Title: Sixth Week
1Sixth Week
- Kaplan on Croats, Serbs, Macedonians
2Balkans Today
- Exam Thursday
- Study guide on the website
4Exam Prep
- Countries and capitals
- Seas, mountains, rivers
- Films Before the Rain, Tito and Me
5Film Today Tito and Me
- Director Goran Markovic
- Released in 1993
6Film so farThe Pilgrimage Continues
- Serious developments
- Public trial of Zoran
- Expulsion
- Recognition by other kids
- Zorans speech
- Rejection of Raja
- Invitation to Titos party
- Zorans maturity
- Chapters 1-4
- Croatia
- Albania
- Kosovo
- Serbia
- Macedonia
10After the War
- The Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia,
- Six republics, two autonomous regions
- Nationalities related to ethnic origins
- Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Slovenians,
Montenegrins, and Muslims
- Two autonomous regions, Vojvodina (Hungarian
links) and Kosovo (Albanian links)
11Tito (Josip Broz) 1892-1980
- Croat CP work after WWI
- Imprisoned 1928-34
- Formed Yugoslav Partisan force against Germans
and Croatian allies
- Took control of country after WWII
- For, then against Stalin nonaligned movement
- Controversy over his legacy
13Croatia Zagreb (Kaplans Chapter 1)
- Religion and ethnic identity
- Croats vs. Serbs
- Catholics vs. Orthodox
- Rome vs. Constantinople
- Little differences strong antipathies
14Mutual resentments
- For Croats Serb rule in post-WWI age
- For Serbs Croats blamed for treatment of Serbs
- Assassination of King Alexander Karageorgevich
(hero to Serbs)
- Mistreatment of Croatian Serbs (from nationalist
15Balkan Ghosts Croatia today
- Zagreb
- Old City, Esplanade Hotel, Cathedral, St. Marko
16St. Marko Church, Old City
17Kaplan Chapter 2 Serbia
- Old Serbia Kosovo Albania
- Monasteries
- Orthodoxy
- Ottoman occupation
- Kosovo story
- Kosovo polje, 1389
- Legacy/mythology
- 20th Century World Wars, Tito and Hoxha
- Post-Tito Kosovo again
- Religion Serbian Orthodoxy as strong part of
- Spirituality, suffering, martyrdom as themes
- Importance of monasteries Gracanica
20History Nemanjic dynasty (Kaplan)
- Stefan Nemanja first independent state, end of
12th (free from Byzantine control)
- Son St. Sava prominence to Serbian Orthodox
- Beginning of 14th King Milutin glory days
- Architecture, women
- Died 1321 succeeded by son Stefan Uros
- Grandson Stefan Dushan huge kingdom
- B-H Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, N. Greece,
- Succeeded by son last of dynasty
- Elected Prince (Knez) Lazar (famous for 1389 loss)
21Ottoman Yoke Origins of Myth
- Serbia sacrificed to save Europe
- Serbia will be rewarded in heaven
- Turkish domination for centuries
- Post-Ottoman transformation TurksAlbanians
- Kosovo can be returned to Serbia now
- Famous speech by Miloevic in 1987
- Tito held all in fragile equilibrium
22Religion and Politics
- Close alliance in Serbia
- Victimization and suffering
- World War II experience, anti-Communism intensify
- Momentum for violence builds from late 80s
- Focus on Kosovo Christianity vs. Islam
- Threat Albanians plan to cleanse land of Serbs
- Prishtina-capital
- Tito built it from village
- Built university
25Kosovo, Kosova
26Myth of Kosovo
- Based on folk epics
- Sung and passed down by guslar
- One-stringed instrument gusle
- Songs collected by Vuk Karadic in 19th century
- Prince Lazar defeated
- Chose heavenly kingdom focus on his oath
- Captured and beheaded martyrdom
- Other hero Milos Obilic
28Long literary and cultural heritage
- Cultural-political meaning lost battle must be
avenged forces of good vs. evil
- Be patient accept suffering revolt redemption
- Population 3.5 million
- Illyrian heritage (pre-Greek)
- Occupied territory long before Slavs
- Distinctive language
- Centuries of Turkish occupation
- Occupied Kosovo, but never held it long
- Complex role in WWII
- Very secular state
- Animosity based on memory of massacres
31Ottoman domination 1479-1912
- 1878 Albanian League begins struggle for
independence (in Kosova)
- Uprisings in 1881, 1910, 1912
- Declaration of Independence in 1912
- Territory ceded to Serbia in 1913 by London
Ambassadors Conference
- Occupied by Greece, France, Italy, Serbia,
- Enver Hoxha (Communist) led resistance in 1940s,
- Peoples Republic in 1946
- Maintained independence and isolation from world
powers, with special Chinese connections
33After Communism
- Hoxha died in 1985
- Communist rule ended in 1992
- Severe economic problems
- Migration of workers abroad
- Territory claims by Greece (which calls part of
Albania Northern Epiros)
- Support for Kosova and Macedonian Albanians
34Enver Hoxha
- President Alfred Moisiu
- Prime minister Fatos Nano
36Kaplan Chapter 3 Macedonia
- Complex stories
- Competing nationalisms
- Common elements hatred and fear
37Skopje Bridge over Vardar
- 1877 Treaty of San Stefano
- 1878 Congress of Berlin
- Gotse Delchev
- Balkan wars, 1912 and 1913
- Bulgaria and Bulgarians
- Okhrid
41Kaplan Chapter 4 White City
- Beograd (Belgrade)
- Danube and Sava Rivers
- Border of two empires
42Milovan Djilas
- Right-hand of Tito in late 40s, early 50s
- Importance in break with Stalin
- Change in views dissident
- Imprisonment disgrace in 60s
- Literary, cultural output
- Died in 1995
- Significance for Serbian culture, politics