Title: Preparing the Warfighter
1Preparing the Warfighter Matching Capability to
Opening Remarks and Introductions Jeff Brunner,
Co-Chairman Symposium Committee
Keynote Speaker Terrorism is a 30 Year War,
Admiral Michael G. Mullen, Chief of Naval
Operations (invited)
Discussion Panel Requirements in an Asymmetric
World, VADM Hank Giffin, USN (Ret)
Force Training NPDC
Force Acquisition ASN RDA
Force Delivery CFFC
Force Future USJFCOM
Force Protection USCGLANT
Luncheon Speaker Supporting the Warrior is Still
the Goal, Mark Lumer, Principal Assistant
Responsible for Contracting, U.S. Army Space and
Missile Defense Command
Cracker Barrel 1
Making the ILE Work
Seaport Enhanced
Information Dominance
Sea Basing (Sea Shield)
HS as Risk Management
Critical Security Capabilities
Cracker Barrel 2
State of the RIT
The New COTR
ForceNet Continued
Asymmetrical Warfare
Allied Command Transformation
Maritime Domain Awareness
Cracker Barrel 3
Sea Warrior
Budgets Affect Everything
ASW Renewed
Joint Projection Of Power
Building Partnerships
Navy Network Oversight
Closing Remarks and Reception Dennis Garcia,
Co-Chairman Symposium Committee