Title: ASP.NET 2.0 Caching and Data Binding
1ASP.NET 2.0 Caching and Data Binding
2About Josh Holmes
- Consultant/Trainer/Mentor
- Principal in SRT Solutions
- Great Lakes Area .NET Users Group
- Vice President
- Program Chair
- Ann Arbor Computer Society
- President
- INETA Speaker
- Microsoft MVP
- http//www.srtsolutions.com
- jholmes_at_srtsolutions.com
3About International .NET Association (INETA)
- http//www.ineta.org
- Mission
- To offer assistance and resources to community
groups that promote and educate their membership
in Microsoft's .NET technologies - Organizational For user group leaders and
officers - Helping groups get organized for a more
sustainable group - Educational Supporting the core need of user
groups - Presentation repository with content from both
sponsor companies and other user groups - Speakers Bureau will provide groups with
opportunities to attract marquee speakers and
noted .NET authors from around the country - Promotional Building the membership
- Searchable, international user group directory
- Promote user groups at major .NET events
- What is Data Binding?
- What are the new Data Binding features in ASP.NET
2.0? - What is Cache?
- What are the Caching features in ASP.NET 2.0?
- How to leverage the two together...
5What is Data Binding?
- Using Data Bound controls to generate the HTML
rather than writing the HTML yourself - Everything from Calendar to TextBoxes can be data
bound - Major Data bound controls
- DataGrid (ASP.NET 1.0/1.1)
- GridView (ASP.NET 2.0)
- DetailsView (ASP.NET 2.0
6ASP.NET 1.1 Databinding
- Steps to data binding
- Pull data
- Create the data bound controls
- Assign the Data Source to the newly pulled data
(often a dataset, but could be an object) - Use Property Pane and/or ASP.NET 1.1 data binding
syntax to pull property
lt DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,
"PropertyName") gt
7ASP.NET 2.0 Binding
- Steps to data binding
- Pick a data source
- Pick display format
- Drag data source onto form
- Possibly use ASP.NET 2.0 data binding syntax to
edit - More on next slide
8ASP.NET 2.0 Binding cont.
- Old form still works
- Two new forms
- Nonhierarchical data binding
- Hierarchical (I.E. XML)
lt Eval("PropertyName") gt
lt XPath(XPath Statement") gt
9New GridView Control
- Similar to DataGrid
- Sorts and pages with no code
- Also sizes for phones and other devices with no
extra code - Can have no code data editing
- Using two way bindings
- Bind instead of Eval
10More new controls
- Details View
- Mostly for use with a GridView
- Provides detail view for one of the master rows
in a sub-grid - Form View
- Similar to the previous control except that it is
all templated rather than a grid style layout - Similar to the Data Repeater from 1.x
11Data Source Controls
- Replaces majority of data access code written in
ASP.NET 1.x - SqlDataSource
- AccessDataSource
- DataSetDataSource
- XmlDataSource
- Can select data, specify how to edit data and more
12What is Cache?
- Per Application on a Machine store of memory
- Two kinds Data Cache and Page Cache
- Data Cache allows caching of any .NET object
- Often used to limit trips to database but still
give dynamic look and feel to web site - Page Cache allows caching of an ASPX or ASCX
- Used to produce high performance but seldom
changing pages
13Page Caching
- Caches the rendered output
- Savings
- Processing time
- Data access time
- Can be set up administratively after the app is
deployed - Can be used on just a user control
- Can be parameterized
14How to Page Cache
- Page caching is administered through the
OutputCache directive in the page - Next to PageDirective
lt_at_ OutputCache Duration"ofseconds"
Location"Any Client Downstream Server
None" Shared"True False" VaryByControl"contr
olname" VaryByCustom"browser customstring"
VaryByHeader"headers" VaryByParam"parameternam
e" gt
15Data Caching
- Compare to Application storage
- Not cross machine
- Much better in many situations with cache
invalidation and timeouts - Caches any .NET object
- Does not save rendered HTML
- Savings
- Data access time
- Often used to cache datasets
16How to Data Cache
- Insert an object into the Cache object
- Stored in memory on this machine/application
- Stored until server sees fit to remove it or
restart of application
string t Cache"TimeString" as string if (t
null) t DateTime.Now.ToString()
Cache.Insert("TimeString", t) _lblTime.Text
17How to Data Cache Cont
- Adding Timeouts
- Set the TimeSpan to Zero and the timeout to an
absolute time - Set the absolute time to MaxValue and the
TimeSpan to some number of seconds - Adding Dependency
- One Type in v1.1 and its a File Dependency
CacheDependency d new CacheDependency(_at_"c\test.
xml") Cache.Insert("TimeString", t, d,
DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),)
18Data Cache Removal Callbacks
- Receive a delegate callback when an object is
removed from cache
public void RemovedCallback(string key, object o,
CacheItemRemovedReason reason) //Do nothing
at the moment
Cache.Insert("TimeString", t, d,
DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
new CacheItemRemovedCallback(this.RemovedCallbac
19V2.0 Caching Features
- Single biggest is that CacheDependency is not
sealed - Can create custom dependencies or use
20Why is it important?
- Imagine Cache Dependencies on
- A web service
- Active Directory
21SQL Cache Dependency
- 3 things have to be setup
- SQL Server
- Run utility or wait for SQL Server 2005
- Application
- Web.Config
- Your Code
- Could be declaratively through the OutputCache
directive - Could be in code
22SQL Cache Dependency Config
ltcachinggt ltsqlCacheDependency enabled"true"
pollTime"1000"gt ltdatabasesgt ltadd
name"Northwind connectionStringName"NorthwindC
onnectionString1"/gt lt/databasesgt lt/sqlCacheDepe
ndencygt lt/cachinggt
- -S server
- -E trusted connection
- Could use U and P for user and password
- -t table to enable for notification
- -d database
- -et enable triggers
24Output Cache Replacements
- Allows substitution of one small area in the
prerendered HTML output - Use an aspsubstitution
- Provide a method for the call back
25ASP.NET 2.0 Caching and DataBinding