of Social Interaction
  • People interact using verbal and non-verbal
  • Non-verbal communication are interactions using
    facial expressions, the head, eye contact, body
    posture, gestures, touch, walk, status symbols
    and personal space
  • Non-verbal communication are
  • Culturally specific
  • Learned through socialization
  • Used in all cultures

The Elements of Social Interaction
  • Personal space is non-verbal language
  • The amount of personal space needed varies by
  • Cultural setting
  • Gender
  • Status
  • Social context
  • Personal space communicates social positions
  • Higher positions and status have greater control
    of physical space
  • Gender differences are customary in most societies

Four categories of social distance in U.S.
culture (Hall)
  • Intimate distance
  • Private and affectionate relationships
  • 0 18 inches
  • Personal distance
  • Friends and acquaintances
  • 18 inches 4 feet
  • Social distance
  • Impersonal business relations
  • 4 12 feet
  • Public distance
  • Used in formal settings
  • Especially with high-status speakers
  • 12 feet and beyond

Theoretical Perspectives on the Interaction
  • Exchange/Rational Choice Theory
  • Assumes that relationships are formed (and
    persist) based on the rewards and costs of the
    interaction to the individual
  • When benefits of the interaction are high and
    costs are low, interaction will be valued and
  • If the benefits of interaction are low and if the
    costs are high, the interaction will not be
    valued nor sustained
  • For exchange theorists, every interaction
  • Calculations of self-interest
  • Expectation of reciprocity
  • Actions that have current or eventual pay-off for

Theoretical Perspectives on the Interaction
  • Symbolic interaction theory
  • Ethnomethodology the use of empirical methods
    to study how people develop shared meanings and
    consider how common rules originate by
  • Breaking norms to discover rules of interaction
  • Being interested in peoples responses to norm
  • Not taking interaction norms for granted

Theoretical Perspectives on the Interaction
  • Symbolic interaction theory (continued)
  • Dramaturgy the study of social life from the
    framework that life is similar to a play or drama
    on stage, with scripts, props, and scenes to be
  • Dramaturgical analysts believe interaction occurs
    on two stages
  • Front stage behavior
  • Backstage behavior
  • Working to create a definition of self through
    social interaction

Theoretical Perspectives on the Interaction
  • Assumptions of Dramaturgical analysts
  • We create an impression for our audience as in
    acting in a play
  • Individuals learn new lines to add to their
    scripts through socialization
  • Individuals perform scripts for social audiences
    in order to maintain certain images, much like
    the actors in a play
  • Individuals use props as visible symbols to
    create or reinforce our roles
  • Individuals perform according to societys script
    for the situation
  • Individuals work to create a positive,
    advantageous impression through impression
  • Individuals use tact, humor, and other strategies
    to try to create positive impressions
  • Dramaturgical analysts believe interaction occurs
    on two stages front stage backstage

Social Status The Link to Groups
  • Social Statuses are positions that individuals
    hold in the social world
  • Define interaction with others
  • A status set is the combination of statuses held
    by an individual
  • Ascribed statuses are statuses that are assigned
    at birth and do not change during an individuals
  • Achieved statuses are statuses that are chosen or
    earned by decisions one makes or by personal
  • Master statuses are statuses that are most
    important and take precedence over others

Social Status The Link to Groups
The Relationship between Status and Roles
  • Roles are the expected behaviors, rights and
    obligations associated with a status
  • Statuses (positions)
  • Roles (behavioral obligations of the status)

Individuals hold formal and informal statuses
  • Role strain is tension between roles within one
  • Role conflict is conflict between the roles of
    two or more statuses

Groups in Our Social World The Micro-Meso
  • Groups are two or more people who interact with
    each other because of shared common interests,
    goals, experiences, and needs
  • Create a sense of belonging among members
  • Share a common goal
  • Members are in contact with one another
  • Defined membership norms
  • Rules for members behaviors
  • Groups form through a series of steps
  • Initial interaction between potential members
  • A collective goal emerges
  • Attempt to expand collective goals by building
    membership and pursuing new goals

The Importance of Groups for the Individual
  • Groups establish our place in the social world
    and deeply influence of state of mind
  • Anomie or a state of normlessness
  • Suicide (Durkheim)
  • Egoistic suicide
  • Anomic suicide
  • Altruistic suicide

Types of Groups
  • Primary groups are groups with close contacts
    between members with whom members have lasting
    personal relationships
  • Characteristics of primary groups
  • Strong sense of belonging
  • Strong group loyalty
  • Strong influence on behavior
  • Main purpose is belonging
  • Primary groups have intrinsic value
  • Secondary groups are groups with formal,
    impersonal, businesslike relationships between
  • Characteristics of secondary groups
  • Large membership base
  • Task-oriented
  • Relationships based on accomplishing
  • A clear division of labor
  • Specialized communication
  • Membership can be short-term or long lasting

Types of Groups
  • Reference groups are groups composed of members
    who act as role models to one another and
    establish standards against which members measure
    their conduct
  • Peer groups are people who share similar age or
    social status they can also serve as reference
  • Ingroups are groups to which individuals feel a
    sense of loyalty and belonging
  • Outgroups are groups to which individuals do not
    belong, but that exists in competition or
    opposition to an ingroup

Organizations and BureaucraciesThe Meso-Macro
The Evolution of Modern Organizations
  • Organizational structure depends on the type of
  • Modern organizations and bureaucracies began with
  • Rationality or the attempt to reach maximum
    efficiency, is the governing principle of most
    modern organizations
  • Formal organizations are complex secondary groups
    formed to pursue and achieve certain goals
  • Organizational societies are societies where a
    majority of the members work in organizations
  • Bureaucracies are specific types of very large
    formal organizations with the primary goal of
    maximizing efficiency

Characteristics of Modern Organizations
  • Organizations are categorized by their ability to
    get members to comply with the rules
  • Utilitarian organizations gain compliance by
    providing income that individuals need to live in
    exchange for their labor
  • Coercive organizations are involuntary
    organizations where compliance is achieved by
  • Normative organizations are groups where
    compliance is based on moral or political
    beliefs individuals tend to join normative
    organizations for personal satisfaction
  • Voluntary organizations are groups individuals
    join on their own accord, typically because they
    believe in a cause, or because they enjoy the
    social contact or activity

Characteristics of Bureaucracies
  • Max Weber was the pioneer thinker on them
  • Weber found 6 characteristics of ideal type
  • Division of labor based on technical competence
  • Administrative hierarchy
  • Formal rules and regulations
  • Impersonal relationships
  • Emphasis on rationality and efficiency
  • Provision of life-long careers
  • Bureaucracies also have an informal structure
    (fiefdoms, informal networks, gossip, etc.)

Characteristics of McDonaldization
  • McDonaldization George Ritzers term for the
    process through which the principles of the
    McDonalds corporation have been integrated into
    the operation of all organizations
  • The principles of McDonaldization
  • Efficiency
  • Predictability
  • Calculability
  • Increased control
  • The dysfunctions of McDonaldization
  • Dehumanization
  • Irrationality
  • The desire for efficiency taking over creativity
    and human interaction
  • Loss of uniqueness and local flavor

Individuals in Bureaucracies
  • Professionals
  • Alienation
  • Autonomy
  • Minority-status groups
  • Glass ceilings -- to barriers which keep females
    and other minority group members from reaching
    high levels of management in organizations
  • Disproportional representation in middle or low
    occupational levels

Problems in Bureaucracies
  • Dysfunctions of Bureaucracy
  • Alienation
  • Worker dissatisfaction
  • Oligarchy
  • The iron law of oligarchy
  • Goal Displacement
  • Parkinsons Law
  • Alternatives to Bureaucracy
  • Alternative organization structure
  • Democratic-collective organization

National and Global Networks The Macro-Level
  • Multinational corporations
  • National systems and international organizations
  • The Internet

Policy Issues Women and Globalization
  • Around the world, women are the most
    economically, politically, and socially
    marginalized group of people
  • The United Nations has created may policies to
    help raise the status of women worldwide
  • Education initiatives
  • Micro-lending agencies
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