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Lucie 1989, Henshaw et al 1990, Alexander et al 1990, Butland et al 1990, Lucie ... Birth address - Draper et al (BMJ, 330, 1290-, 2005) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

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lttitlegtHuman Radiation Effects Grouplt/titlegt
ltmeta name"description" content"The interaction
of environmental pollutants with electromagnetic
fields in the induction of childhood leukaemia
and other illnesses"gt ltmeta name"keywords" conten
t"natural radiation, alpha-radiation, radon
daughters, pylons, powerlines, magnetic fields,
electric fields, EMF, electromagnetic fields,
melatonin, environmental pollutants, pollution,
corona ions, static charge, airborne bacteria,
hospital infections, leukemia, leukaemia,
leukaemia induction, childhood leukaemia,
respiratory diseases, melanoma, lung cancer,
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ltbodygt lth1gt ltdiv align"right"gtHuman Radiation Eff
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ltDIVgtltFONT size2gtH. H. Wills Physics
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ac.uk/" class"nav"gtltmgtUniversity of
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phy.bris.ac.uk/" class"nav"gtltmgtDepartment of
Physicslt/mgtlt/agtlt/ligtltbrgt ltligtlta href"http//www.
richardbox.com/" class"nav"gtltmgt"The Field" by
Richard Boxlt/mgtlt/agtlt/ligtltbrgt ltligtlta href"/" clas
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ltligtlta href"teaching.html" class"nav"gtltmgtTeachi
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class "nav"gtCHILDREN with LEUKAEMIAlt/agtlt/ligtltbrgt
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"nav"gtUniversity of Bristollt/agtlt/ligtltbrgtltbrgt
ltligtlta href"http//www.phy.bris.ac.uk/" class
"nav"gtDepartment of Physicslt/agtlt/ligtltbrgtltbrgt
ltligtlta href"http//www.richardbox.com/"
class"nav"gt"The Field" by Richard
Boxlt/agtlt/ligtltbrgtltbrgt ltligtlta href"/" class "nav"
gtOther linkslt/agtlt/ligtltbrgtltbrgt ltligtlta href"teachi
ng.html" class"nav"gtTeaching Radioactivity in
Schoolslt/agtlt/ligt lt/ulgt lt/divgt lt!endif--gt lt!-
-if IEgt ltdiv id"content_ie"gt ltimg src"/HREGweb
_pictures/field07.jpg" height"300" width"550"
alt"Photo of 'The field' by Richard Box showing
many lights under a powerline"gt
ltpgt lth2gtThe Human Radiation Effects Grouplt/h2gtlt/p
gt ltpgtWe are interested in the environmental facto
rs linked to the incidence of childhood
leukaemia. One particular focus is the role
played by electric and magnetic fields associated
with the electricity supply. Two aspects are
being investigated. The first concerns the role
of corona ion emission from high voltage
powerlines and how this may explain the
observation of increased incidence of childhood
leukaemia up to 600 metres from high voltage
powerlines in England and Wales. The second
concerns the mechanisms by which magnetic fields
appear to increase the risk of childhood
leukaemia as well as certain other diseases.
lt/pgt ltpgtThe Group is supported by CHILDREN with L
EUKAEMIA. Britain's leading charity dedicated to
the conquest of Childhood leukaemia
lt/pgt ltdiv id"news"gt ltpgt ltstronggtlta href"recently
posted.html" style colorredgtltfont
size"4"gtRecently Posted Itemslt/agt
lt/pgt ltpgtlta href "SCHENIRreportfeb09.HTML" class"
nav"gtFebruary 2009 - Latest report on opinion
from SCENHIR (European Comission's Scientific
Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health
Risks)lt/agt adds Alzheimer's Disease to the risk
associated with power frequency EMFs.
lt/pgtlt/divgt lt/pgt lt/divgt lt!endif--gt lt!--if !IEgt-
-gt ltdiv id"content"gt ltimg src"field07.jpg" heig
ht"300" width"550" alt"Photo of 'The field' by
Richard Box showing many lights under a
powerline"gt ltpgt lth2gtltfont size"5"gtThe Human Radi
ation Effects Grouplt/fontgtlt/h2gtlt/pgt
ltpgtWe are interested in the environmental factors
linked to the incidence of childhood leukaemia.
One particular focus is the role played by
electric and magnetic fields associated with the
electricity supply. Two aspects are being
investigated. The first concerns the role of
corona ion emission from high voltage powerlines
and how this may explain the observation of
increased incidence of childhood leukaemia up to
600 metres from high voltage powerlines in
England and Wales. The second concerns the
mechanisms by which magnetic fields appear to
increase the risk of childhood leukaemia as well
as certain other diseases. Peer reviewed journals
have also been making similar conclusions. The
damage may not be permanent and there are steps
you can take to help reduce the risks. One
example is diet. For instance, our findings show
that pharmaceutical and health food products like
lta href"https//www.drjohn.org/keto-burn-xtreme-r
eview/"gtketo burn xtreme pillslt/agt can help a
great deal. A practical choice for children at
exposure to potentially dangerous radiation from
electric and magnetic fields may be to invest in
the supplements. A ketogenic diet promises to
help the body achieve a metabolic state that may
help reduce the radiation effects. lt/agt
lt/pgt ltpgtThe Group is supported by CHILDREN with C
ANCER UK. Britain's leading charity dedicated to
the conquest of Childhood leukaemia
lt/pgt ltdiv id"news"gt ltpgt lt!-- ltstronggtlta href"rec
entlyposted.html" class"nav"gtltfont
size"4"gtRecently Posted Itemslt/fontgtlt/agt --gt
lt!-- --gt ltdiv id"news"gt ltpgt ltfont size"4" color
"red"gtFebruary 2014lt/fontgt lt/agt
ltpgt 10th February 2014 Invited presentation, Trim
, Co. Meath Ireland lta href"Henshaw_Prof_Denis_I
reland_10_Feb_2014.pdf"gtScientific basis of the
health effects of electric and magnetic fields
associated with the electricity supply lt/agt
lt/pgt lt/divgt lt/pgt lt/divgt ltstronggt ltfont size"4" co
lor"red"gtDecember 2012lt/fontgt lt/agt
ltpgt Invited paper presented at The 7th Princess Ch
ulabhorn International Science Congress, Bangkok
28th Nov to 3rd Dec 2012 lta href"Henshaw_Princess
Leukaemia and EMFs Mobile Phones and Brain
Tumours, Risks and Causal Pathwayslt/agt
lt/pgt lt/divgt ltdiv id"news"gt ltpgt lt!-- ltstronggtlta hr
ef"recentlyposted.html" class"nav"gtltfont
size"4"gtRecently Posted Itemslt/fontgtlt/agt --gt
--gt lt/pgt lt/divgt lt!--lt!endif--gt lt!--if IEgt lt
div id"botimg_ie"gt ltimg src"CwCUK.jpg" height"9
5" width"900" alt"Children with Cancer UK
logo"gt lt/divgt ltdiv id"botnav_ie"gt Updated 17.12.1
3 by lta href"mailtomaria_at_tasl.co.uk" class
"botnav"gtMaria Hansenlt/agt lt/divgt lt!endif--gt lt!-
-if !IEgt--gt ltdiv id"botimg"gt ltimg src"CwCUK.j
pg" height"95" width"900" alt"Children with
Cancer UK logo"gt lt/divgt ltdiv id"botnav"gt Updated
17.12.13 by lta href"/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectiond
class"botnav"gtMaria Hansenlt/agt
lt/divgt lt!--lt!endif--gt lt/pgt ltscript data-cfasync
"false" src"/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare
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