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Intelligent Design : Philosophy of Science Issues Wesley R. Elsberry Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences Texas A&M University Did you hear about the Aggie professor – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Intelligent Design Philosophy of Science Issues
  • Wesley R. Elsberry
  • Wildlife Fisheries Sciences
  • Texas AM University

Did you hear about the Aggie professor?
Problems With Intelligent Design Arguments
  • Use of marker of intelligent agency approach is
    invalid in principle (Irreducible Complexity
    Specified Complexity)
  • Mistaking criticism of Darwinian theories for a
    positive case for Intelligent Design
  • Making unsubstantiated or overblown claims
  • False claims of scientific status
  • Poor track record of following scientific
    practice in pursuing Intelligent Design arguments

Dembskis Explanatory Filter Design Inference
  • Explanatory Filter Supposed to capture the
    essential features of how humans already make
    design inferences
  • Design Inference Supposed to make the argument
    of the Explanatory Filter rigorous
  • Argument by elimination of alternatives
  • Design is a residue
  • Going from design to agency is based upon

Criticism of Dembskis EF/DI Invalidity
  • In spite of limited publication venue of EF/DI,
    it has attracted significant criticism
  • Several critics contend that Dembskis basic
    arguments are invalid
  • Fitelson Sober, 1999
  • Ellery Eells, 1999
  • Massimo Pigliucci, 1999
  • Eli Chiprout, 1999
  • Richard Wein

Criticism of EF/DI Improper Procedures
  • The methods deployed in Dembskis EF/DI have come
    under criticism
  • Elsberry, 1999
  • Wilkins Elsberry, (in press)
  • Ivar Ylvisakar

Criticism of EF/DI Interpretation
  • Some critics contend that even if basic EF/DI is
    a valid argument, that certain interpretations
    made do not follow
  • Elsberry, 1999
  • Wilkins Elsberry, (in press)

Criticism of EF/DI Theology
  • Criticism of Dembskis EF/DI on theological
  • Howard Van Till
  • Edward Oakes
  • Nancey Murphy

Criticism of EF/DI Methodology
  • Bill Jefferys point that DI is not predictive
  • Proper practice of natural science
  • Show the work before making public claims
  • No significant empirical testing of EF or DI
  • Is DI even subject to empirical test? (Dembski
  • Dembski has thus far only proposed a
    verificationist program
  • Historical review (regression testing)
  • Does DI put fairies in the fairy rings?
  • Look where the evidence is, not where it isnt
  • Examine Krebs citric acid cycle, mammalian
    middle ear, etc.

The Ordinary the Extraordinary
  • Humans certain animals executing plans to a
    purpose are within our empirical experience, and
    hence are ordinary
  • Action of God is not within the same scope of
    empirical experience, hence extraordinary
  • This cell made by YHWHä example
  • Naturalizes God, result is a God who is not very
    Godly Pennock

Design Inferences The Ordinary the Rarefied
  • Inference to Ordinary Design a class of causal
    regularity warranted in cases of known agency
  • Inference to Rarefied Design a class of
    causation based solely upon characters of
    artifacts examined
  • The color Red as an invalid marker of Rarefied
  • CSI as a(n invalid) marker of Rarefied Design
  • Mnemonics
  • Ordinary Design, DAWKINS Design As We Know It,
    Not Supernatural
  • Rarefied Design, DEMBSKI Design (Exclusively
    Maintained By Scanty Knowledge) Inference

Acronyms due to John Wilkins
The Pitfalls of Inferring Intelligent Agency
  • The question is not really over design
  • The point of the ID movement is to infer
    intelligent agency (IA) as a cause for
    biological examples
  • Design has simply been a means to this end
  • Replacement of artifact with event
  • What does an inference to intelligent agency
    require of us?

Finding the Action of an Intelligent Agent
  • Desired class of events
  • Intelligent Agency (IA)
  • Sufficient grounds We observe the agent produce
    the artifact
  • Epistemological warrant often occurs via multiple
    independent lines of evidence which imply
    existence and/or establish the identity of the
    agent causing the artifact
  • Artifacts classed in IA because of evaluation of
    all the relevant evidence consideration of the
    plausibility of agent causation
  • Are we limited to ordinary design in assigning
    an artifact to IA? I argue Yes.

Are we limited to ordinary design in assigning
an artifact to IA?
  • Consider an IA inference by looking at sets via
    Venn diagrams
  • Set view shows problems in the generalized
    logical argument
  • Instances of artifacts with attribute X are in IA
  • No instances of artifacts with attribute X are
    not in IA
  • Thus, attribute X is a reliable marker that an
    artifact is in IA
  • Call such classes Marker of Intelligent AgencyX

The ID Treasure Map The Search for a Reliable
Marker of Intelligent Agency
  • Argument from design advocates have searched
    exhaustively for their own treasure map
  • No map so far has gotten them to a reliable means
    of inferring rarefied design
  • Specified Complexity marks the spot
  • Latest treasure map features statistics
  • Same old conceptual problems remain

  • Claim by Dembski that his EF/DI makes no false
    positive attributions
  • Ignores a priori biases in application
  • Ignores reliance upon current ignorance
  • No test procedure yet given by an ID advocate
  • Claim by Dembski that his EF/DI finds design in
    biological systems
  • Where are the calculations?
  • No fulfillment of requests for the work

Marker of Intelligent Agency An Invalid Approach
to Infer IA
  • Marker of Intelligent AgencyX (MIAX) is then
    taken to imply IA without reference to
    plausibility of the designing agent or other
    evidence of an event
  • Inductive basis of argument provides no warrant
    for claims of reliability of any MIAX approach,
    whatever X instantiates
  • MIAX is an attempt to conclude IA on the cheap

MIAX is an Appeal to Current Ignorance
  • Consider red color as a possible marker of
    intelligent agency
  • Small enough experience favors view that MIARED
    is a proper subset of IA, and thus warrants
    inferring that event E in MIARED -gt IA
  • Examples Red flashlight, fire truck, toolbox,
    fire hydrant

Intelligent Agency
Induction Means That MIAX Is Inherently
  • View that MIARED is a proper subset is based
  • Testing status are done by reference to empirical
  • Logic is insufficient to establish warrant for
    use of MIARED
  • Asymmetry can establish that MIARED is not a
    proper subset, but cannot establish that it is a
    proper subset

This -gt

Or this -gt
Dembski Markers
  • In The Design Inference (Cambridge, 1998) I
    argue that specified complexity is a reliable
    empirical marker of intelligent design.
  • Thus a likelihood analysis that pits competing
    design and chance hypotheses against each other
    must itself presuppose the legitimacy of
    specified complexity as a reliable empirical
    marker of intelligence. WA Dembski, Another
    Way to Detect Design?

MIASC Is an Unreliable Basis Upon Which to Infer
  • MIASC fares no better than any other MIAX
  • Quantitative difference, not qualitative

gt50 bits
gt100 bits
Intelligent Agency
gt250 bits
MIASC gt500 bits
MIAIC Is an Unreliable Basis Upon Which to Infer
  • Michael Behes irreducible complexity (IC) is
    yet another case of MIAX, has the same
  • Examining MIAIC
  • Given a mousetrap knowledge of mousetrap
    makers, make ordinary design inference to IA (IC
    attribute is superfluous)
  • Given a defective mousetrap knowledge of
    fallible mousetrap makers, make ordinary design
    inference to IA (non-IC does not interfere with
    ordinary DI)
  • Given sealed box labeled, Contains IC widget,
    have no warrant to make either an ordinary or a
    rarefied design inference to IA (IC attribute is
    uninformative regarding IA) Behes black box

  • Popperian concept of falsifiability
  • What is falsifiability?
  • Theory X implies class of observation Y
  • If there exists y in Y such that y, then X
  • Need to state theory as a specific proposition
  • For example, Flight is not specific enough, but
    All birds fly is a falsifiable proposition
  • Finding a flightless bird falsifies the
  • A basic statement which contradicts the theory
    is a falsifier
  • Nothing in there about somebody elses idea

Dembski Falsifiability
  • Dembskis claim that Darwinian explanation of
    bacterial flagellum would falsify specified
    complexity as a marker of intelligent agency
    (2001/04/25) reveals confusion
  • No entailment, and thus no consequences for SC
  • Can simply say, OK, what about this other
  • Not really falsification

Behe Falsifiability
  • Claim that IC as a marker of intelligent agency
    would be falsified by a Darwinian explanation of
    a bacterial flagellum
  • Same problem no statement of a specific
    proposition implied class of required
  • Same confusion the validity of another
    proposition in no way constitutes a falsification
    of the proposition being tested

The Excluded Muddle
  • EF/DI as an argument by elimination has practical
    as well as philosophical problems
  • Relies upon current ignorance (like all marker
    of intelligent agency approaches)
  • Relies upon completeness of generation of
    alternative hypotheses (regularity or chance)
  • Relies upon accurate assessment of plausibility
    of causation by regularity or chance hypotheses
  • Begging the question by broaching hypothesis, but
    not correctly assessing its ability to cause the
  • EF/DI is a conduit for a priori biases

Real Design Inferences Are Ordinary Design
  • Properties of warranted design inferences
  • Use design as an independent category, not a
    residue of elimination
  • Evaluate plausibility of agent causation
  • Compare evidence plausibility with respect to
    various causal hypotheses
  • Allow uncertainty to lead to categorization in
    dont know yet/get more data bin
  • World is open, not closed

Real Design Inferences are Ordinary Design
  • Where the Rubber Meets the Road
  • Dembskis examples of existing DIs are examples
    of Inference to Ordinary Design
  • Includes SETI, Made By YHWHä examples
  • Dembskis real-world examples include the
    properties of warranted design inferences use
    of ordinary design inferences (last slide)
  • Dembski extrapolates ordinary design inferences
    to rarefied design inferences
  • Not warranted

Summary (1)
  • Inductive arguments from a marker of intelligent
    agency give no warrant for either ordinary or
    rarefied design inferences
  • Ordinary design inferences remain our only
    reliable approach to inferring intelligent agency
  • Critics have argued variously against Dembski's
    underlying logic, his procedures, and his
    interpretations of results

Summary (2)
  • Dembski has consistently failed to properly
    subject his ideas to effective empirical test
  • Dembski has put little effort into explicating DI
    methodology in the peer-reviewed scientific
  • Dembski has failed to fulfill requests from his
    colleagues for data and work underlying
    publicly-made assertions
  • Dembskis implication that his EF/DI is something
    that re-invents the basis of doing science is hype

The End
Dembski the Genome
  • Features of genome due to de-evolution (U.
    Georgia lecture, 2001)
  • TDI says that the specificity of information can
    imply plagiary
  • Why is the specific information of dead viruses,
    parts of bacterial genes, and transposable
    elements not evidence of copying?

Dembski ID Activism
  • Though design theorists believe Darwinism is
    dead wrong, unlike the creationist movement of
    the 1980's, they do not try to win a place for
    their views by taking to the courts. Instead of
    pressing their case by lobbying for fair
    treatment acts in state legislatures (i.e., acts
    that oblige public schools in a given state to
    teach both creation and evolution in their
    science curricula), design theorists are much
    more concerned with bringing about an
    intellectual revolution starting from the top
    down. Their method is debate and persuasion. They
    aim to convince the intellectual elite and let
    the school curricula take care of themselves. By
    adopting this approach design theorists have
    enjoyed far more success in getting across their
    views than their creationist counterparts. WA
    Dembski, What every theologian should know about
    creation, evolution and design

Dembski on Criticism
  • "I would go further than that and say that I
    value objective peer review. I always learn more
    from my critics than from the people who think
    I'm wonderful."
  • - William A. Dembski as quoted by Fred Heeren

Dembski on Visceral Responses
  • "If we're generating such strong, visceral
    responses, we must be doing something right."
  • William Dembski as quoted by Lynn Vincent
  • Does this imply that when critics evoke a strong,
    visceral response from Dembski, that they too are
    doing something right?

Who is Wesley R. Elsberry? (1)
  • Wesleys allocation of scholarly effort
  • Lets look at the publications participation
    from the time of the NTSE conference
  • () Enterprising science needs naturalism, 1997
  • () Optimality book, co-editor, INNS series, 1997
  • () First audiogram of a marine mammal at depth,
    JASA, 1997
  • () TTS in delphinoids, JASA, 1997
  • () U.S. Navy technical report 1751 on TTS, 1997
  • () Letter responding to TTS comments, JASA, 1998
  • () Dolphin dorsal fin morphology poster, 1998

Who is Wesley R. Elsberry? (2)
  • Wesleys allocation of scholarly effort
  • More publications and participation
  • () Simultaneous digital data of physiological
    acoustic signals during dolphin biosonar, poster,
  • (-) Review of TDI by William A. Dembski, 1999
  • () Review of Tower of Babel by Robert Pennock,
  • () Dissertation research (intranarial pressure
    and biosonar click production in bottlenose
    dolphins), 1999-present
  • () Multiple sound sources in the bottlenose
    dolphin, JASA, 2000
  • () Deep Hear paper, J. Exp. Biol., in press
  • (-) Wilkins Elsberry, Biol. Phil., in press

Who is Wesley R. Elsberry? (3)
  • Wesleys allocation of scholarly effort
  • Other activities
  • (-) Dembski commentary on the Internet
    (talk.origins, web page, other fora)
  • () Non-Dembski EvC discussion on the Internet

Dembski Markers (1)
  • When SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial
    Intelligence) researchers attempt to discover
    intelligence in the extra-terrestrial radio
    transmissions they are monitoring, they assume an
    extra-terrestrial intelligence could have chosen
    any number of possible radio transmissions, and
    then attempt to match the transmissions they
    observe with certain patterns as opposed to
    others (patterns that presumably are markers of
    intelligence). WA Dembski, Intelligent Design
    as a Theory of Information

MIACSI Is an Unreliable Basis Upon Which to
Infer IA
  • MIACSI fares no better than any other MIAX
  • Proper subset?
  • Examples known
  • from IA are expected
  • this does not
  • validate inference to
  • IA

MIACSI gt500 bits
MIACSI Is an Unreliable Basis Upon Which to
Infer IA
  • MIACSI fares no better than any other MIAX
  • Assertion that no example is outside IA
  • Current ignorance


MIACSI gt500 bits
MIACSI Is an Unreliable Basis Upon Which to
Infer IA
  • MIACSI fares no better than any other MIAX
  • What about local small probability bounds?

gt50 bits
gt100 bits
gt250 bits
MIACSI gt500 bits
History Arguments To From Design
  • Paleys watch and watchmaker
  • The artifact implies an artificer
  • Paley and criticism
  • The Pre-criticism of Hume
  • The insufficiency of analogy as a warrant
  • Darwin alternative explanation
  • The sufficiency of natural causation to explain
  • Dawkins and the Blind Watchmaker

More on Paley
  • A Sober Re-evaluation of Paley
  • Elliott Sobers classification of Paleys
    argument as abduction
  • Paley Redux The Intelligent Design Movement
  • The rehabilitation of natural theology?

Dusting for Fingerprints
  • Forensics fingerprints
  • Trace evidence implies existence of an agent
  • Trace evidence can identify the agent
  • This trace evidence is in the form of physical
  • The search for Gods fingerprints
  • A popular theological pastime
  • 100 failure rate so far
  • Track record commends modesty in claimants

Why Do We Find Mans Fingerprints Not Gods?
  • We know the features actions of our fellow
    humans by our sense experience intersubjective
  • God has not yet deigned to be examined under the
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