Title: Biogeography
2Zoogeographic Regions
3The Distribution of Birds
- Vicariance on order or family level
- No Pangea connection for modern birds
4The Distribution of Birds
- Gondwanaland / Laurasia
- May have affected two lineages in late Jurassic
5The Distribution of Birds
- Archaeopteryx
- Liaoningornis
- Isolated Oriental
- 1 ? Strong connection among southern continents
- 2 ? Strong connection among Holarctic
6Southern Connection
- Connects the older lineages
- Explains distributions of families/orders
- Ethiopian
- Neotropical
- Australasian
7Southern Connection
- Ratites (flightless)
- Penguins (flightless)
- Neotropics, Antarctic, Australasian, Ethiopian
8The Distribution of Birds
- Hesperonis
- Ichthyornis
- Enantiornithes
- Ancient shorebird order, few others?
- Isolated Oriental
9Worldwide Lineages (flying)
- Psittaciformes (Parrots)
- Columbiformes (Pigeons)
- Galliformes (Pheasants Quail)
- Cuculiformes (Cuckoos)
10Worldwide Lineages
11Worldwide Lineages (flying)
12Greenland Connection 65 MYA
- Tropical Connection
- Climate change shifts distributions
- Neotropical, Ethiopian, Oriental
- Family Level
- Trogons, Barbets
13Bering Connection (recent)
- Originally Boreal
- Currently Tundra
- No holarctic connection for temperate biomes
- Lots of genus and species
14Holarctic Connections
Boreal / Tundra Bering Connection
Tropical Greenland Connection
- Many Temperate Connections Due to Convergence
- All Similarities in Passerines
15Panama Connection 6 MYA
- Genus level
- Warm Species
- Both Directions
- Latitudinal vs. Longitudinal dispersion
16Borneo Connection last 15 MY
- Wallaces Line
- nature of ease of movement
- One-way Movement
- Monarch Flycatchers
- Bee-eaters
17Temperate Convergence
Eastern Meadowlark
Yellow-throated Longclaws
18Temperate Convergence
African Black-headed Oriole
African Golden Oriole
Orchard Oriole
Black-crimson Oriole
Audubons Oriole
Altamira Oriole
19Tropical Convergence
20Tropical Convergence
21Tropical Convergence
- Australia
- Isolated 50 15 MYA
- Passerine radiation
- Indian (Oriental)
- 150 45 MYA
- Few endemics
- S. America
- 65 6 MYA
- Africa
- Similar fauna in arid and tropic regions
- Ineffective Barriers
- Vicariant events
- Palearctic / Nearctic
- Size
- Temperate Species
24Worldwide Distribution
- Waterbirds
- Gulls
- Shorebirds
- Seabirds
- Rails
- Herons
- Ducks
- Mobile Landbirds
- Hawks
- Owls
- Swallows
- Swifts