Blending Using Online Activities: A Case of a Significant Learning Experience at a Jordanian Univers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Blending Using Online Activities: A Case of a Significant Learning Experience at a Jordanian Univers


Broadening horizon of thinking ... gave me the opportunity to express myself ... the website, glossary, blogs, discussion board, helps to bring everything ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Blending Using Online Activities: A Case of a Significant Learning Experience at a Jordanian Univers

Blending Using Online Activities A Case of a
Significant Learning Experience at a Jordanian
  • Salam AbdallahAbu Dhabi University,

  • Background
  • Blending with Online Activities Social
  • Challenges as catalyst for change
  • Rote memorization
  • Information overload
  • Surface learning, no critical thinking
  • Little value added to their knowledge and
  • Dull lacks motivation
  • Lifelong learning skills development

Research Method
  • Case
  • Context
  • Research Question
  • How online activities have impacted students
  • Data
  • 150 students, 5 semesters, 300 Qualitative rich
  • Students were asked to discuss openly the things
    they liked and disliked about their online
  • Framework of analysis
  • The Taxonomy of Significant Learning proposed
    by Dee Fink (2003)

Finks Taxonomy of Significant Learning
  • Aimed at higher education, to expresses the need
    for learning that impact the lives of adult
  • No change, no learning

4. Findings and Discussions
  • Students description of the online learning
  • interesting, enjoyable, rich, motivates,
    interactive, easy way to learn, relevant
    to our lives, great experience, no stress,
    creative, active and beneficial

1. Foundational Knowledge
  • Related to content acquisition, key
    understandings and remembering of various topics
    including terminologies, concepts, theories ideas
    or perspectives.
  • The best thing in this forum is that it allows
    others to comment on your post, the more opinions
    we get, the better understanding we gain. In
    addition, this helps other students on getting
    more knowledge when they read and answer each
    others' posts
  • Indicators
  • Depth, more understanding, more knowledge, new
    knowledge, remember, learn more, stored in my
    mind, variety of information, deep understanding,
    gain experience and knowledge
  • Student had the opportunity to understand topics
    in depth and gain diversified knowledge in a new
    different way and their own language. students
    were active in searching, reading and writing,
    which had impacted the retention and memory
    recall of information.

2. Application
  • Related to students gaining certain skills to
    allow for engagement in critical or creative
    thinking or practical development of ideas or
    artifacts, or managing projects. This kind of
    learning allows the other types of learning to
    become useful e.g. using foundational knowledge
    to think critically about other issues.
  • Critical thinking
  • Observing and learning from diversity
  • can see other students assignments and make
    comparison and learn from others experience
  • Broadening horizon of thinking
  • extending the boundary of thinking, by trying to
    predict the possible outcomes or problems
  • Improving thinking ways
  • it was an experience that enriched my ability
    to think correctly on how to comprehend the
    different raised topics for the subject

2. Application (Cont.)
  • Skills
  • Confidence and freedom of expression
  • gave me the opportunity to express myself freely
    and without any barriers. I had more self
    confidence to introduce any topic that I find
    useful for students
  • Care and accuracy
  • because I feel that I am going to prepare a
    document not only for me but it is mainly for
    others, because every thing should be accurate
    and revised thoroughly
  • Searching, reading, writing, and using technology
  • It helped me in writing in English gain more
    benefits from reading the other students
    blogsit made me search for answers whether from
    other books or from the internetOnline learning
    activity helped me improving my skills through
    writing intensively... in addition of the
    experience of using the internetit increased my
    computer knowledge
  • Students gained lifelong learning skills such
    critical thinking, communications, and technology
    use and gave them a sense of significant learning

3. Integration
  • Relating fragments of knowledge to build a
    holistic understanding or the ability to connect
    to other people or to integrate knowledge between
    different contexts and this provides the learner
    with intellectual power.
  • the website, glossary, blogs, discussion board,
    helps to bring everything togethermaking
    connection between the book theory with the
    practice side
  • Indicators
  • Linking, relation, harness, designing and
    building, tie ideas together
  • The complementary activities assisted students to
    see knowledge holistically. Students were
    relating various fragment of knowledge and were
    also integrating knowledge into their working

4. Human Dimensions (self, others)
  • To know something of value about themselves or
    others, such as self image or what they want to
    become. Sometimes students acquire a better
    understanding of others how and why others act
    the way they do, or how the learner can interact
    more effectively with others.
  • It gave the opportunity to know how the other
    think, which I have to respect and give value. It
    is a mean of learning to hear to each other and
    communicate how to deal with my self and how to
    see my self while I am in such situation which
    give a great sense ( a feeling of
    responsibility)working as one team and to accept
    the opinions of others
  • The dynamics of the environment allowed students
    to interact more effectively and purposefully
    with themselves and with others, basically they
    were learning about the Human dimension of life.

5. Caring
  • Related to the change of feelings, behaviors,
    interests and values. This change motivates
    students and provides them with energy to learn
    about the subject in a lasting way deeper and
    more meaningful
  • I like the feeling that the student is attached
    to the subject throughout the whole week and not
    just during the lecture hours I like the way we
    take the lecture cause we have to participate and
    share opinions and thoughts which makes us
    somehow active Many years later I will remember
    all about this subject the quick response from
    the site administrator and his wide interest and
    respect to his student which encouraged everybody
    to speak and write without fear
  • Indicators
  • Active, enthusiastic, stronger connection,
    motivated, connect with course, had developed a
    love for seeking knowledge
  • Student have cared for the course and its active
    method of teaching which had positively motivated
    their learning and skills development.

6. Learning How to Learn
  • Gain understandings about the process of learning
    and to give the leaner sustainability in
    continuing learning for life with greater
  • This experience has benefited me by changing my
    way of studying, which used to rely on
    memorization and than comprehension followed by
    application some of the understandings in my
    work, after this experience, became capable to
    abstract and how to utilize many of the knowledge
    and understanding in my working live
  • Indicators
  • construct appropriate new knowledge, taught me
    how to learn, develop another approach of
    thinking, learning from each others
  • Students had acquired skills to learn better, how
    to construct new knowledge and how to learn from
    each other by collaborating.

  • The method of learning the subject was
    effective, it allowed collaboration, thinking and
    actions to collect information related to the
    subject, so in general it is a good way to learn
    and at the same time enjoyable, but requires
    extra time and effort for the student Student

Value of Blending with Online Activities
  • Fosters active learning
  • Encourages skills building critical thinking,
    reading, writing, searching, collaborating, self
    development, and technology use
  • Builds holistic view of the subjects
  • Motivates quality work, because work is visible
  • Retention of knowledge is improved
  • Less effort required prior to exams

  • The environment promotes active, self directed
    learning opportunities in a flexible approach
    that can produce significant learning.
  • Use of online activities should be encouraged at
    local educational institutions as a way to
    strengthen the face-to-face learning environment
    and in order to equip students with lasting
    lifelong learning skills.
  • The use of Finks Taxonomy of Significant
    Learning had provided a good framework for
    understanding students statements and to answer
    the research question How online activities
    have impacted students learning?

  • Thank you
  • Questions comments
  • Salam Abdallah, PhD
  • Assistant Professor of MIS
  • Abu Dhabi University, UAE
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