Title: MCB Camp Lejeune
1Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Awareness
2After this training, you should...
- Understand the basics of the EMS
- Understand how significant impacts are used to
set objectives and targets - Understand how plan of actions and milestones
(POAMs) help manage impacts to the environment - Understand what your role is in POAMs and
achieving targets - Understand the path going forward and how your
actions support the mission
- Understanding EMS
- What is an EMS?
- Benefits with EMS
- Drivers
- Sustaining the Mission
- EMS Components and Requirements
- Policy
- Planning
- Implementation and Operation
- Checking and Corrective Action
- Management Review
- HQMC EMS Implementation Metrics
4What is an EMS? ISO 14001
- An EMS is a system that
- Incorporates people, procedures, and work
practices in a formal structure to ensure that
the important environmental impacts of the
organization are identified and addressed, - Promotes continual improvement by periodically
evaluating environmental performance, - Involves all members of the organization as
appropriate, and - Actively involves Senior Management in support of
the environmental management program.
5What is an EMS? HQMC
Environmental Policy
A framework of five interrelated components
that emphasize continual improvement through
effective policy, planning, implementation,
checking and preventative and corrective action,
and management review. USMC EMS Policy Letter
- Planning
- Practices, Aspects, Impacts
- Risk Prioritization
- Requirements Tracking
- Objectives Targets
- Actions to Improve Performance
Management Review (Act)
- Checking Corrective Action (Check)
- Monitoring Measurement
- Problem Solving
- EMS Review
- Implementation
- Operation (Do)
- Structure, Responsibilities, and Programs
- Funding and Manpower
- Training
- Internal External Communication
- Emergency Preparedness Response
- Document and Record Control
- EMPs and SOPs
- EMS Document
6Why are we doing this?EMS Regulatory Drivers
- Executive Order 13148
- By 31 December 2005 DoD facilities must implement
an Environmental Management System (EMS) - DoD EMS Policy
- DoD Components shall adopt an EMS and work to
integrate it in all core business areasat a
minimum, DoD Components shall implement a
documented EMS meeting the requirements of EO
7Why are we doing this?EMS Regulatory Drivers
- US Marine Corp Policy Letter, 03 Mar 2004
- The Marine Corps is enhancing and formalizing its
EMS - Marine Corps EMS provides a systematic approach
to integrating environmental considerations into
mission decisions and operations, while
continuing to improve upon our environmental
compliance posture - This will allow us to sustain and ultimately
enhance mission readiness and access to training
8Benefits With EMS
- Control impacts to mission
- Improved environmental performance
- Reduced costs
- Improved compliance
- Improved process efficiency
- Fewer overlaps and gaps between programs
- Maximize use of existing capabilities
- Proactive vs reactive
9Policy Statement
Environmental Policy
- Planning
- Practices, Aspects, Impacts
- Risk Prioritization
- Requirements Tracking
- Objectives Targets
- Actions to Improve Performance
Management Review (Act)
- Checking Corrective Action (Check)
- Monitoring Measurement
- Problem Solving
- EMS Review
- Implementation
- Operation (Do)
- Structure, Responsibilities, and Programs
- Funding and Manpower
- Training
- Internal External Communication
- Emergency Preparedness Response
- Document and Record Control
- EMPs and SOPs
- EMS Document
10Policy Requirements
- Installations required to develop an
environmental policy - Includes a commitment
- To continual improvement
- To pollution prevention
- To comply with all laws relevant and regulations
- Conservation of natural and cultural resources
- Clean-up of contaminated sites
- Minimization of risks to mission
- Sustain and enhance mission readiness and access
to training environments through effective and
efficient environmental management - Signed by CO
11Camp Lejeunes Environmental Policy
12Planning Requirements
Environmental Policy
- Planning
- Practices, Aspects, Impacts
- Risk Prioritization
- Requirements Tracking
- Objectives Targets
- Actions to Improve Performance
Management Review (Act)
- Checking Corrective Action (Check)
- Monitoring Measurement
- Problem Solving
- EMS Review
- Implementation
- Operation (Do)
- Structure, Responsibilities, and Programs
- Funding and Manpower
- Training
- Internal External Communication
- Emergency Preparedness Response
- Document and Record Control
- EMPs and SOPs
- EMS Document
13Planning Requirements
- Inventory of practices and aspects prioritized
based on risk to mission - Practices are identified
- Regulated environmental aspects are identified
- Practice Commands and Owners are identified
- Prioritize practices based on risk to mission
14Activities, Practices, Aspects Impacts
- Activity A broad operational area with several
practices. - Example Vehicle Maintenance
- Practice Activities that have the potential to
directly impact environmental resources. - Example Degreasing parts with solvent
15Activities, Practices, Aspects Impacts
- Aspect A quality or outcome of a practice that
has the potential to affect the environment if
not controlled. - Example Evaporation of solvents (air emissions)
- Impact Effects that aspects have upon
resources. - Example Degradation of air quality
16Activities, Practices, Aspects Impacts
Activity Vehicle Maintenance
- Hazardous Waste
- Waste paint solvents
Paint, Solvent
Degradation of groundwater
Paper, Tape
Degradation of air quality
- Solid Waste (non-haz)
- Masking paper, tape, mixing supplies
Degradation of land / resources (filling landfill)
17Objectives, Targets, and Plans
- Establish objectives and targets to reduce the
impacts of individual practices - Objective Reduce air emissions
- Target Reduce air emissions 10 by 2005
- Identify legal and other requirements
- CFRs, MCOs, permits, plans, reporting
18Objectives, Targets, Plans
- Develop programs to meet objectives
- HQMC Plan of Action Milestones (POAMs)
- Replace solvent parts washers with aqueous parts
washers - Who is responsible, what steps will be taken,
timeline for each step, data to be collected - Keep in mind with targets POAMs
- Study
- Improve
- Maintain
19How does it all fit together?
- Example Surface Water Impacts
- Practice Tactical Vehicle Operations
- Aspect Stormwater discharge
- Objective Control surface water impacts from
run-off in training areas - Target Reduce restrictions on training areas
- Eliminate run-off via engineering reinforcements
- Action Responsible Due Date Data
- Survey areas CE Engineer 1 Jan 2005 Field
report - Draft engineering solution CE Engineer 2 Mar
2005 Draft designs - Review solutions CE Manager May 2005 Comments
- Final engineering solution CE Engineer 1 Jun
2005 Final designs
20Implementation and Operation Requirements
Environmental Policy
- Planning
- Practices, Aspects, Impacts
- Risk Prioritization
- Requirements Tracking
- Objectives Targets
- Actions to Improve Performance
Management Review (Act)
- Checking Corrective Action (Check)
- Monitoring Measurement
- Problem Solving
- EMS Review
- Implementation
- Operation (Do)
- Structure, Responsibilities, and Programs
- Funding and Manpower
- Training
- Internal External Communication
- Emergency Preparedness Response
- Document and Record Control
- EMPs and SOPs
- EMS Document
21Structure and Responsibility
- Define, document, and communicate structure,
roles, and responsibilities for - The EMS Team
- Environmental Program Managers Staff
- Practice Owners including Tenants and On-Site
22Training, Awareness and Competence
- HQMC EMS team must receive training and
instruction to implement EMS other
appropriate personnel - Training and instruction needed to
- comply with regulations
- ensure the appropriate personnel understand their
responsibilities for implementing the EMS - ensure practice owners understand procedures for
controlling their practices
- Establish procedures for communications
- Internal
- active military, reserves, civilian personnel,
tenants - External
- regulatory agencies, the public and others
interested in installation environmental affairs
24Document and Record Control
- Establish procedures to control documents
- Locate documents
- Revise, review and approve as necessary
- Current versions are controlled obsolete
versions are removed - Legible, dated, revision dates, readily
identifiable - Maintained in an orderly manner
- Retained for a specific period
25EMS Document
- EMS Manual with
- Inventory of practices and aspects prioritized
based on risk to mission - Objectives targets
- Management review procedures
- Policy statement
- Procedures for each element
- The EMS Manual is a part of the Environmental
Compliance Protection Standard Operation
Procedures (ECPSOP) located at
26Operational Control
- Identify operational controls
- Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
- Work instructions
- Contracting procurement policies
27Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Maintain and test emergency preparedness and
response procedures - How to respond to accidents and emergency
situations - Review revise procedures after an occurrence
- Periodically test procedures
- Document test outcomes and initiate corrective
28Checking and Corrective Action
Environmental Policy
- Planning
- Practices, Aspects, Impacts
- Risk Prioritization
- Requirements Tracking
- Objectives Targets
- Actions to Improve Performance
Management Review (Act)
- Checking Corrective Action (Check)
- Monitoring Measurement
- Problem Solving
- EMS Review
- Implementation
- Operation (Do)
- Structure, Responsibilities, and Programs
- Funding and Manpower
- Training
- Internal External Communication
- Emergency Preparedness Response
- Document and Record Control
- EMPs and SOPs
- EMS Document
29Checking and Corrective Action Requirements
- Establish procedures to monitor and measure
- Develop and implement a compliance self audit
plan - Implement methods for tracking progress toward
meeting objectives and targets - Monitors practices that may have a significant
impact on the environment, and where appropriate,
monitors the resources that may be impacted
30Checking and Corrective Action Requirements
- Establish system to handle (HQMC Problem
Solving) - Non-conformance
- Corrective action
- Preventative action
31Checking and Corrective Action Requirements
- Conduct audit of EMS (HQMC EMS Review)
- Follow written procedure
- Is the system working as we said it would?
- Determine extent to which EMS requirements are
fulfilled - Audit findings used to assess effectiveness of
EMS - Audit findings are used to identify opportunities
for improvement
32Management Review
Environmental Policy
- Planning
- Practices, Aspects, Impacts
- Risk Prioritization
- Requirements Tracking
- Objectives Targets
- Actions to Improve Performance
Management Review (Act)
- Checking Corrective Action (Check)
- Monitoring Measurement
- Problem Solving
- EMS Review
- Implementation
- Operation (Do)
- Structure, Responsibilities, and Programs
- Funding and Manpower
- Training
- Internal External Communication
- Emergency Preparedness Response
- Document and Record Control
- EMPs and SOPs
- EMS Document
33Management Review Requirements
- Briefing with senior management to address the
suitability of the EMS - Evaluate system for adequacy and effectiveness
- Each element should be reviewed at least annually
for appropriateness - Adjust and continually improve
34Management Review Requirements
- Topics for Management Review
- Review results of audit
- Status and priority of corrective and preventive
actions in response to the audit - Identification of additional resources and
training needs - Make adjustments
- Possible changes to policy? Objectives?
- Did circumstances change?
- Did we meet our targets?
- Do we have any NOVs?
35Camp LejeuneProgress ToDate
36Ranking Aspects and Impacts
- Practices, aspects and impacts have been
identified for the activities at Camp Lejeune and
New River - Risk parameters were considered in ranking the
aspects and impacts - Environmental Risk
- Compliance Risk
- Public Perception Risk
- Health and Safety Risk
- Risk to Mission
- Frequency
37- The EMS Team manages the Practice, Aspect
Impact inventory and sets objectives targets
through various Working Groups - Air
- Water
- Solid Waste
- Hazardous Waste/Hazardous Materials
- Natural Resources
- Building Systems Energy
- Your ECC is a member of most of these Working
38Ranking Results
- Aspects are ranked as
- Very High
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Very Low
- Numerical scores are also calculated, based on
the algorithm, from 10.0 0.0 - Based on the Risk Ranking, objectives, targets
and a POAM was established for the highest
ranking aspects
39Real World Examples
- Objective Maintain stormwater quality
- Target Zero discharges that exceed NPDES permit
- POAM Data collection, build metric, measure and
40Real World Examples
- Objective Reduce energy consumption
- Target Reduce energy consumption in
administrative areas by 25 by 2010 - POAM Referencing existing program.
Installation already has an energy retrofit and
other initiatives underway EMS documents these
41 Example POAM for MOMMission Activity
Utilities, All Practice All Base personnel
- Aspect Water consumption
- Impact Dewatering of aquifer
42Taking it to the next level
- Once POAMs are in place for objectives and
targets... - EMS Team meets on regular basis
- POAM groups report on progress as specified in
plan - Meet each month, each quarter
- Track progress on each step
- Correct as needed
- Continually improve
43STAY TUNED! More Information will be Coming
Out on how YOU can play a part In EMS!