Title: Grace and Forgiveness
1Grace and Forgiveness
2People think they can fix the problem of sin
3So they try to be really really good
4But sin a BIG problem that only God can fix
5Romans 623
- For the wages of sin is
- death, but the free
- gift of God is eternal
- life in Christ Jesus our
- Lord.
6Ephesians 28-10
- For by grace you have
- been saved though
- faith, and this is not
- your own doing it is a
- gift from Godnot the
- result of works, so that
- no one may boast. For we
- are what he has made us,
- created in Jesus Christ for
- good works, which God
- prepared before hand to be
- our way of life.
7Through Gods grace (free gift) he made a way
through Jesus (death and resurrection)
8Psalms 1038-12
- The Lord is merciful and gracious,
- slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
- He will not always accuse,
- nor will he keep his anger forever.
- He does not deal with us according to our sins,
- nor repay us according to our iniquities.
- For as the heavens are high above the earth,
- so great is his steadfast love toward those who
fear him - as far as the east is from the west,
- so far he removes our transgressions from us.
9Colossians 113-14
- He has rescued us from the power of
- darkness and transferred us into the
- kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we
- have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
10We are no longer separated and Jesus calls us to
forgive just as God forgave you
11Colossians 313
- Bear with one another and, if anyone has
complaint against another, forgive each other
just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must
also forgive.
12Kingdom of God
The church is not yet the kingdom of Godit is a
foretaste of the kingdomit never attains it in
its fullness
The Sagrada FamiliaBarcelona, Spain
13Church Community of Sinners and Saints
- In this life, the gathering of all who believe in
Christ remains incomplete and tainted by peoples
failures - Jesus tells us that saints and sinners will
coexist until the harvest (Parable of the weeds
among the wheat, Matt. 1324-30)
14Then and now
- There are many events in the history of the
Church which we now see as serious sins - What concerns us today are those sins that are
still a stain on the body of Christ
15Sins of the Church that need to be forgiven Pope
John Paul II
- The division of Christians
- The use of force and intolerance in the service
of truth - The sin against the Jewish people
- The responsibility of Catholics for the evils of
16The Evils of Today
- The death of God in our culture
- Religious indifference
- The climate of secularism
- Loss of ethical commitments
- The denial of the right to life of the unborn
child - Indifference to the cry of the poor