Title: Expository Writing
1Canned Lesson
2Step 1 Read the prompt carefully before you
- Writing Situation Have you ever wanted to
change the world? If you could change one thing
to make the world a better place what would it
be? - Think about things you would change. Think about
reasons you would change them. - Directions for Writing Now write an essay about
one thing you would change and tell your reader
several reasons why it is the most important
thing to change in order to make the world a
better place.
3Step 2 State the purpose.
- Think about something you would change to make
the world a better place.
4Step 3 Prepare the graphic organizer.
- Now fold your paper into 4 squares.
5Step 4 Complete the graphic organizer.
- Unfold the paper and draw a box in the center.
In the center box write a sentence to convey your
6Step 3 Complete the graphic organizer.
Write one way this would make the world better.
Write another way this would make the world
- Write a sentence about what you would change here.
Write another way this would make the world
Summarize your 3 reasons.
7Step 3 Complete the graphic organizer.
Elaborate on one detail in each box.
8Step 5 Add transitions.
For example,
A list of transition words is online!
In the same way,
For these reasons,
9Step 6 From the graphic organizer to the paper.
For example,
Example A truly happy life would be one that is
unselfish. Dedication of time Contribute Listening
- Example I would be happy if I served others
through works and deeds. - Career Choices
- Family Obligations
- Friends
Habitat for Humanity is an outstanding way to
contribute to others happiness, and your own.
Each square will become a paragraph.
The choice one makes in a career, such as
teaching, brings happiness watching that spark as
learning take place.
In the same way,
For these reasons,
I agree with Abraham Lincoln who said, Most
folks are about as happy as they make up their
minds to be.
To live a truly happy life I would I serve others
through works and deeds. I would aim at
unselfishness. My life would not be focused on
material possessions. Through this lifestyle I
would be able to find true happiness.
Example To have lifelong happiness, I would not
be focused on material possessions. Give
Me Mine Donations
Americans have a generous spirit, contributing
over 679 million to charities each year.
10Begin with A Hook
11End With A PUNCH!
12Step 7 Vocabulary
Review your paragraphs. Can you add adjectives
(describing words) and interesting adverbs
(describing action words)?
13Step 7 Vocabulary
Remember The more sophisticated vocabulary you
usethe higher your score.
14Step 8 Visual Expression
Draw a picture with words for your reader.
He was as angry as a pro wrestler on a Saturday
He was mad.
15Step 9 Reread Your Work
Reread your work to make sure you have
- Taken a stand and stay on the topic
- Given your reasons in the introductory paragraph
- Have paragraphs that support each reason
- Elaborate on a reason in each paragraph
- Have a summary paragraph that restates your
reasons - Begin each paragraph with a transition word
- Include adjectives, adverbs, similes, and